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Wim van Gool edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 57 revisions

Documentation is still underway. I'm in the process of writing this documentation and some explanatory samples and tutorials. I expect to add a basic set of guidance in the upcoming weeks.

July 10th, 2019.

Welcome to the Kingo Wiki! Here you will hopefully find all information about the design principals of the framework and the guidance you need to start using the framework in your projects. We try hard to keep this documentation up-to-date, but if you miss something or have any other questions, please just send me an e-mail.

Reading Guide

This Wiki serves both as a theoretical and practical guide on how to design, implement and test MicroServices with the Kingo framework. To sketch a little context on how this framework came to be and what my motivation was to implement it, I've written a short series about the Evolution of Service-Oriented Architectures, completely from my own perspective and by no means complete - just for the interested reader.

After this introduction, the majority of the Wiki explains my view on MicroService Development & Design by guiding you through the process of actually implementing one. I have chosen to divide this wiki into several parts or chapters if you will, where I'll start with the very basics and then after that introduce new concepts with theory and samples as you go.

The table of contents below shows an overview of all guidance and practical examples. For clarity, we use italic font for pages that involve tutorials, coding and/or code samples.

Evolution of Service-Oriented Architectures

Part I - MicroService Architecture

Part II - MicroService Implementation & Test Strategy
