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135 lines (113 loc) · 5.53 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (113 loc) · 5.53 KB


  • Fixed
    • Bugs where sometimes UI wouldn't update after changing out a mod (found using error reporting).
    • Instance of launcher breaking if unable to read default game settings from registry (found using error reporting).
    • Portrait Viewer: Error if unable to get image size (found using error reporting).


  • Fixed
    • Notifications defaulting to 7000 seconds instead of 7 seconds.


  • Added
    • Opt-in crash & error reporting.
      • Not enabled by default.
      • No personal data is sent. No IP address, no language/timezone, no PC name, nothing.
      • Example of the report I see:
      • Generates a random id for you, so I can tell if 10 of the same error is from 10 people or 1 person.
      • This will help me find bugs that may otherwise not get reported.
    • Changelog viewer, for mods that include a link to a changelog in their .version files.
    • When a mod is added, shows a notification allowing you to enable it.
      • Bonus: if the mod has an icon, the notification is themed (lol).
    • Portrait Viewer.
      • Can't yet change portraits; decided to work on Mod Profiles next instead of finishing this.
    • Added write permission check for vmparams.
  • Fixed
    • Dashboard: Hide the Updates section if there aren't any updates.
    • Chipper: Handled error if a folder is dropped instead of a file.
    • When updating a mod, the new version is no longer automatically enabled.
      • Click "Enable" in the notification that appears.
      • This is to allow you to update a mod but still decide whether to use the update (it may be save-breaking).
    • Hide the "Skip Game Launcher" option if using JRE 23 (thanks Zon).
    • Checks for when a mod is "enabled" in enabled_mods.json but the mod doesn't actually exist anymore.
    • Checks to ensure sliders on Settings page can't break the page if value is invalid.
  • Changed
    • Notifications disappear after a configurable amount of time.
    • Dashboard: "Copy mod info" now only copies enabled mods, and they are sorted by name.


  • Added
    • Search box to filter mods.
    • "Skip Game Launcher" option in the Dashboard.
      • Enabled by default, disable it to act like double-clicking Starsector.exe.
    • "Add Mod(s)" button on Mods tab.
  • Fixed
    • Unable to install mods with tabs in the mod_info.json file (e.g. VIC).
    • "Add Mods" button didn't work if you selected more than one mod.
    • If you unplug a monitor and TriOS was on that monitor, it'll now switch to another plugged-in monitor.
    • Mod folder names had the last character removed (e.g.LunaLi-1.0.0).
    • Some light theme fixes.
  • Changed
    • Dashboard: tooltip moved to top-left of cursor to avoid it hiding the mod list so much.
    • Now caches icon paths, should be a little faster when scrolling mods.


  • Fixed
    • Broken Mods tab (grey screen).
      • Toolbar icons are now aligned properly and other little UI things now look the way I've been seeing them this whole time.
    • First install now sets the mods folder correctly.
  • Changed
    • Checks for mod folder changes every 15 seconds instead of every 5.
      • Always checks whenever TriOS is re-focused (i.e. you switch back to it).


  • Fixed
    • Mods tab: Enabled/Disabled groups not expanding/collapsing on click.


  • Added
    • JRE 23: May now hide the console window.
    • Mods tab: Enabled and Disabled mod categories.
    • Mods tab: More info on the side panel for mods.
    • Dashboard: Shows mods folder and current JRE below the Launch button.
  • Fixed
    • Various tiny UI fixes.
  • Changed
    • Mods tab: is quicker to load after the first time.
    • Hid unusable launch settings on Dashboard if using JRE 23.


  • Fixed
    • Mod grid showing wrong mod info for many columns.


  • Added
    • On first run, uses your most recent Starsector install instead of the default install location.
    • Mod grid now shows more info at once and has more column features (move columns, filter, hide, etc).
    • The grid column controls are still a little janky and don't yet persist between restarts.
  • Fixed
    • Tooltips going off-screen.
    • Letters in mod versions are no longer ignored by Version Checker.
    • Dashboard: First mod in "Updates" wasn't shown.
    • Changing game path via filepicker changes text field.
    • Unable to install (certain?) mods due to "Invalid value: Not in inclusive range" error.
    • Unable to update mods on Bitbucket due to it 403ing when asked if a file exists to download.
    • Update All Mods confirmation prompt always said you have 0 mods.
  • Changed
    • Can select text in the mod details panel.
    • Clearer errors when Version Checker fails.
    • Always show the Version Checker remote (online) url in tooltips.


  • Added
    • Mods tab: side panel to display mod info.
  • Fixed
    • JRE manager failing if JRE 23 isn't present.
  • Changed
    • Limit changelog to not show unreleased versions (except when viewed from self-update notification).


  • Fixed
    • Self-update toast didn't display.


(pulled in mins due to self-update bug)

  • Added
    • Hide mod updates button.
    • Changelog viewer.
  • Fixed
    • Enabling not-latest dependencies or ones for incompatible game versions.
    • Mod update count was wrong.
    • Version Checker was based on which version of a mod was enabled instead of the highest version you have.
  • Changed
    • Show Mod Info menu item now shows all versions and is prettier.