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File metadata and controls

19 lines (11 loc) · 1.48 KB

Converting a fastcore.basics.AttrDict into a regular dictionary.

Problem: The ghapi package returns the JSON data from GitHub as a Fast AI object called fastcore.basics.AttrDict. What this AttrDict object buys you is the ability to access the data in a dictionary with dot notation (which was a feature I wasn't taking advantage of. I assumed JSON was being returned and was using regular dictionary syntax to access the fields I needed.)

But this data format wasn't playing nicely with Django's JSONField. It seemed like sometimes it would work and fine other times I would get an error.

I tried various things, mostly involving importing the json package and running json.dumps, then json.loads onto the data I wanted to save in the JSONField, but nothing worked consistently enough.

It finally occurred to me that this special data format I was unfamiliar with probably came with the gift of methods!

Sadly, dir(my_data_in_attr_dict_format) didn't reveal anything.

But then I found obj2dict! Which does exactly what it sounds like -- converts an AttrDict object to a dict with no muss, no fuss.

I did have to hunt a little to figure out where to import it from, as I wasn't familiar with the documentation format. The import is:

from fastcore.xtras import obj2dict