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Wilton JavaScript runtime

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Note: ideas behind this project are similar to the Deno project, that may be a better choice as a general use JS runtime

Multi-threaded JavaScript runtime environment with batteries included.

Multiple JavaScript engines are supported (depending on OS), including QuickJS, JavaScriptCore, Duktape and Rhino.

Besides the runtime JS API (wilton package), a number of popular JS libraries is also included with distribution inside std.wlib bundle. All these libraries are tested on all JS engines on all platforms.

RequireJS module loader is used as a module system on all JS engines. ES modules also can be used on JS engines, that support modules (currently only on QuickJS).

Multiple threads can be used, with each thread running its own JS engine instance. Golang-like Channels are used for inter-thread communication.

Link to the JavaScript API documentation.


Download pre-built binaries for Windows, macOS, Android and Raspberry Pi.

COPR repository for CentOS 8, CentOS 7 and Fedora:

sudo yum install dnf-plugins-core # on CentOS 8 and Fedora
sudo yum install yum-plugin-copr # on CentOS 7
sudo yum copr enable wilton/wilton
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum update
sudo yum install wilton
wilton -v

Ubuntu PPA repository for 20.04 Focal Fossa and 18.04 Bionic Beaver:

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wiltonruntime/wilton
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wilton
wilton -v

How to build

Get sources and build tools:

git clone
cd wilton
git submodule update --init

Follow platform-specific instructions:

License information

This project is released under the Apache License 2.0.



  • v202105241
  • Raspberry cross-build fix
  • Audio support in Android WebView
  • openssl and curl updates


  • v202103141
  • wilton/Channel enchancements
  • graceful shutdown support in Nginx environment


  • v202103071
  • HTTP queue fixes


  • v202102261
  • wilton_embed module for embedding runtime into other apps
  • Nginx integration
  • HTTP requests queue API
  • OS signals handling rework
  • json-schema JS module added


  • v202011182
  • JS libs refresh
  • ES modules support for all bundled libs
  • CentOS 8 and Ubuntu packaging


  • v202010281
  • moved to wiltonruntime account
  • drop V8, MozJS and ChakraCore engines
  • drop USB module
  • Raspberry PI OS Buster support


  • v202010101
  • QuickJS engine addded and enabled by default on all platforms


  • v202009291
  • update sjcl and pwdauth libs
  • JPEG support in wilton/PDFDocument
  • support native builds on Fedora armhf


  • v202005051
  • wilton/mobile JS API
  • fix the build on latest Fedora


  • v202003291
  • wilton/process and wilton/zip enhancements


  • v202002231
  • wilton/kiosk enhancements


  • v202002131
  • support encrypted .wlib modules
  • remove applicationDirectory parameter from config
  • resource loader support in wilton/Server


  • v201911241
  • updated cURL and OpenSSL libs
  • native calls support in wilton/kiosk
  • CLI launcher enhancements
  • drop wilton_winserviceexecutable
  • add wilton_winscm module with JS API


  • v201909231
  • collections lib removed
  • buckets and stringmap libs added
  • lodash, moment and vue libs updated
  • version output support in command line launcher


  • v201909151
  • wilton/KVStore API for in-memory shared key-value storage
  • authentication support in --new-project server template (based on pwdauth)


  • v201909081
  • wilton/systemd api for systemd services
  • support CLASSPATH env var when run on Rhino
  • windows-1251 and windows-1252 encoding JS API
  • --new-project templates update


  • v201909021
  • complete wilton/Serial impl on Android
  • wilton/Socket API rework
  • wilton/git revparse support
  • wilton/process enhancements
  • wilton/Serial and wilton/USB minor fixes


  • v201907241
  • --new-project option for generating projects boilerplate
  • automatic re-open of WebSocket connections for backendcall
  • Android enhancements


  • v201906221
  • CRLF empty strings fix in wilton/fs#readLines
  • SSH by password support in wilton/git
  • 'pull' support in wilton/git
  • Android launcher app is fully functional
  • test-suite FS use cleanup (for clean Android runs)


  • v201905121
  • Android launcher app (first version)
  • Raspbian file logging fix
  • MacOS native libs dep paths fix
  • wilton/backendcall responses fix


  • v201904201
  • Raspbian Linux support including RaspberryPi Zero
  • wilton/git JS API over libgit2
  • wilton/thread capabilities support for wiltoncalls from JS
  • wilton/kiosk Windows support (requires OpenJFX)
  • wilton/fs support deleting read-only files on Windows
  • wilton/cli minor enhancements
  • support JAVA_HOME for rhino and nashorn engines
  • wiltonw "headful" launcher for Windows
  • handle registry shutdown behaviour fixes
  • kiosk GUI app example, refresh vueapp web app example


  • v201902211
  • PGConnection fix
  • wilton_process and wilton_cron minor fixes
  • lodash updated to v4.17.11


  • v201902021
  • PGConnection and pwdauth fixes
  • OpenSSL and cURL updates
  • CI setup enhancements


  • v201810281
  • http file send with partial re-send support
  • inspector support in wilton/kiosk
  • wilton/Server, PGConnection, wilton/usb and pwdauth fixes


  • v201809061
  • dedicated PostgreSQL connection API
  • sqlite crash fix and other DB fixes
  • Debian Stretch AArch64 support


  • v201807191
  • serviceability JS API
  • USB connect fix on Windows
  • Ubuntu 18.04 support


  • v201806241
  • WebSocket fix for Firefox
  • Windows CI releases setup


  • v201806201
  • support for v8, chakracore and mozjs engines (only on Linux-x86_64)
  • WebSocket suport in wilton/Server
  • witon/kiosk desktop WebViews
  • Linux ARMv7 support
  • a number of JS modules added


  • v201804081
  • support for rhino and nashorn engines in CLI launcher
  • support for pure-JS OpenJFX apps with Rhino engine


  • v201803251
  • Serial and USB support on Windows
  • Fedora 28 builds
  • support for native modules in Rust and Haskell


  • v201803111
  • CentOS 7 CI setup
  • debugging with Duktape engine from VSCode
  • native debuginfo bundles for all platforms
  • Chakra JS engine support on windows-x86_64
  • TCP and UDP sockets access from JS
  • native deps update
  • do not require Brew OpenSSL on Mac
  • xml-js, uglify-js and es6-shim JS libs


  • v201801271
  • Jansson 2.10 usage fix on CentOS 7


  • v201801251
  • more baud rate values for wilton/Serial
  • fix spawned process signals on Linux in wilton/process
  • update JSC to webkitgtk-4.0 in CentOS 7


  • v201801091
  • PNG images support in wilton/PDFDocument


  • v201712051
  • wilton/zip implementation for ZIP files IO
  • some more JS modules added
  • all JS modules (except bluebird and wilton/* ) adapted for use in browser
  • examples/browser web-app example added


  • v201711271
  • binary data (hex flag) support in wilton/fs
  • use copyfile syscall on MacOS for wilton/fs.copyFile()
  • about 20 new JS modules adapted from NPM


  • v201711221
  • filesize JS module added
  • appname support in CLI launcher


  • v201711151
  • shutdown fix on MacOS
  • shutdown fix on Windows with JVM engines


  • v201711071
  • Android, MacOS and Win64 builds


  • v201710291
  • JavaScriptCore engine
  • logging added


  • v201710221
  • move all possible logic from core to modules


  • v201710161
  • better channel api
  • db logging
  • bootstrap example


  • v201710131
  • usb and serial fixes
  • fs, logger and hex enhancements


  • build support for Ubuntu 16.04, Fedora 27 and CentOS 7
  • readme added