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Hörbert playlist management software.

Our hörbert-software is a tool to manage and transfer audio data for hörbert ( memory cards.
It mainly helps users to put contents of hörbert playlists into the right order.
Also during transfer, the files are converted to a format that hörbert plays with the least amount of energy - which results in a veeery long playback time.

This is a Qt Project which can be built with Qt Creator 4. ... on a mac using the kit: Desktop Qt 5.1x clang 64 bit
... on windows using the kit: Desktop Qt 5.1x MSVC 2019 64 bit and 32 bit
... on linux using the kit: Desktop Qt 5.1x GCC 64 bit

Packaging is also included in this project through scripts, although it might be not-so-easy-to use,
because there are fixed paths and whatnot inside those scripts. However, they should give you an idea of the steps to take.
... on linux, to create an AppImage, use
... on windows, to create an installer, use win-deploy-64.bat and win-deploy-32.bat
... on mac, use to create an app. Notarizing and packing a dmg is not included here.
(We use SD Notary and create-dmg

Have fun poking around,
your hörbert team