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1405 lines (1307 loc) · 63.1 KB

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1405 lines (1307 loc) · 63.1 KB
title output
Broadband policy 2021

This is all of the backend code for this paper.

Some data prep

Let's begin at basics. According to the most recent survey data from Pew, about 10 percent of Americans aren't connected to the Internet. As Pew noted, "The size of this group has changed little over the past four years, despite ongoing government and social service programs to encourage internet adoption in underserved areas."

I pulled NTIA's Internet Use Survey data to do some analysis. The excel file is included.

NTIAraw <- read_excel("ntia-internet-use.xlsx", sheet = 1)
NTIAraw <-
NTIAraw$dataset <- as.Date(NTIAraw$dataset)

First, let's take a look at the variables.

##   [1] "dataset"               "variable"              "description"          
##   [4] "universe"              "usProp"                "usPropSE"             
##   [7] "usCount"               "usCountSE"             "age314Prop"           
##  [10] "age314PropSE"          "age314Count"           "age314CountSE"        
##  [13] "age1524Prop"           "age1524PropSE"         "age1524Count"         
##  [16] "age1524CountSE"        "age2544Prop"           "age2544PropSE"        
##  [19] "age2544Count"          "age2544CountSE"        "age4564Prop"          
##  [22] "age4564PropSE"         "age4564Count"          "age4564CountSE"       
##  [25] "age65pProp"            "age65pPropSE"          "age65pCount"          
##  [28] "age65pCountSE"         "workEmployedProp"      "workEmployedPropSE"   
##  [31] "workEmployedCount"     "workEmployedCountSE"   "workUnemployedProp"   
##  [34] "workUnemployedPropSE"  "workUnemployedCount"   "workUnemployedCountSE"
##  [37] "workNILFProp"          "workNILFPropSE"        "workNILFCount"        
##  [40] "workNILFCountSE"       "incomeU25Prop"         "incomeU25PropSE"      
##  [43] "incomeU25Count"        "incomeU25CountSE"      "income2549Prop"       
##  [46] "income2549PropSE"      "income2549Count"       "income2549CountSE"    
##  [49] "income5074Prop"        "income5074PropSE"      "income5074Count"      
##  [52] "income5074CountSE"     "income7599Prop"        "income7599PropSE"     
##  [55] "income7599Count"       "income7599CountSE"     "income100pProp"       
##  [58] "income100pPropSE"      "income100pCount"       "income100pCountSE"    
##  [61] "edNoDiplomaProp"       "edNoDiplomaPropSE"     "edNoDiplomaCount"     
##  [64] "edNoDiplomaCountSE"    "edHSGradProp"          "edHSGradPropSE"       
##  [67] "edHSGradCount"         "edHSGradCountSE"       "edSomeCollegeProp"    
##  [70] "edSomeCollegePropSE"   "edSomeCollegeCount"    "edSomeCollegeCountSE" 
##  [73] "edCollegeGradProp"     "edCollegeGradPropSE"   "edCollegeGradCount"   
##  [76] "edCollegeGradCountSE"  "sexMaleProp"           "sexMalePropSE"        
##  [79] "sexMaleCount"          "sexMaleCountSE"        "sexFemaleProp"        
##  [82] "sexFemalePropSE"       "sexFemaleCount"        "sexFemaleCountSE"     
##  [85] "raceWhiteProp"         "raceWhitePropSE"       "raceWhiteCount"       
##  [88] "raceWhiteCountSE"      "raceBlackProp"         "raceBlackPropSE"      
##  [91] "raceBlackCount"        "raceBlackCountSE"      "raceHispanicProp"     
##  [94] "raceHispanicPropSE"    "raceHispanicCount"     "raceHispanicCountSE"  
##  [97] "raceAsianProp"         "raceAsianPropSE"       "raceAsianCount"       
## [100] "raceAsianCountSE"      "raceAmIndianProp"      "raceAmIndianPropSE"   
## [103] "raceAmIndianCount"     "raceAmIndianCountSE"   "raceOtherProp"        
## [106] "raceOtherPropSE"       "raceOtherCount"        "raceOtherCountSE"     
## [109] "disabilityNoProp"      "disabilityNoPropSE"    "disabilityNoCount"    
## [112] "disabilityNoCountSE"   "disabilityYesProp"     "disabilityYesPropSE"  
## [115] "disabilityYesCount"    "disabilityYesCountSE"  "metroNoProp"          
## [118] "metroNoPropSE"         "metroNoCount"          "metroNoCountSE"       
## [121] "metroYesProp"          "metroYesPropSE"        "metroYesCount"        
## [124] "metroYesCountSE"       "metroUnknownProp"      "metroUnknownPropSE"   
## [127] "metroUnknownCount"     "metroUnknownCountSE"   "scChldHomeNoProp"     
## [130] "scChldHomeNoPropSE"    "scChldHomeNoCount"     "scChldHomeNoCountSE"  
## [133] "scChldHomeYesProp"     "scChldHomeYesPropSE"   "scChldHomeYesCount"   
## [136] "scChldHomeYesCountSE"  "veteranNoProp"         "veteranNoPropSE"      
## [139] "veteranNoCount"        "veteranNoCountSE"      "veteranYesProp"       
## [142] "veteranYesPropSE"      "veteranYesCount"       "veteranYesCountSE"    
## [145] "ALProp"                "ALPropSE"              "ALCount"              
## [148] "ALCountSE"             "AKProp"                "AKPropSE"             
## [151] "AKCount"               "AKCountSE"             "AZProp"               
## [154] "AZPropSE"              "AZCount"               "AZCountSE"            
## [157] "ARProp"                "ARPropSE"              "ARCount"              
## [160] "ARCountSE"             "CAProp"                "CAPropSE"             
## [163] "CACount"               "CACountSE"             "COProp"               
## [166] "COPropSE"              "COCount"               "COCountSE"            
## [169] "CTProp"                "CTPropSE"              "CTCount"              
## [172] "CTCountSE"             "DEProp"                "DEPropSE"             
## [175] "DECount"               "DECountSE"             "DCProp"               
## [178] "DCPropSE"              "DCCount"               "DCCountSE"            
## [181] "FLProp"                "FLPropSE"              "FLCount"              
## [184] "FLCountSE"             "GAProp"                "GAPropSE"             
## [187] "GACount"               "GACountSE"             "HIProp"               
## [190] "HIPropSE"              "HICount"               "HICountSE"            
## [193] "IDProp"                "IDPropSE"              "IDCount"              
## [196] "IDCountSE"             "ILProp"                "ILPropSE"             
## [199] "ILCount"               "ILCountSE"             "INProp"               
## [202] "INPropSE"              "INCount"               "INCountSE"            
## [205] "IAProp"                "IAPropSE"              "IACount"              
## [208] "IACountSE"             "KSProp"                "KSPropSE"             
## [211] "KSCount"               "KSCountSE"             "KYProp"               
## [214] "KYPropSE"              "KYCount"               "KYCountSE"            
## [217] "LAProp"                "LAPropSE"              "LACount"              
## [220] "LACountSE"             "MEProp"                "MEPropSE"             
## [223] "MECount"               "MECountSE"             "MDProp"               
## [226] "MDPropSE"              "MDCount"               "MDCountSE"            
## [229] "MAProp"                "MAPropSE"              "MACount"              
## [232] "MACountSE"             "MIProp"                "MIPropSE"             
## [235] "MICount"               "MICountSE"             "MNProp"               
## [238] "MNPropSE"              "MNCount"               "MNCountSE"            
## [241] "MSProp"                "MSPropSE"              "MSCount"              
## [244] "MSCountSE"             "MOProp"                "MOPropSE"             
## [247] "MOCount"               "MOCountSE"             "MTProp"               
## [250] "MTPropSE"              "MTCount"               "MTCountSE"            
## [253] "NEProp"                "NEPropSE"              "NECount"              
## [256] "NECountSE"             "NVProp"                "NVPropSE"             
## [259] "NVCount"               "NVCountSE"             "NHProp"               
## [262] "NHPropSE"              "NHCount"               "NHCountSE"            
## [265] "NJProp"                "NJPropSE"              "NJCount"              
## [268] "NJCountSE"             "NMProp"                "NMPropSE"             
## [271] "NMCount"               "NMCountSE"             "NYProp"               
## [274] "NYPropSE"              "NYCount"               "NYCountSE"            
## [277] "NCProp"                "NCPropSE"              "NCCount"              
## [280] "NCCountSE"             "NDProp"                "NDPropSE"             
## [283] "NDCount"               "NDCountSE"             "OHProp"               
## [286] "OHPropSE"              "OHCount"               "OHCountSE"            
## [289] "OKProp"                "OKPropSE"              "OKCount"              
## [292] "OKCountSE"             "ORProp"                "ORPropSE"             
## [295] "ORCount"               "ORCountSE"             "PAProp"               
## [298] "PAPropSE"              "PACount"               "PACountSE"            
## [301] "RIProp"                "RIPropSE"              "RICount"              
## [304] "RICountSE"             "SCProp"                "SCPropSE"             
## [307] "SCCount"               "SCCountSE"             "SDProp"               
## [310] "SDPropSE"              "SDCount"               "SDCountSE"            
## [313] "TNProp"                "TNPropSE"              "TNCount"              
## [316] "TNCountSE"             "TXProp"                "TXPropSE"             
## [319] "TXCount"               "TXCountSE"             "UTProp"               
## [322] "UTPropSE"              "UTCount"               "UTCountSE"            
## [325] "VTProp"                "VTPropSE"              "VTCount"              
## [328] "VTCountSE"             "VAProp"                "VAPropSE"             
## [331] "VACount"               "VACountSE"             "WAProp"               
## [334] "WAPropSE"              "WACount"               "WACountSE"            
## [337] "WVProp"                "WVPropSE"              "WVCount"              
## [340] "WVCountSE"             "WIProp"                "WIPropSE"             
## [343] "WICount"               "WICountSE"             "WYProp"               
## [346] "WYPropSE"              "WYCount"               "WYCountSE"

I know there are two groups worth understanding, the connected and the unconnected. Let's filter the data to two groups to compare their means.

unconnected_connected <- filter(NTIAraw, variable == "noInternetAtHome" | variable == "internetAtHome" |
                                  variable == "isHouseholder", dataset == "2019-11-01") %>%
  subset(., select = -dataset)

We need to prep the data for some basic analysis, which means we need a list of variables to compare. We can then run a function over each one of them for a table. Let's collect all the variables we want to compare and also take out the standard errors. Thankfully, there are no errant R variables that include the capitalized SE, so let's use match case filtering here.

compare_variables <- %>%
  rename(demos = 'names(unconnected_connected)') %>%
  filter(!str_detect(demos, "SE")) %>%
  filter(!demos == c("dataset", "variable", "description", "universe"))
## Warning in demos == c("dataset", "variable", "description", "universe"): longer
## object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

I like reading rows of tables, so let's reshape the data into the long format.

unconnected_connected_long <- unconnected_connected %>%
  rename(., connect = variable) %>%
  subset(., select = -c(description, universe)) %>%
  gather(., variable, value, usProp:WYCountSE, factor_key=TRUE) %>%
  spread(., connect, value) %>%
  semi_join(., compare_variables, c("variable" = "demos"))

##                variable   internetAtHome isHouseholder noInternetAtHome
## 1                usProp         0.798777             1         0.201223
## 2               usCount 104069680.000000     130286349  26216669.000000
## 3            age314Prop               NA            NA               NA
## 4           age314Count               NA            NA               NA
## 5           age1524Prop         0.842545             1         0.157455
## 6          age1524Count   5172456.000000       6139084    966628.000000
## 7           age2544Prop         0.865837             1         0.134163
## 8          age2544Count  37260547.000000      43034143   5773596.000000
## 9           age4564Prop         0.812860             1         0.187140
## 10         age4564Count  37868997.000000      46587332   8718335.000000
## 11           age65pProp         0.688404             1         0.311596
## 12          age65pCount  23767680.000000      34525791  10758111.000000
## 13     workEmployedProp         0.854118             1         0.145882
## 14    workEmployedCount  68959792.000000      80738061  11778269.000000
## 15   workUnemployedProp         0.819769             1         0.180231
## 16  workUnemployedCount   1928667.000000       2352695    424028.000000
## 17         workNILFProp         0.701197             1         0.298803
## 18        workNILFCount  32782154.000000      46751687  13969533.000000
## 19        incomeU25Prop         0.612321             1         0.387679
## 20       incomeU25Count  15677265.000000      25603010   9925746.000000
## 21       income2549Prop         0.765254             1         0.234746
## 22      income2549Count  24062223.000000      31443440   7381217.000000
## 23       income5074Prop         0.853647             1         0.146353
## 24      income5074Count  20066170.000000      23506405   3440235.000000
## 25       income7599Prop         0.872555             1         0.127445
## 26      income7599Count  13784675.000000      15798061   2013386.000000
## 27       income100pProp         0.898157             1         0.101843
## 28      income100pCount  30479347.000000      33935433   3456085.000000
## 29      edNoDiplomaProp         0.579874             1         0.420126
## 30     edNoDiplomaCount   6706214.000000      11564947   4858733.000000
## 31         edHSGradProp         0.715019             1         0.284981
## 32        edHSGradCount  24426083.000000      34161448   9735365.000000
## 33    edSomeCollegeProp         0.834340             1         0.165660
## 34   edSomeCollegeCount  30816421.000000      36935096   6118675.000000
## 35    edCollegeGradProp         0.884432             1         0.115568
## 36   edCollegeGradCount  42120963.000000      47624858   5503895.000000
## 37          sexMaleProp         0.808168             1         0.191832
## 38         sexMaleCount  52544979.000000      65017426  12472447.000000
## 39        sexFemaleProp         0.789422             1         0.210578
## 40       sexFemaleCount  51524701.000000      65268923  13744222.000000
## 41        raceWhiteProp         0.815978             1         0.184022
## 42       raceWhiteCount  69731588.000000      85457641  15726053.000000
## 43        raceBlackProp         0.733397             1         0.266603
## 44       raceBlackCount  12267047.000000      16726336   4459288.000000
## 45     raceHispanicProp         0.768078             1         0.231922
## 46    raceHispanicCount  14065872.000000      18313079   4247207.000000
## 47        raceAsianProp         0.830104             1         0.169896
## 48       raceAsianCount   5632390.000000       6785165   1152775.000000
## 49     raceAmIndianProp         0.733796             1         0.266204
## 50    raceAmIndianCount    722989.000000        985272    262284.000000
## 51        raceOtherProp         0.817192             1         0.182808
## 52       raceOtherCount   1649794.000000       2018856    369062.000000
## 53     disabilityNoProp         0.825727             1         0.174273
## 54    disabilityNoCount  91790936.000000     111163842  19372907.000000
## 55    disabilityYesProp         0.636005             1         0.363995
## 56   disabilityYesCount  11879678.000000      18678601   6798923.000000
## 57          metroNoProp         0.735390             1         0.264610
## 58         metroNoCount  12865555.000000      17494866   4629311.000000
## 59         metroYesProp         0.808740             1         0.191260
## 60        metroYesCount  90379389.000000     111753288  21373899.000000
## 61     metroUnknownProp         0.794394             1         0.205606
## 62    metroUnknownCount    824736.000000       1038195    213459.000000
## 63     scChldHomeNoProp         0.775940             1         0.224060
## 64    scChldHomeNoCount  78224325.000000     100812385  22588060.000000
## 65    scChldHomeYesProp         0.876888             1         0.123112
## 66   scChldHomeYesCount  25845355.000000      29473964   3628609.000000
## 67        veteranNoProp         0.799579             1         0.200421
## 68       veteranNoCount  94415211.000000     118081191  23665980.000000
## 69       veteranYesProp         0.786661             1         0.213339
## 70      veteranYesCount   9196730.000000      11690845   2494116.000000
## 71               ALProp         0.803885             1         0.196115
## 72              ALCount   1654253.000000       2057823    403570.000000
## 73               AKProp         0.813520             1         0.186480
## 74              AKCount    217723.000000        267631     49908.000000
## 75               AZProp         0.835351             1         0.164649
## 76              AZCount   2347790.000000       2810542    462752.000000
## 77               ARProp         0.800515             1         0.199485
## 78              ARCount   1021040.000000       1275479    254438.000000
## 79               CAProp         0.799298             1         0.200702
## 80              CACount  11378020.000000      14235012   2856992.000000
## 81               COProp         0.877991             1         0.122009
## 82              COCount   2078052.000000       2366826    288774.000000
## 83               CTProp         0.788405             1         0.211595
## 84              CTCount   1142445.000000       1449059    306614.000000
## 85               DEProp         0.793487             1         0.206513
## 86              DECount    307748.000000        387842     80094.000000
## 87               DCProp         0.853313             1         0.146687
## 88              DCCount    293100.000000        343485     50385.000000
## 89               FLProp         0.781651             1         0.218349
## 90              FLCount   7172671.000000       9176306   2003635.000000
## 91               GAProp         0.783169             1         0.216831
## 92              GACount   3318541.000000       4237325    918784.000000
## 93               HIProp         0.869493             1         0.130507
## 94              HICount    431593.000000        496373     64780.000000
## 95               IDProp         0.840499             1         0.159501
## 96              IDCount    585159.000000        696205    111046.000000
## 97               ILProp         0.838505             1         0.161495
## 98              ILCount   4193312.000000       5000939    807627.000000
## 99               INProp         0.806705             1         0.193295
## 100             INCount   2164673.000000       2683353    518680.000000
## 101              IAProp         0.817370             1         0.182630
## 102             IACount   1071727.000000       1311190    239463.000000
## 103              KSProp         0.808202             1         0.191798
## 104             KSCount    936010.000000       1158139    222129.000000
## 105              KYProp         0.761706             1         0.238294
## 106             KYCount   1460989.000000       1918049    457059.000000
## 107              LAProp         0.756910             1         0.243090
## 108             LACount   1433929.000000       1894451    460523.000000
## 109              MEProp         0.800293             1         0.199707
## 110             MECount    471867.000000        589618    117751.000000
## 111              MDProp         0.858470             1         0.141530
## 112             MDCount   1967264.000000       2291594    324330.000000
## 113              MAProp         0.794179             1         0.205821
## 114             MACount   2293912.000000       2888407    594496.000000
## 115              MIProp         0.805534             1         0.194466
## 116             MICount   3338786.000000       4144812    806026.000000
## 117              MNProp         0.867765             1         0.132235
## 118             MNCount   1952164.000000       2249647    297483.000000
## 119              MSProp         0.755273             1         0.244727
## 120             MSCount    894324.000000       1184106    289782.000000
## 121              MOProp         0.801554             1         0.198446
## 122             MOCount   1936168.000000       2415518    479350.000000
## 123              MTProp         0.802309             1         0.197691
## 124             MTCount    364997.000000        454933     89936.000000
## 125              NEProp         0.800229             1         0.199771
## 126             NECount    649097.000000        811139    162042.000000
## 127              NVProp         0.804006             1         0.195994
## 128             NVCount    992671.000000       1234656    241985.000000
## 129              NHProp         0.869569             1         0.130431
## 130             NHCount    485085.000000        557845     72760.000000
## 131              NJProp         0.803123             1         0.196877
## 132             NJCount   2735578.000000       3406177    670600.000000
## 133              NMProp         0.794204             1         0.205796
## 134             NMCount    682725.000000        859635    176910.000000
## 135              NYProp         0.767443             1         0.232557
## 136             NYCount   6020899.000000       7845407   1824508.000000
## 137              NCProp         0.740875             1         0.259125
## 138             NCCount   3212782.000000       4336469   1123687.000000
## 139              NDProp         0.795454             1         0.204546
## 140             NDCount    256269.000000        322167     65898.000000
## 141              OHProp         0.780730             1         0.219270
## 142             OHCount   3782398.000000       4844692   1062294.000000
## 143              OKProp         0.807293             1         0.192707
## 144             OKCount   1293391.000000       1602134    308743.000000
## 145              ORProp         0.861544             1         0.138456
## 146             ORCount   1492605.000000       1732476    239872.000000
## 147              PAProp         0.763304             1         0.236696
## 148             PACount   3820182.000000       5004797   1184615.000000
## 149              RIProp         0.820603             1         0.179397
## 150             RICount    337530.000000        411319     73789.000000
## 151              SCProp         0.818543             1         0.181457
## 152             SCCount   1812815.000000       2214685    401871.000000
## 153              SDProp         0.800587             1         0.199413
## 154             SDCount    293903.000000        367110     73206.000000
## 155              TNProp         0.758055             1         0.241945
## 156             TNCount   2071353.000000       2732458    661105.000000
## 157              TXProp         0.792950             1         0.207050
## 158             TXCount   8524311.000000      10750119   2225809.000000
## 159              UTProp         0.876211             1         0.123789
## 160             UTCount    953391.000000       1088083    134692.000000
## 161              VTProp         0.805863             1         0.194137
## 162             VTCount    223223.000000        276999     53776.000000
## 163              VAProp         0.829874             1         0.170126
## 164             VACount   2868490.000000       3456537    588047.000000
## 165              WAProp         0.808130             1         0.191870
## 166             WACount   2471797.000000       3058661    586864.000000
## 167              WVProp         0.757488             1         0.242512
## 168             WVCount    563190.000000        743497    180307.000000
## 169              WIProp         0.796332             1         0.203668
## 170             WICount   1916237.000000       2406328    490091.000000
## 171              WYProp         0.761668             1         0.238332
## 172             WYCount    181498.000000        238290     56792.000000

Who are the unconnected?

A couple of important stats right up top. There are 26,216,669 households without Internet at home. In contrast, there are 104,069,680 households with Internet at home for a total of 130,286,349 households.

unconnected_connected_long_age <- unconnected_connected_long %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "age")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "Count")) %>%

##       variable internetAtHome isHouseholder noInternetAtHome
## 2 age1524Count        5172456       6139084           966628
## 3 age2544Count       37260547      43034143          5773596
## 4 age4564Count       37868997      46587332          8718335
## 5  age65pCount       23767680      34525791         10758111
pie(unconnected_connected_long_age$noInternetAtHome, unconnected_connected_long_age$variable)

Now let's look at income.

unconnected_connected_long_income <- unconnected_connected_long %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "income")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "Count")) %>%

pie(unconnected_connected_long_income$noInternetAtHome, unconnected_connected_long_income$variable)

Next, education.

unconnected_connected_long_ed <- unconnected_connected_long %>%
  filter(str_starts(variable, "ed")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "Count")) %>%

##             variable internetAtHome isHouseholder noInternetAtHome
## 1   edNoDiplomaCount        6706214      11564947          4858733
## 2      edHSGradCount       24426083      34161448          9735365
## 3 edSomeCollegeCount       30816421      36935096          6118675
## 4 edCollegeGradCount       42120963      47624858          5503895
pie(unconnected_connected_long_ed$noInternetAtHome, unconnected_connected_long_ed$variable)

Next, let's look at race.

unconnected_connected_long_race <- unconnected_connected_long %>%
  filter(str_starts(variable, "race")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "Count")) %>%

##            variable internetAtHome isHouseholder noInternetAtHome
## 1    raceWhiteCount       69731588      85457641         15726053
## 2    raceBlackCount       12267047      16726336          4459288
## 3 raceHispanicCount       14065872      18313079          4247207
## 4    raceAsianCount        5632390       6785165          1152775
## 5 raceAmIndianCount         722989        985272           262284
## 6    raceOtherCount        1649794       2018856           369062
pie(unconnected_connected_long_race$noInternetAtHome, unconnected_connected_long_race$variable)

Again, there are 26,216,669 households without Internet at home. In contrast, there are 104,069,680 households with Internet at home for a total of 130,286,349 households. Let's compare percentages to see which demographics skew the profile. In other words, given what we know about the United States, which factors deviate from the norm?

unconnected_connected_long_demos <- unconnected_connected_long[1:70, ] %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "Count")) %>%
  na.omit(.) %>%
  mutate(., isHouseholder_per = ((isHouseholder)/130286349) * 100) %>%
  mutate(., noInternetAtHome_per = ((noInternetAtHome)/26216669) * 100) %>%
  mutate(., percentdifference = ((noInternetAtHome_per - isHouseholder_per)/isHouseholder_per) * 100)

variable internetAtHome isHouseholder noInternetAtHome isHouseholder_per noInternetAtHome_per percentdifference
1 usCount 104069680 130286349 26216669 100.0000000 100.000000 0.0000000
3 age1524Count 5172456 6139084 966628 4.7119933 3.687074 -21.7512879
4 age2544Count 37260547 43034143 5773596 33.0304313 22.022615 -33.3262878
5 age4564Count 37868997 46587332 8718335 35.7576464 33.254930 -6.9991075
6 age65pCount 23767680 34525791 10758111 26.4999298 41.035385 54.8509189
7 workEmployedCount 68959792 80738061 11778269 61.9697011 44.926642 -27.5022452
8 workUnemployedCount 1928667 2352695 424028 1.8057878 1.617398 -10.4325295
9 workNILFCount 32782154 46751687 13969533 35.8837955 53.284927 48.4930079
10 incomeU25Count 15677265 25603010 9925746 19.6513374 37.860439 92.6608778
11 income2549Count 24062223 31443440 7381217 24.1341017 28.154671 16.6592885
12 income5074Count 20066170 23506405 3440235 18.0421089 13.122319 -27.2683737
13 income7599Count 13784675 15798061 2013386 12.1256456 7.679793 -36.6648707
14 income100pCount 30479347 33935433 3456085 26.0468063 13.182777 -49.3881254
15 edNoDiplomaCount 6706214 11564947 4858733 8.8765608 18.532991 108.7857195
16 edHSGradCount 24426083 34161448 9735365 26.2202819 37.134256 41.6241679
17 edSomeCollegeCount 30816421 36935096 6118675 28.3491680 23.338873 -17.6735181
18 edCollegeGradCount 42120963 47624858 5503895 36.5539892 20.993876 -42.5674830
19 sexMaleCount 52544979 65017426 12472447 49.9034830 47.574492 -4.6669916
20 sexFemaleCount 51524701 65268923 13744222 50.0965170 52.425508 4.6490085
21 raceWhiteCount 69731588 85457641 15726053 65.5921681 59.984939 -8.5486254
22 raceBlackCount 12267047 16726336 4459288 12.8381339 17.009361 32.4909177
23 raceHispanicCount 14065872 18313079 4247207 14.0560229 16.200407 15.2559786
24 raceAsianCount 5632390 6785165 1152775 5.2078864 4.397107 -15.5682989
25 raceAmIndianCount 722989 985272 262284 0.7562358 1.000447 32.2930596
26 raceOtherCount 1649794 2018856 369062 1.5495530 1.407738 -9.1519957
27 disabilityNoCount 91790936 111163842 19372907 85.3227087 73.895379 -13.3930691
28 disabilityYesCount 11879678 18678601 6798923 14.3365757 25.933588 80.8910921
29 metroNoCount 12865555 17494866 4629311 13.4280116 17.657892 31.5004202
30 metroYesCount 90379389 111753288 21373899 85.7751321 81.527897 -4.9515922
31 metroUnknownCount 824736 1038195 213459 0.7968563 0.814211 2.1778925
32 scChldHomeNoCount 78224325 100812385 22588060 77.3775501 86.159153 11.3490322
33 scChldHomeYesCount 25845355 29473964 3628609 22.6224499 13.840847 -38.8180904
34 veteranNoCount 94415211 118081191 23665980 90.6320516 90.270736 -0.3986623
35 veteranYesCount 9196730 11690845 2494116 8.9731926 9.513474 6.0210617

Let's take a look at the states

unconnected_connected_long_state <- unconnected_connected_long[71:172, ] %>%
  filter(str_detect(variable, "Count")) %>%
  na.omit(.) %>% 
  mutate(., percent = (noInternetAtHome/isHouseholder) * 100)

variable internetAtHome isHouseholder noInternetAtHome percent
ALCount 1654253 2057823 403570 19.61150
AKCount 217723 267631 49908 18.64806
AZCount 2347790 2810542 462752 16.46487
ARCount 1021040 1275479 254438 19.94843
CACount 11378020 14235012 2856992 20.07018
COCount 2078052 2366826 288774 12.20090
CTCount 1142445 1449059 306614 21.15952
DECount 307748 387842 80094 20.65119
DCCount 293100 343485 50385 14.66876
FLCount 7172671 9176306 2003635 21.83488
GACount 3318541 4237325 918784 21.68311
HICount 431593 496373 64780 13.05067
IDCount 585159 696205 111046 15.95019
ILCount 4193312 5000939 807627 16.14951
INCount 2164673 2683353 518680 19.32955
IACount 1071727 1311190 239463 18.26303
KSCount 936010 1158139 222129 19.17982
KYCount 1460989 1918049 457059 23.82937
LACount 1433929 1894451 460523 24.30905
MECount 471867 589618 117751 19.97073
MDCount 1967264 2291594 324330 14.15303
MACount 2293912 2888407 594496 20.58214
MICount 3338786 4144812 806026 19.44662
MNCount 1952164 2249647 297483 13.22354
MSCount 894324 1184106 289782 24.47264
MOCount 1936168 2415518 479350 19.84460
MTCount 364997 454933 89936 19.76906
NECount 649097 811139 162042 19.97709
NVCount 992671 1234656 241985 19.59939
NHCount 485085 557845 72760 13.04305
NJCount 2735578 3406177 670600 19.68776
NMCount 682725 859635 176910 20.57966
NYCount 6020899 7845407 1824508 23.25575
NCCount 3212782 4336469 1123687 25.91249
NDCount 256269 322167 65898 20.45461
OHCount 3782398 4844692 1062294 21.92697
OKCount 1293391 1602134 308743 19.27074
ORCount 1492605 1732476 239872 13.84562
PACount 3820182 5004797 1184615 23.66959
RICount 337530 411319 73789 17.93960
SCCount 1812815 2214685 401871 18.14574
SDCount 293903 367110 73206 19.94116
TNCount 2071353 2732458 661105 24.19452
TXCount 8524311 10750119 2225809 20.70497
UTCount 953391 1088083 134692 12.37884
VTCount 223223 276999 53776 19.41379
VACount 2868490 3456537 588047 17.01261
WACount 2471797 3058661 586864 19.18696
WVCount 563190 743497 180307 24.25121
WICount 1916237 2406328 490091 20.36676
WYCount 181498 238290 56792 23.83314

Whitebox Data

Now let's explore Whitebox data. The unit profile datset identifies the various details of each test unit, including ISP, technology, service tier, and general location. Each unit represents one volunteer panelist. The unit ID's were random, which served to protect the anonymity of the volunteer panelists. The Census dataframe identifies the census block in which each unit running test is located. Census block is from 2000 census and is in the FIPS code format. We have used block FIPS codes for blocks that contains more than 1,000 people. For blocks with less than 1,000 people we have aggregated to the next highest level, i.e. tract and used the Tract FIPS code, provided there are more than 1,000 people in the tract. In cases where there are less than 1,000 people in a tract we have aggregated to County level. This level of anonymization is done for privacy purposes so as not to expose PII.

Let's load the Census information first, then the whitebox data, and then merge them.

whitebox_data_census <- read_excel("UnitID-census-block-sept2019.xls", sheet = 1, col_types = "text")

whitebox_data <- read_excel("Unit-Profile-sept2019.xlsx", col_types = "text", sheet = 1) %>%
  inner_join(., whitebox_data_census, by = c("Unit ID" = "unit id"), all = TRUE)

First, some basic stats on all of the variables.

## whitebox_data 
##  15  Variables      2931  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Unit ID 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0     2931 
## lowest : 1000093 1000107 1000115 1000127 1000135
## highest: 999937  999955  999957  999965  999979 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ISP 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0       10 
## lowest : CenturyLink     Charter         Cincinnati Bell Comcast         Cox            
## highest: Frontier        Mediacom        Optimum         Verizon         Windstream     
## CenturyLink (571, 0.195), Charter (250, 0.085), Cincinnati Bell (309, 0.105),
## Comcast (276, 0.094), Cox (197, 0.067), Frontier (555, 0.189), Mediacom (188,
## 0.064), Optimum (162, 0.055), Verizon (177, 0.060), Windstream (246, 0.084)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Technology 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0        3 
## Value      Cable   DSL Fiber
## Frequency   1073  1105   753
## Proportion 0.366 0.377 0.257
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## State 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0       52 
## lowest : AL AR az AZ CA, highest: wa WA WI WV WY
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Census 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0        4 
## Value        Midwest Northeast     South      West
## Frequency        844       484       875       728
## Proportion     0.288     0.165     0.299     0.248
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## timezone_offset 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0        5 
## lowest : -10 -5  -6  -7  -8 , highest: -10 -5  -6  -7  -8 
## Value        -10    -5    -6    -7    -8
## Frequency     17  1494   704   305   411
## Proportion 0.006 0.510 0.240 0.104 0.140
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## timezone_offset_dst 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0        5 
## lowest : -10 -4  -5  -6  -7 , highest: -10 -4  -5  -6  -7 
## Value        -10    -4    -5    -6    -7
## Frequency     17  1494   704   184   532
## Proportion 0.006 0.510 0.240 0.063 0.182
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Download 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0       31 
## lowest : 1.5 10  100 105 12 , highest: 7   70  75  8   9  
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Upload 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0       24 
## lowest : 0.25600000000000001 0.38400000000000001 0.51200000000000001 0.64                0.75               
## highest: 30                  35                  5                   50                  75                 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Whitebox Model 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0        7 
## lowest : ac1750v2      skwb8         wdr3600       wnr3500l-high wr1043nd     
## highest: wdr3600       wnr3500l-high wr1043nd      wr741nd       wr741ndv4    
## Value           ac1750v2         skwb8       wdr3600 wnr3500l-high
## Frequency            168          2120           204           173
## Proportion         0.057         0.723         0.070         0.059
## Value           wr1043nd       wr741nd     wr741ndv4
## Frequency            103            45           118
## Proportion         0.035         0.015         0.040
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## geog_id 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0     2644 
## lowest : 1            10           100030112051 10003015000  100030168011
## highest: 90117051023  90117141041  90118707011  90138601004  90159051004 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## geog_type 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0        4 
## Value      blockgroup     county      state      tract
## Frequency        2276          5        194        456
## Proportion      0.777      0.002      0.066      0.156
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## population 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0     1763 
## lowest : 1001    1002    1003    1004    1005   
## highest: 9535483 9539    9553    9687653 9883640
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## latitude 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0     2643 
## lowest : 20.154506680000001 20.871322630000002 21.115289000000001 21.271328          21.27939606       
## highest: 48.259181980000001 48.259998320000001 48.320949550000002 48.72431564        48.886360170000003
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## longitude 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2931        0     2642 
## lowest : -100.48332214       -100.6380889        -100.90957641999999 -100.99342346       -101.77261900000001
## highest: -99.107772830000002 -99.136276249999995 -99.221443179999994 -99.277037000000007 -99.407572500000001
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What I see: There are only 10 types of ISPs in this data.

whitebox_data$Download <- as.numeric(whitebox_data$Download)
whitebox_data$Upload <- as.numeric(whitebox_data$Upload)

hist(whitebox_data$Download, breaks=100)
axis(side=1, at=seq(0,500, 50))

hist(whitebox_data$Upload, breaks=100)
axis(side=1, at=seq(0, 200, 50))