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File metadata and controls

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A PHP library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web services.


The recommended way to install Hateoas is through Composer. Require the willdurand/hateoas package into your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "willdurand/hateoas": "2.0.*@dev"

Otherwise, install the library and setup the autoloader yourself.


Important: For those who use the 1.0 version, you can jump to this documentation page as the following documentation has been written for Hateoas 2.0 and above.


Hateoas leverages the Serializer library to provide a nice way to build HATEOAS REST web services. HATEOAS stands for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State, and basically adds hypermedia links to your representations (ie. your API responses). HATEOAS is about the discoverability of actions on a resource.

For instance, let's say you have a User API which returns a representation of a single user as follow:

    "user": {
        "id": 123,
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe"

In order to tell your API consumers how to retrieve the data for this specific user, you have to add your very first link to this representation, let's call it self as it is the URI for this particular user:

    "user": {
        "id": 123,
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "_links": {
            "self": { "href": "" }

Let's dig into Hateoas now.

Configuring Links

In Hateoas terminology, links are seen as relations added to resources. It is worth mentionning that relations also refer to embedded resources too, but this topic will be covered in the Embedding Resources section.

A link is a relation which is identified by a name and that owns a href link:

use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer;
use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;

 * @Serializer\XmlRoot("user")
 * @Hateoas\Relation("self", href = "expr('/api/users/' ~ object.getId())")
class User
    /** @Serializer\XmlAttribute */
    private $id;
    private $firstName;
    private $lastName;

    public function getId() {}

In the example above, we configure a self relation that is a link because of the href parameter. Its value, which may look weird at first glance, will be extensively covered in The Expression Language section.

In this section, annotations are used to configure Hateoas. However, XML and YAML formats are also supported. If you wish, you can use plain PHP too.

Important: you must configure both Serializer and Hateoas the same way. E.g. if you use YAML for configuring Serializer, use YAML for configuring Hateoas.

The easiest way to give Hateoas a try is to use the HateoasBuilder. This builder has numerous methods to configure the Hateoas serializer, but we won't dig into it right now (see The HateoasBuilder). Everything works fine out of the box:

use Hateoas\HateoasBuilder;

$hateoas = HateoasBuilder::create()->build();

$user = new User(42, 'Adrien', 'Brault');
$json = $hateoas->serialize($user, 'json');
$xml  = $hateoas->serialize($user, 'xml');

The $hateoas object is an instance of JMS\Serializer\SerializerInterface, part of the Serializer library. Hateoas does not come with its own serializer, it simply hooks into the JMS Serializer one.

Hateoas uses the Hypertext Application Language (HAL) for JSON serialization:

    "id": 42,
    "first_name": "Adrien",
    "last_name": "Brault",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/api/users/42"

And, Atom links are used for XML serialization:

<user id="42">
    <link rel="self" href="/api/users/42"/>

Now that you know how to add links, let's see how to add embedded resources.

Embedding Resources

Sometimes, it's more efficient to embed related resources rather than link to them, as it prevents clients from having to make extra round trips.

An embedded resource is a named relation that contains data, represented by the embed parameter.

use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer;
use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;

 * ...
 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     "manager",
 *     href = "expr('/api/users/' ~ object.getManager().getId())",
 *     embed = "expr(object.getManager())",
 *     exclusion = @Hateoas\Exclusion(excludeIf = "expr(object.getManager() === null)")
 * )
class User

    /** @Serializer\Exclude */
    private $manager;

Note: You will need to exclude the manager property from the serialization, otherwise both the serializer and Hateoas will serialize it. You will also have to exclude the manager relation when the manager is null, because otherwise an error will occur when creating the href link (calling getId() on null).

$hateoas = HateoasBuilder::create()->build();

$user = new User(42, 'Adrien', 'Brault', new User(23, 'Will', 'Durand'));
$json = $hateoas->serialize($user, 'json');
$xml  = $hateoas->serialize($user, 'xml');

Serializing embed relations are also HAL compliant:

    "id": 42,
    "first_name": "Adrien",
    "last_name": "Brault",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/api/users/42"
        "manager": {
            "href": "/api/users/23"
    "_embedded": {
        "manager": {
            "id": 23,
            "first_name": "Will",
            "last_name": "Durand",
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "/api/users/23"

In XML, serializing embed relations will create new elements:

<user id="42">
    <link rel="self" href="/api/users/42"/>
    <link rel="manager" href="/api/users/23"/>
    <manager rel="manager" id="23">
        <link rel="self" href="/api/users/23"/>

URL Generators

Since you can use the Expression Language to define the relations links (href key), you can do a lot by default. However if you are using a framework, chances are that you will want to use routes to build links.

You will first need to configure an UrlGenerator on the builder. You can either implement the Hateoas\UrlGenerator\UrlGeneratorInterface, or use the Hateoas\UrlGenerator\CallableUrlGenerator:

use Hateoas\UrlGenerator\CallableUrlGenerator;

$hateoas = HateoasBuilder::create()
        null, // By default all links uses the generator configured with the null name
        new CallableUrlGenerator(function ($route, array $parameters, $absolute) use ($myFramework) {
            return $myFramework->generateTheUrl($route, $parameters, $absolute);

You will then be able to use the @Route annotation:

use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *      "self",
 *      href = @Hateoas\Route(
 *          "user_get",
 *          parameters = {
 *              "id" = "expr(object.getId())"
 *          }
 *      )
 * )
class User
    "id": 42,
    "first_name": "Adrien",
    "last_name": "Brault",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/api/users/42"

Note that the library comes with a SymfonyUrlGenerator. For example to use it in Silex:

use Hateoas\UrlGenerator\SymfonyUrlGenerator;

$hateoas = HateoasBuilder::create()
    ->setUrlGenerator(null, new SymfonyUrlGenerator($app['url_generator']))

Dealing With Collections

The library provides the several classes in the Hateoas\Representation\* namespace to help you with common tasks. These are simple classes configured with the library's annotations.

The PaginatedCollection and Collection classes are probably the most interesting ones:

use Hateoas\Representation\PaginatedCollection;
use Hateoas\Representation\Collection;

$paginatedCollection = new PaginatedCollection(
    new Collection(
        array($user1, $user2, ...),
        'users', // embed rel
        'users' // xml element name
    'user_list', // route
    array(), // route parameters
    1, // page
    20, // limit
    4, // total pages
    'page', // page route parameter name, optional, defaults to 'page'
    'limit' // limit route parameter name, optional, defaults to 'limit'

$json = $hateoas->serialize($paginatedCollection, 'json');
$xml  = $hateoas->serialize($paginatedCollection, 'xml');

The Collection class allows you to dynamically configure the collection resources rel, and the xml root element name. PaginatedCollection is configured to add self, first, and when possible last, next, previous links.

We also provide a PagerfantaFactory to easily build PaginatedCollection from a Pagerfanta instance:

use Hateoas\Representation\Factory\PagerfantaFactory;

$pagerfantaFactory = new PagerfantaFactory(); // you can pass the page and limit parameters name
$paginatedCollection = $pagerfantaFactory->create(
    array() // route parameters
$json = $hateoas->serialize($paginatedCollection, 'json');
$xml  = $hateoas->serialize($paginatedCollection, 'xml');

The Expression Language

Hateoas relies on the powerful Symfony ExpressionLanguage component to retrieve values such as links, ids or objects to embed.

Basically, each time you can fill in a value, you can either pass an hardcoded value or an expression. In order to use the Expression Language, you have to use the expr() notation:

 * @Hateoas\Relation("self", href = "expr('/api/users/' ~ object.getId())")

You can learn more about the Expression Syntax by reading the official documentation: The Expression Syntax.


Natively, a special variable named object is available in each expression, and represents the current object:


We call such a variable a context variable.

You can add your own context variables to the Expression Language context by adding them to the ExpressionEvaluator. For instance, the BazingaHateoasBundle adds the request and the container to the context: BazingaHateoasBundle's configuration.

You would be able to write the following expressions:

expr(request.method !== 'GET')

Adding Your Own Context Variables

Using the HateoasBuilder, call the setExpressionContextVariable() method to add new context variables:

use Hateoas\HateoasBuilder;

$hateoas = HateoasBuilder::create()
    ->setExpressionContextVariable('foo', new Foo())

The foo variable is now available:

expr(foo !== null)

The HateoasBuilder

The HateoasBuilder class is used to easily configure Hateoas thanks to a powerful and fluent API.

use Hateoas\HateoasBuilder;

$hateoas = HateoasBuilder::create()

All the methods below return the current builder, so that you can chain them.

XML Serializer

  • setXmlSerializer(XmlSerializerInterface $xmlSerializer): sets the XML serializer to use. Default is: XmlSerializer;
  • setDefaultXmlSerializer(): sets the default XML serializer (XmlSerializer).

JSON Serializer

  • setJsonSerializer(JsonSerializerInterface $jsonSerializer): sets the JSON serializer to use. Default is: JsonHalSerializer;
  • setDefaultJsonSerializer(): sets the default JSON serializer (JsonHalSerializer).

URL Generator

  • setUrlGenerator($name = null, UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator): adds a new named URL generator. If $name is null, the URL generator will be the default one.

Expression Evaluator/Expression Language

  • setExpressionContextVariable($name, $value): adds a new expression context variable;
  • setExpressionLanguage(ExpressionLanguage $expressionLanguage).

Relation Provider

  • addRelationProviderResolver(RelationProviderResolverInterface $resolver): adds a new relation provider resolver.

(JMS) Serializer Specific

  • includeInterfaceMetadata($include): whether to include the metadata from the interfaces;
  • setMetadataDirs(array $namespacePrefixToDirMap): sets a map of namespace prefixes to directories. This method overrides any previously defined directories;
  • addMetadataDir($dir, $namespacePrefix = ''): adds a directory where the serializer will look for class metadata;
  • addMetadataDirs(array $namespacePrefixToDirMap): adds a map of namespace prefixes to directories;
  • replaceMetadataDir($dir, $namespacePrefix = ''): similar to addMetadataDir(), but overrides an existing entry.

Please read the official Serializer documentation for more details.


  • setDebug($debug): enables or disables the debug mode;
  • setCacheDir($dir): sets the cache directory.


Hateoas provides a set of helpers to ease the process of building APIs.


The LinkHelper class provides a getLinkHref($object, $rel, $absolute = false) method that allows you to get the href value of any object, for any given relation name. Basically, it is able to generate an URI (either absolute or relative) from any link relation:

$user = new User(123, 'William', 'Durand');

$linkHelper->getLinkHref($user, 'self');
// /api/users/123

$linkHelper->getLinkHref($user, 'self', true);
The link Function

The feature above is also available in your expressions (cf. The Expression Language) through the link(object, rel, absolute) function:

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     "self",
 *     href = @Hateoas\Route("post_get", parameters = {"id" = "expr(object.getId())"})
 * )
class Post {}

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     "self",
 *     href = @Hateoas\Route("user_get", parameters = {"id" = "expr(object.getId())"})
 * )
 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     "post",
 *     href = "expr(link(object.getPost(), 'self', true))"
 * )
 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     "relative",
 *     href = "expr(link(object.getRelativePost(), 'self'))"
 * )
class User

    public function getPost()
        return new Post(456);

    public function getRelativePost()
        return new Post(789);

Pay attention to the href expressions for the post and relative relations, as well as their corresponding values in the following JSON content:

    "user": {
        "id": 123,
        "first_name": "William",
        "last_name": "Durand",
        "_links": {
            "self": { "href": "" },
            "post": { "href": "" },
            "relative": { "href": "/api/posts/789" }

It is worth mentionning that you can force whether you want an absolute or relative URI by using the third argument in both the getLinkHref() method and the link function.

Important: by default, all URIs will be relative, even those which are defined as absolute in their configuration.

$linkHelper->getLinkHref($user, 'post');
// /api/posts/456

$linkHelper->getLinkHref($user, 'post', true);

$linkHelper->getLinkHref($user, 'relative');
// /api/posts/789

$linkHelper->getLinkHref($user, 'relative', true);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<class name="Acme\Demo\Representation\User" h:providers="Class::getRelations, getRelations" xmlns:h="">
        <h:relation rel="self">
            <h:href uri="" />
        <h:relation rel="expr(object.getFriendsDynamicRel())">
            <h:href router="user_friends" generator="my_custom_generator">
                <h:parameter name="id" value="expr(object.getId())" />
                <h:parameter name="page" value="1" />
            <h:embed xml-element-name="users">
                <h:exclusion ... />
            <h:exclusion groups="Default, user_full" since-version="1.0" until-version="2.2" exclude-if="expr(object.getFriends() === null)" />

See the hateoas.xsd file for more details.


        -   rel: self
        -   rel: expr(object.getFriendsDynamicRel())
                route: user_friends
                    id: expr(object.getId())
                    page: 1
                generator: my_custom_generator
                content: expr(object.getFriends())
                xmlElementName: users
                exclusion: ...
                groups: [Default, user_full]
                since_version: 1.0
                until_version: 2.2
                exclude_if: expr(object.getFriends() === null)

    relation_providers: [ 'Class::getRelations', 'getRelations' ]



This annotation can be defined on a class.

use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     name = "self",
 *     href = "http://hello",
 *     embed = "expr(object.getHello())",
 *     attributes = { "foo" = "bar" },
 *     exclusion = ...,
 * )
Property Required Content Expression language
name Yes string Yes
href If embed is not set string / @Route Yes
embed If href is not set string / @Embed Yes
attributes No array Yes on key and values
exclusion No @Exclusion N/A


use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     name = "self",
 *     href = @Hateoas\Route(
 *         "user_get",
 *         parameters = { "id" = "expr(object.getId())" },
 *         absolute = true,
 *         generator = "my_custom_generator"
 *     )
 * )

This annotation can be defined in the href property of the @Relation annotation.

Property Required Content Expression language
name Yes string Yes
parameters Defaults to array() array / string Yes (string + array key/values)
absolute Defaults to false boolean No
generator No string / null No


use Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation as Hateoas;

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     name = "friends",
 *     embed = @Hateoas\Embed(
 *         "expr(object.getFriends())",
 *         exclusion = ...,
 *         xmlElementName = "users"
 *     )
 * )

This annotation can be defined in the embed property of the @Relation annotation.

Property Required Content Expression language
content Yes string / array Yes (string)
exclusion Defaults to array() @Exclusion N/A
xmlElementName Defaults to array() string Yes


This annotation can be defined in the exclusion property of both the @Relation and @Embed annotations.

Property Required Content Expression language
groups No array No
sinceVersion No float / integer No
untilVersion No float / integer No
maxDepth No integer No
excludeIf No string / boolean Yes

All values exception excludeIf as if it was defined on regular properties with the serializer.

excludeIf expects a boolean; and is helpful when an other expression would fail under some circumstances:

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     "manager",
 *     href = @Hateoas\Route(
 *         "user_get",
 *         parameters = { "id" = "expr(object.getManager().getId())" }
 *     )
 *     exclusion = @Hateoas\Exclusion(excludeIf = "expr(null === object.getManager())")
 * )
class User
    public function getId() {}

     * @return User|null
    public function getManager() {}


This annotation can be defined on a class.

Property Required Content Expression language
name Yes string No

The can be:

  • A method: addRelations
  • A static method: Class::addRelations
  • A Symfony2 service method: acme_foo.service:addRelations
use Hateoas\Configuration\Metadata\ClassMetadataInterface;
use Hateoas\Configuration as Hateoas;

class MyRelationProvider
    public function addRelations($object, ClassMetadataInterface $classMetadata)
        // You need to return the relations
        // Adding the relations to the $classMetadata won't work
        return array(
            new Hateoas\Relation(
                new Hateoas\Route(
                    array('id' => 'expr(object.getId())')


This section refers to the Hateoas internals, providing documentation about hidden parts of this library, not always relevant for end users, but interesting for developers or people interested in learning how things work under the hood.

Expression Functions

Expression Functions are custom functions used to extend the Expression Language as explained in chapter Extending the ExpressionLanguage, part of the Symfony documentation.

By now, Hateoas does not let users add their own custom functions. Only core functions are registered, such as the LinkExpressionFunction described in LinkHelper - The link Function.

The ExpressionFunctionInterface is designed to represent an expression function. Adding a new expression function is a matter of implementing this interface and registering it into the ExpressionEvaluator through the registerFunction() method.



Running the Tests

Install the Composer dev dependencies:

php composer.phar install --dev

Then, run the test suite using PHPUnit:



Hateoas is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.