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Node Amazon Build Status

Evented Node.js bindings to the Amaozn AWS Query API.

  • Node Amazon is a minimal Node.js API with a pinch of sugar.
  • Node Amazon creates a signed request from a AWS AWS command name a plain old JavaScript object of command parameters.
  • Node Amazon parses the XML response and converts it into JSON.
  • Node Amazon does not define control flow, so use your favorite control flow library.
  • Node Amazon lets Amazon AWS do all the error checking in one place, then returns the errors as an Error to a Node.js style callback.

Because Node Amazon is such a thin layer over the Amazon AWS API you can use the Amazon API Reference to find your way around. Node Amazon calls translate directly to Amazon Query API.


An example using RunInstances to launch a 32-bit Fedora 17 instance in Virginia.

Our program reads the AWS secrets from a file named '~/.aws' that contains the key and secret as JSON.

{ 'key': 'EXAMPLE'
, 'secret': 'EXAMPLE'

Our program launches and instance, then calls 'DescribeInstances' until it is ready to use. When it's read it prints the TK host name for use with ssh.

// Require Amazon.
var amazon = require('amazon')
  , fs = require('fs')
  , path = require('path')
  , configuration = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, '.aws')

// Read in the configuration above.
var configuration = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configuration, 'utf8'));

// Create an ec2 function that uses your configuration.
configuration.service = 'ec2';
ec2 = amazon(configuration)

// Run an instance and wait for it to become ready.
ec2('RunInstances', {
  ImageId: 'ami-2d4aa444', KeyName: 'launch_key', MinCount: 1, MaxCount: 1
}, running);

var reservationId, instanceId;
function running (error, response) {
  if (error) throw error;
  reservationId = response.reservationId
  instanceId = response.instancesSet[0].instanceId;

function describe () {
  ec2('DescribeInstances', {}, starting);

function starting (error, response) {
  if (error) throw error;
  var reservation, instance;
  reservation = response.reservationSet.filter(function (reservation) {
    return reservation.reservationId == reservationId;
  instance = reservation.instancesSet.filter(function (instance) {
    return instance.instanceId == instanceId;
  if ( == 'running') ready();
  else setTimeout(describe, 2500);

function ready () {
  console.log('Instance created with id: ' + instanceId);

I'm afraid you'll find that working with Amazon AWS is a bit wordy. The XML documents seem to gravitate toward the longest possible element name that could possibly describe the property.


The easiest way to install is using npm.

npm install amazon

You can also checkout the source code for using git. It has only one dependency, the wonderful little XML parser node-xml.


Node Amazon exports a function you can use to build a function to connect to the AWS service of your choice. You can call it directly from require('amazon') to build an amazon function configured for your application.

var sdb = require('amazon')({ key: '<REDACTED>'
                            , secret: '<REDACTED>'
                            , serivce: 'sdb' });

sdb('ListDomains', {}, function (error, result) {
  if (error) throw error;

The above example creates a SimpleDB function and lists the domains in the default region, 'us-east-1'.

Options to the amazon function are:

  • key — Your Amazon AWS key.
  • secret — Your Amazon AWS secret key, which you should always keep secret.
  • service — The Amazon AWS service identifier.
  • region — Either the region identifier or else the fully qualified domain name of the AWS server.

The service identifiers are one of the following.

The region identifiers are one of the following.

  • us-west-2 — Oregon.
  • us-west-1 — California.
  • us-east-1 — Virginia.
  • sa-east-1 — Sao Paluo.
  • ap-northeast-1 — Tokyo.
  • ap-southeast-1 — Singapore.
  • eu-west-1 — Ireland.
  • us-gov-west-1 — US Government.

If you do not specify region when you construct your amazon function, you can specify it later when you call your amazon function.


Invoke Node Amazon by passing a command name, command parameters in an object, and a callback.

var ec2 = require('amazon')({ key: '<REDACTED>'
                            , secret: '<REDACTED>'
                            , region: 'us-east-1'
                            , service: 'ec2'
  , parameters;

parameters =
{ ImageId: 'ami-2d4aa444'
, KeyName: 'launch_key'
, MinCount: 1
, MaxCount: 1

ec2('RunInstances', parameters, function (error, result) {
  if (error) throw error;

You can override configuration details by passing an options object as the first argument to the Node Amazon function.

var ec2 = require('amazon')({ key: '<REDACTED>'
                            , secret: '<REDACTED>'
                            , region: 'us-east-1'
  , parameters;

parameters =
{ ImageId: 'ami-e269e5d2'
, KeyName: 'launch_key'
, MinCount: 1
, MaxCount: 1

ec2({ region: 'us-west-2' }, 'RunInstances', parameters, function (error, result) {
  if (error) throw error;

You can also create a new Node Amazon function that extends configuration of an Node Amazon function. You can use this to create a base function that holds your credentials, and specific functions for the specific regions.

var ec2 = require('ec2')({ key: '<REDACTED>' , secret: '<REDACTED>' })
  , ec2east = ec2({ region: 'us-east-1' })
  , ec2west = ec2({ region: 'us-west-2' })
  , parameters

parameters =
{ ImageId: 'ami-e269e5d2'
, KeyName: 'launch_key'
, MinCount: 1
, MaxCount: 1

ec2east('RunInstances', parameters, function (error, eastern) {
  if (error) throw error;
  parameters.ImageId = 'ami-e269e5d2';
  ec2west('RunInstances', parameters, function (error, western) {
    if (error) throw error;
    console.log(eastern, western);

Why So Simple?

Another implementation might set out to define a library of functions, one for each function provided by the AWS Amazon API. This way, you could validate the command name and parameters before you call.

We believe that if there's something wrong with your request, you'll find out soon enough. The Amazon AWS server that handles your request will do a bang up job of error checking, and it will be able to do all the error checking in one place.

On the client side, we could validate parameter names, but on the AWS site validation goes beyond semantics to authorization, service availability, etc.

If the Amazon service you're using adds a dozen new features overnight, you don't have to wait for a new version of Node Amazon to use them.

Because of this, there is a one to one mapping between the Amazon Query API and the actions provided by Node Amazon. Changes to the Amazon Query API are available immediately to Node Amazon applications.

You can learn more about node-ec2 at the node-ec2 GitHub web page and by reading the wiki.

Command Line Interface

Node Amazon also comes with a command line interface. The command line interface is very helpful if you want to examine the JSON results of an Amazon AWS AWS API call.

The amazon program will look for a configuration file at ~/.aws or else use the value of the AWS_CONFIG environment variable as the path to the configuration file. The configuration file is the JSON file used to create a Node Amazon function described above. It contains your key, secret key and the service endpoint.

$ amazon ec2 DescribeKeyPairs
  "requestId": "1d42624e-a3c8-4dca-8d42-6ac0a11f4468",
  "keySet": [
      "keyName": "automation_key",
      "keyFingerprint": "82:a4:69:ca:89:31:8f:58:75:ae:24:eb:e5:71:78:56:32:09:3a:24"
      "keyName": "temporary_key",
      "keyFingerprint": "c0:14:ff:06:23:dd:52:6a:4d:29:e9:0f:1f:54:13:73:e1:c8:fd:90"
      "keyName": "launch_key",
      "keyFingerprint": "8c:cf:71:0d:84:05:19:cd:7d:89:ca:62:7e:8f:51:0b:16:df:f4:c0"

Invocation is first the command name, then command arguments just as they appear in the Amazon AWS API. Note that some arguments in the API require a number appended to the argument name.

$ amazon ec2 RunInstances ImageId ami-08d97e61 KeyName launch_key MinCount 1 MaxCount 1
  "requestId": "7aa586a5-c658-4735-9152-72ad20cb3282",
  "reservationId": "r-de7200bb",
  "ownerId": "341264201128",
  "groupSet": [
      "groupId": "sg-c8f72da7",
      "groupName": "default"
  "instancesSet": [
      "instanceId": "i-2af0e253",
      "imageId": "ami-08d97e61",
      "instanceState": {
        "code": "0",
        "name": "pending"
      "privateDnsName": null,
      "dnsName": null,
      "reason": null,
      "keyName": "launch_key",
      "amiLaunchIndex": "0",
      "productCodes": null,
      "instanceType": "m1.small",
      "launchTime": "2012-06-28T18:29:55.000Z",
      "placement": {
        "availabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
        "groupName": null,
        "tenancy": "default"
      "kernelId": "aki-407d9529",
      "monitoring": {
        "state": "disabled"
      "groupSet": [
          "groupId": "sg-c8f72da7",
          "groupName": "default"
      "stateReason": {
        "code": "pending",
        "message": "pending"
      "architecture": "i386",
      "rootDeviceType": "ebs",
      "rootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
      "blockDeviceMapping": null,
      "virtualizationType": "paravirtual",
      "clientToken": null,
      "hypervisor": "xen"

Change Log

Changes for each release.

Version 0.0.1

  • Implement DynamoDB. #18.
  • Implement Simple Email Service. #15.
  • Implement Signature Version 2 Signing Process. #22.
  • Implement Signature Version 3 Signing Process (HTTPS). #21.
  • Implement Signature Version 4 Signing Process. #20.
  • Upgrade to Proof 0.0.15. #13.
  • Convert response parser to jindw/xmldom. #4.
  • Add code style to service identifiers in #14.
  • Tidy request.js. #19.

Version 0.0.0

Released: Mon Jul 23 07:25:52 UTC 2012

  • Build at Travis CI. #11.
  • Specify region on the command line. #8.
  • Specify service on the command line. #7.
  • Map services to API versions. #6.
  • Initial release of Node EC2 expanded to cover all services. #2.