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Source code for ICML 2023 paper Competing for Shareable Arms in Multi-Player Multi-Armed Bandits.

In this paper, we model the competition between agents in a novel multi-player multi-armed bandit (MPMAB) setting where players are selfish and aim to maximize their own rewards. Under this setting, we first analyze the Nash equilibrium when arms' rewards are known. Subsequently, we propose a novel SelfishMPMAB with Averaging Allocation (SMAA) approach based on the equilibrium.


pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick start

Run the method in a single setting

python --method METHOD -N N -K K -T T --dis DIS

Run the online setting with N players, K arms, and T rounds. The method can be one of the following: SMAA, ExploreThenCommit, SelfishRobustMMAB, TotalReward, SMAARelaxed.

Grid search with NNI

Search the hyper-parameters for all settings reported in the paper for all methods.

nnictl create --config nni_ymls/METHOD.yml --port 9000

Yamls for all methods are included in the nni_ymls/ directory.

Plot the result


Plot the result for all methods. The result will be saved in figs/.

Citing SMAA

    title={Competing for Shareable Arms in Multi-Player Multi-Armed Bandits},
    author={Renzhe Xu and Haotian Wang and Xingxuan Zhang and Bo Li and Peng Cui},
    booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},