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Zero dependency JavaScript library for performing fommon vector calculations. The library can handle 2D/3D vectors.

[!NOTE] The library was originally written back in 2018, but has since been re-written to make use of an ES6 class instead of separate functions. The original functions from v1.0.1 have been included in the re-write to maintain backward compatibility, but they will be deprecated in a future release.

Getting started

The package is very simple to use and ll vector operations are done using the Vector class, which will be detailed here.


npm i vector-math


The packace provides the following vector properties and operations:

  • Modulus (class property)
  • Unit vector (class property)
  • Value (vector in object form {i, j, k} as a class property)
  • Addition (method)
  • Subtraction (method)
  • Dot product (method)
  • Cross product (method)

Creating vectors

import { Vector } from "vector-math";
// OR
// const { Vector } = require("vector-math")

// Create vectors
const u = new Vector(1, 2, -3);
const v = new Vector(-4, 1);
const w = new Vector(1);

The above code will create the following vectors:


Initializing a vector with no values will creat a null vector

const q = new Vector();

Will create a null vector:


Vector properties


// u = i + 2j -3k
// v = -4i + j
// w = i

let u_modulus = u.modulus; // modulus of u = 3.741657386773941
let v_modulus = v.modulus; // modulus of v = 4.123105625617661
let w_modulus = w.modulus; // modulus of w = 1

let u_unitVector = u.unitVector; // unit vector as obj {i, j, k}
let v_unitVector = v.unitVector; // unit vector as obj {i, j, k}
let w_unitVector = w.unitVector; // unit vector as obj {i, j, k}

let u_value = u.value; // vector as obj {i, j, k}
let v_value = v.value; // vector as obj {i, j, k}
let w_value = w.value; // vector as obj {i, j, k}

let u_i = u.i; // i component of vector u
let v_j = v.j; // j component of vector v
let w_k = w.k; // k component of vector w

Vector operations


// u = i + 2j -3k
// v = -4i + j
// w = i

let sum_uv = u.Add(v); // u + v (result returned as Vector class)
let sum_uvw = u.Add(v, w); // u + v + w (result returned as Vector class)

let diff_uv = u.Subtract(v); // u - v (result returned as Vector class)
let diff_uvw = u.Subtract(v, w); // u - v - w (result returned as Vector class)

let u_dot_v = u.Dot(v); // u (dot) v (result returned as number)

let u_cross_v = u.Cross(v); // u x v (result returned as Vector class)


Given vectors


Cross product


const u = new Vector(1, 2, -3);
const v = new Vector(-4, 1);

const a = u.Cross(v);
// a = i + 12j + 9k
// a.value = { i: 3, j: 12, k: 9 }


Combining operations

The library supports chaining of vector operations, so complex calculations can easily be expressed.


const u = new Vector(1, 2, -3);
const v = new Vector(-4, 1);
const w = new Vector(1);

const b = v.Cross(u).Add(w.Cross(u)).Dot(v);
// b = 0


Feature roadmap

The following vector operations will be added in future releases

  • Modulus
  • Unit vector
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Dot product
  • Cross product
  • Scalar Triple product
  • Angle between vectors
  • Scalar projection
  • Vector projection
  • Scalar multiplication
  • Basis
  • Check linear independence