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File metadata and controls

366 lines (286 loc) · 46 KB

Release History

5.0.0 (2023-08-08)

Features Added

  • Updated the SDK to use the latest Generally Available (GA) version of the Form Recognizer REST API: 2023-07-31.
  • AnalyzeDocumentOptions.features accepts three new features compared to the last beta version:
    • barcodes: enables the detection of barcodes in the document.
    • keyValuePairs: enable the detection of general key value pairs (form fields) in the document.
    • languages: enables the detection of the text content language.
  • beginBuildDocumentModel has a new overload that accepts a DocumentModelSource in place of a raw containerUrl. This allows training document models using the new Blob File List source (that is already supported by document classifiers). Like with classifiers, the source inputs are specified as an object containing an azureFileListSource property or an azureBlobSource property containing the respective details of each source type.

Breaking Changes

From the last stable release (4.0.0):

  • Support for passing alternative API versions has been removed from the client. In practice, the client only supported using a single API version, but types and options for specifying an API version were provided. In version 5.0.0, these options and their associated types were removed:
    • The apiVersion option that was previously accepted by the DocumentAnalysisClient and DocumentModelAdministrationClient constructors was removed. This option previously only had one valid value in version 4.0.0, and supporting multiple API versions in a single package weakens the type constraints, so we have chosen to only support the latest Generally Available version of the service in this SDK package. Support for multiple API versions may be reintroduced in a future version.
    • The FormRecognizerApiVersion type and enum were removed as they no longer serve any purpose.
    • The type of apiVersion properties of result objects was changed from FormRecognizerApiVersion to string. This type is more accurate, as these fields reflect the API version used to create the model or start the analysis operation, and not necessarily an API version that the client instance is aware of.
    • The FormRecognizerCommonClientOptions interface, which both DocumentAnalysisClientOptions and DocumentModelAdministrationClientOptions inherited from was removed, as it only carried the apiVersion option that no longer exists.
  • The languages and keyValuePairs properties of AnalyzeResult that were previously returned when using the prebuilt-document model are no longer returned unless the corresponding features are specified when making the analysis request.

From the last beta release (4.1.0-beta.1):

  • AnalyzeDocumentOptions.features changed the following feature names:
    • ocr.highResolution renamed to ocrHighResolution.
    • ocr.formula renamed to formulas.
    • ocr.font renamed to styleFont.
  • The following fields have been removed:
    • AnalyzeDocumentOptions.queryFields
    • DocumentPage.kind and DocumentPage.images (DocumentPageKind and DocumentImage types have been removed too.)
    • DocumentKeyValuePair.commonName
  • The type of the docTypes parameter of beginBuildDocumentClassifier was refined slightly. The type will no longer accept both azureBlobSource and azureFileListSource

4.1.0-beta.1 (2023-04-11)

Features Added

  • Added support for Form Recognizer API version 2023-02-28-preview. This is the default API version for SDK version 4.1.0-beta.1. For a detailed list of changes included in this API version, see the Form Recognizer release notes.
  • Added an expiresOn property to DocumentModelSummary and DocumentModelDetails. If this field is populated, it contains the date and time that the model will expire and will no longer be usable.
  • Added support for custom classification models. Classifiers combine layout and language features to accurately identify documents from among a set of document types.
    • Added beginBuildDocumentClassifier to DocumentModelAdministrationClient to build a custom classifier from training documents. See the service documentation on custom classifiers for more information on creating a training data set and creating a classifier.
    • Added getDocumentClassifier, listDocumentClassifiers, and deleteDocumentClassifier methods to DocumentModelAdministrationClient to manage custom classifiers.
    • Added beginClassifyDocument and beginClassifyDocumentFromUrl to DocumentAnalysisClient to classify documents using a custom classification model.
    • The getOperation method can now return DocumentClassifierBuildOperationDetails for classifier build operations.
  • Added features to AnalyzeDocumentOptions. Features are add-on capabilities that must be explicitly activated in order to extract them. The use of features may incur additional costs, so please review the service documentation of add-on capabilities for more information. The Form Recognizer service has introduced four features in this API version:
    • ocr.highResolution: improves the quality of content extraction for A1/A2/A3 documents with small text.
    • ocr.formula: enables extraction of formulas, such as mathematical equations.
    • ocr.font: extends the existing styles property to include more font properties such as similarFontFamily for the font face of the text, fontStyle for styles such as italics, fontWeight for boldness, color, and backgroundColor.
    • queryFields.premium: enables the use of queryFields (see below).
  • Added queryFields to AnalyzeDocumentOptions. The service now supports extracting additional query fields using Azure OpenAI capabilities. This feature may only be used if the "queryFields.premium" feature is enabled (see above). See the service documentation on query fields for more information.
  • Updated the AddressValue type to include several new fields: cityDistrict, house, level, stateDistrict, suburb, and unit. Please see the documentation of these fields for more information.
  • Added a currencyCode field to CurrencyValue. This field contains the normalized ISO 4217 currency code for the currency value.
  • Added a commonName field to DocumentKeyValuePair. This field contains a normalized "common" name for the field if the service was able to extract one.
  • Added a new field annotations and corresponding type DocumentAnnotation to DocumentPage. This new page-level property contains information about extracted "annotations," which are visual marks like checkmarks or crosses.
  • Added a new field barcodes and corresponding type DocumentBarcode to DocumentPage. This new page-level property contains information about extracted barcodes, including the type of the barcode (kind) and the decoded data (value).
  • Added a new field formulas and corresponding type DocumentFormula to DocumentPage. This new page-level property contains information about extracted formulas, including the kind of formula ("display" or "inline") and an equivalent LaTeX expression (value). This field is only populated if the "ocr.formula" feature is enabled.
  • Added a new field images and corresponding type DocumentImage to DocumentPage. This page-level property contains information about images in the document. Images are represented by other pages, and the DocumentImage type contains the page number of the image's data (pageNumber, note that this is a 1-based index) and the bounding polygon of the image.
  • Added a new kind field to DocumentPage. This field indicates what kind of content the page represents. The possible kinds are "document", "sheet", "slide", and "image".
  • Added a new DocumentBooleanField type for extracted fields that contain boolean values. This type is used in the fields data of an AnalyzedDocument.
  • Added new fields backgroundColor, color, fontStyle, fontWeight, and similarFontFamily to DocumentStyle. These fields contain additional information about the font style of extracted text and will only be populated if the "ocr.font" feature is enabled.
  • Added a new field customNeuralDocumentModelBuilds to ResourceDetails that contains information about the neural model build quota. This field has the type QuotaDetails and contains information about how many custom neural models may be built (quota), how many have been built (used), and when the quota will be reset (quotaResetOn).

Bugs Fixed

  • Form Recognizer pollers (AnalysisPoller, DocumentModelPoller, and DocumentClassifierPoller) will now appropriately handle the HTTP Retry-After header. If the Form Recognizer service sends a Retry-After header in its response, the poller will wait at least that long before polling again. This prevents the poller from making too many requests if the service tells the client to wait.
  • Form Recognizer pollers will now appropriately handle AbortSignal cancellation. If the client passes an AbortSignal to a long-running operation (such as any of the model/classifier creation operations or any analysis operation), the AbortSignal may now be used to abort the operation. The poller will stop polling, any requests in progress will be aborted, and the poller will throw an AbortError.
  • Fixed a bug in which fields of strongly-typed custom DocumentModel objects that contain spaces in their field names were not handled correctly. A field named "Account Number" will now be represented as accountNumber in the DocumentModel object, instead of "account Number". None of the supported prebuilt DocumentModel objects are affected by this change.

4.0.0 (2022-09-08)

Features Added

  • Updated the SDK to use the latest Generally Available (GA) version of the Form Recognizer REST API: 2022-08-01.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed DocumentModelAdministrationClient methods to have the word Document in them, for example getModel and listModels are updated to getDocumentModel and listDocumentModels respectively.
  • Renamed all fields named createdDateTime and lastUpdateDateTime to createdOn and lastUpdatedOn respectively.

4.0.0-beta.6 (2022-08-09)

Features Added

  • Refactored generic DocumentModel support to be more robust to different kinds of models. It now supports strongly-typed results for prebuilt-read, prebuilt-layout, and prebuilt-document. See the "Breaking Changes" section for more information about how to replace existing usage of PrebuiltModels with new model code.
  • DocumentModelAdministrationClient#getOperation returns additional result (operation result) and error (includes detailed error info) fields.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed PrebuiltModels and all of its fields as well as related helper types. The strongly-typed functionality previously provided by PrebuiltModels is now provided by sample code that you can copy into your own project. See the prebuilt samples directory for models compatible with the current Form Recognizer API.
  • Separated URL-based and file-based analysis inputs into two separate methods: beginAnalyzeDocument (for file stream inputs) and beginAnalyzeDocumentFromUrl (for URL-based inputs). Previously, both were accepted as inputs to a single beginAnalyzeDocument method, and a string value would be interpreted as if it were a URL, but this was confusing. The two inputs now have distinct signatures and documentation.
  • Removed the beginExtractLayout, beginExtractGeneralDocument, and beginReadDocument methods. Strongly-typed DocumentModel instances for the corresponding prebuilt-layout, prebuilt-document, and prebuilt-read models are located in the prebuilt samples directory.
  • Changed the suffix -Info for the methods and interfaces such as DocumentModelAdministrationClient#getResourceInfo and DocumentModelInfo to -Details.
  • Array properties of AnalyzeResult, such as documents, languages, and pages are now optional. If the value is undefined, then the model does not support the given feature. Previously, we returned an empty array, even if the model didn't support the feature.

Other Changes

  • Strongly-typed analysis functionality now checks that the DocumentAnalysisClient's API version now matches the assumed API version of the DocumentModel exactly. This ensures that a strongly-typed model can only be used with the API version it was created for, so that future changes cannot violate the model's schema.
  • Renamed the following types:
    • TrainingPoller -> DocumentModelPoller
    • GetInfoResponse -> ResourceDetails
    • In instances where we use Model as a prefix, updated it to DocumentModel. For example, ModelInfo -> DocumentModelDetails, ModelSummary -> DocumentModelSummary.
    • BuildModelOptions -> CreateModelOptions, the options bag types for beginComposeModel and beginCopyModelTo, and beginBuildModel methods inherit from CreateModelOptions.

4.0.0-beta.5 (2022-06-22)

Bugs Fixed

  • Reworked a lookbehind regular expression that was preventing @azure/ai-form-recognizer from loading in Safari.

4.0.0-beta.4 (2022-06-07)

Features Added

  • Updated the SDK to use the latest preview version of the Form Recognizer service: 2022-06-30-preview.
  • Added a paragraphs property to the AnalyzeResult type and a new DocumentParagraph type. This property represents the paragraph structure of the input document's text.
  • Documents may now contain a DocumentAddressField type, which has an object with several fields related to physical addresses, such as streetAddress, city, and state as its value. This field is identified by the value "address" in the kind field.
  • Added a kind field to DocumentPage. For now, the only supported value of this field is "document". In the future, other page kinds may be added, indicating different dispositions of the extracted page elements.

Breaking Changes

  • [DEPRECATION] Deprecated PrebuiltModels. In a future version (prior to a stable release), PrebuiltModels and its fields will be replaced with an out-of-tree solution for obtaining strongly-typed analysis results.
  • [DEPRECATION] Deprecated beginExtractLayout, beginExtractGeneralDocument, and beginReadDocument. In a future version (prior to a stable release), these methods will be removed, and beginAnalyzeDocument will be enhanced to provide the same restricted types.
  • Renamed the beginCopyModel method of DocumentModelAdministrationClient to beginCopyModelTo. #20775
  • Renamed BoundingRegion#boundingBox to BoundingRegion#polygon, as the service may now provide arbitrary, polygonal bounding areas rather than just rectangles.
    • The polygon is represented as an array of Point2D, clockwise from the left, -180 degrees inclusive.
  • Removed the entities property from the AnalyzeResult type. This field may be reintroduced in a future version, but service API version 2022-06-30-preview no longer returns this field.
  • Renamed the languageCode property in the DocumentLanguage type to locale.
  • Made the angle, height, lines, unit, width, and words properties of DocumentPage optional, as not all page kinds are guaranteed to support these fields.

4.0.0-beta.3 (2022-02-10)

Features Added

  • Updated the SDK to use the latest preview version of the Form Recognizer service: 2022-01-30-preview.
  • A new prebuilt model, PrebuiltModels.TaxUsW2, is available. It supports extracting data from United States W2 tax forms such as employee and employer information, IRS control number, tax withholding information, etc.
  • Added a new method, beginReadDocument to DocumentAnalysisClient. This method uses the "prebuilt-read" model to extract textual information from the document such as page text contents and language spans.
  • Added a languages field to the AnalyzeResult type. This field contains information about regions of text in the document that were identified as being of a particular written language. A DocumentLanguage consists of the identified languageCode (ISO 639-1 or BCP 47 language code), a list of spans of text that are of that language, and a confidence value (between zero and one) that the assessment is correct.
  • Added a tags field to BuildModelOptions, GetCopyAuthorizationOptions, and ModelSummary. Tags are user-specified key-value pairs that are immutably associated with the model. If tags are provided when a model is created, the Form Recognizer service will return the same tags as part of the model's summary. The OperationInfo and TrainingPollOperationState of a model creation operation also produce the tags if they were provided in the BuildModelOptions.
  • Models now report the service API version used to create the model and that will be used for analysis in the apiVersion field.
  • Documents may now contain a new field type DocumentCurrencyField, which has an object with amount and currencySymbol fields as its value. This field is identified by the value "currency" in the kind field. The amount field contains the amount of the currency value, and the currencySymbol field may contain a three-letter currency symbol if one was identified for the field. For example, the text $100.50 may have an amount of 100.5 and a currencySymbol of "USD".
  • Added support for setting the buildMode of a model building operation and introduced the "neural" build mode. Previous versions of the service and SDK only supported a single build mode that is now known as the "template" mode. Template models only accept documents that have the same basic page structure (i.e. a uniform visual appearance, or the same relative positioning of elements within the document), hence a fixed document "template." Neural models support document classes that have the same information, but different page structures. Examples of these documents include United States W2 tax forms, which all share the same information, but may vary in appearance by the company that created the document. Neural models currently only support English text, and are more costly and time-consuming to train and use for analysis, but should yield higher-quality results for English documents that do not follow a "template."
  • The DocTypeInfo type now has a buildMode field that contains the build mode originally used to create the document type.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the beginAnalyzeDocuments method of DocumentAnalysisClient to beginAnalyzeDocument for accuracy (only one input document is supported, though the document may contain multiple pages in certain file formats) and for consistency with other Azure SDK packages.
    • Renamed the options bag type AnalyzeDocumentsOptions to AnalyzeDocumentOptions for consistency with the method name.
  • The buildMode parameter of DocumentModelAdminsitrationClient#beginBuildModel is a required parameter. To retain the same behavior as in previous versions, explicitly use the template build mode (pass the value "template" to the method).
  • The GeneratedDocument type (as well as related types like GeneratedDocumentField) was removed from the public API and its uses replaced with unknown, as it is only intended for internal use. These types represented raw REST API response types that are not exposed at runtime by the client methods.
  • Removed the Preview variant from the FormRecognizerApiVersion object because it will never be different from the Latest version in beta packages, and stable packages will not support it.
  • Renamed beginExtractGenericDocument and GenericDocumentResult to beginExtractGeneralDocument and GeneralDocumentResult for consistency with other Form Recognizer SDK packages.
  • Several of the prebuilt model schemas and result types have changed:
    • The document type naming convention has changed. Instead of separation by colons (e.g. "prebuilt:receipt"), prebuilt model document type names are now separated by periods and are no longer prefixed with "prebuilt" ("prebuilt:idDocument:driverLicense" becomes "idDocument.driverLicense", "prebuilt:invoice" becomes just "invoice").
    • In the prebuilt-invoice model, several numeric fields that represented amounts of money have been changed to a designated "currency" type. These include the subTotal, totalTax, invoiceTotal, amountDue, and previousUnpaidBalance fields of invoices and the amount, tax, and unitPrice fields of invoice items (a subfield of invoices).

Bugs Fixed

  • The LayoutResult and GeneralDocumentResult types were missing the apiVersion, modelId, and content fields that are common to all other analysis results. This version adds them through a new interface, AnalyzeResultCommon, that includes these fields. LayoutResult, GeneralDocumentResult, ReadResult, and AnalyzeResult all now extend the AnalyzeResultCommon interface.
  • The DocumentSignatureField interface was missing a type for its value property. The property existed at runtime, but no type information was available for this field. The value property has been added to the interface.

Other Changes

  • Changed FormRecognizerCommonClientOptions to extend CommonClientOptions from @azure/core-client instead of PipelineOptions. CommonClientOptions itself extends PipelineOptions, so no fields are removed, but CommonClientOptions also includes httpClient and allowInsecureConnection fields to allow overriding the default HTTP client and using insecure connections (without SSL/TLS) respectively.

4.0.0-beta.2 (2021-11-09)

Features Added

  • Added a words method to DocumentLine. This method produces an IterableIterator that will yield all of the DocumentWords that are contained by the line's spans. This allows accessing the words that are related to the line from the line itself.
  • Added createdOn and lastUpdatedOn properties to DocumentAnalysisPollOperationState and TrainingPollOperationState that contain the date and time that the operation was created and last modified, respectively.

Bugs Fixed

  • Improved the handling of long-running operations (analysis and model creation operations). This fixes a bug (#18341) that caused the clients to reject model IDs that contained certain characters with an error: "unable to parse operationLocation". Our improvements to the long-running operation code make this error no longer possible.

Breaking Changes

  • Replaced the operationId field of DocumentAnalysisPollOperationState with an operationLocation field containing the full operation URL, rather than the operation GUID only.

4.0.0-beta.1 (2021-10-07)

This new major version beta introduces a full redesign of the Azure Form Recognizer client library. To leverage features of the newest Form Recognizer service API (version "2021-09-30-preview" and newer), the new SDK is required, and application code must be changed to use the new clients. Please see the Migration Guide for detailed instructions on how to update application code from version 3.x of the Form Recognizer SDK to the new version (4.x). The following sections contain an outline of the changes.

Breaking Changes

  • This package targets Azure Form Recognizer service API version 2021-09-30-preview and newer. It is not compatible with the older Form Recognizer service API versions (2.0 and 2.1). To continue to use Form Recognizer API version 2.1, please use major version 3 of the client package (@azure/ai-form-recognizer@^3.2.0).
  • FormRecognizerClient has been replaced by DocumentAnalysisClient.
    • The new beginExtractLayout method replaces the previous beginRecognizeContent method and its -FromUrl counterpart. Rather than a FormPageArray, the new method produces an object that has properties for pages, tables, and styles.
    • The new beginAnalyzeDocuments method replaces the form recognition methods of the previous client. It provides a single method that can analyze documents using any model ID, including prebuilt models. It replaces beginRecognizeCustomForms, beginRecognizeReceipts, beginRecognizeBusinessCards, beginRecognizeInvoices, and beginRecognizeIdentityDocuments, as well as all of their -FromUrl counterparts. Rather than an array of forms, the new method produces an AnalyzeResult (an object with several fields, described below).
    • Analysis using models trained without labeled training data is no longer supported by this package. This use-case is now provided by the prebuilt (generic) document model (see "New Features" below).
    • The language option has been renamed to locale, and it accepts a wider variety of locale codes (such as "en-US" for United States English) as well as two-letter language codes (such as "fr" for French).
    • The pages option is now a single string instead of an array of strings. Multiple page ranges may be specified by separating them with commas.
    • In many output types, boundingBox has been replaced by a list of boundingRegions, which may contain a bounding box and page number. This is useful for objects that may span multiple pages.
  • FormTrainingClient has been replaced by DocumentModelAdministrationClient.
    • The new beginBuildModel method replaces the previous beginTraining method. The new method and underlying service API do not support training a model using unlabeled training data. Labeled data are required to build a custom document model using the new SDK and service API.
    • The new beginComposeModel method replaces the beginCreateComposedModel method.
    • The getCopyAuthorization method no longer requires the target resource name and region, instead requiring only a model ID/name.
    • The getModel and listModels methods replace the getCustomModel and listCustomModels methods, as the new methods support prebuilt models as well as custom models. They no longer produce any information about models that did not succeed (if a model creation operation failed, it will not be included in the output of listModels and cannot be retrieved with getModel by model ID).
    • Custom models no longer have a name that is distinct from the model ID (more accurately, the model ID and name have been unified).
    • You must now specify a model ID to create a model (whether composed, copied, or built). Previously, the Form Recognizer service would generate a GUID for the newly-created model. Now, the model ID may be any text (so long as it does not start with "prebuilt-"), and it must be provided when the model is created.
    • The ModelInfo type (previously CustomFormModelInfo) has been redesigned. It no longer contains trainingDocuments, and it has a property called docTypes that contains the information previously contained in submodels, but with a different shape. Please refer to the documentation for more information, as this type has changed significantly.
  • The structure of many output types has changed. The full list of changes is extensive and discussed in depth in the migration guide. The following are some of the changes:
    • When analyzing a document, the output is no longer an array of RecognizedForms. All analysis methods—including custom/prebuilt model analysis, layout, and the generic document model—produce an AnalyzeResult or a subset thereof. The AnalyzeResult has fields for pages, tables, styles, entities, keyValuePairs, and documents. The beginExtractLayout and beginExtractGenericDocument methods produce subtypes (LayoutResult and GenericDocumentResult respectively) of AnalyzeResult that contain only those fields that are produced by that model. The list of changes within these types is extensive, as they have been redesigned. Please consult the documentation for more information.
    • The new type AnalyzedDocument replaces RecognizedForm. It does not contain a pages property, as pages are now a top-level property of the AnalyzeResult.
    • The new type DocumentPage replaces FormPage. It does not have a tables property, as tables are now a top-level property of the AnalyzeResult.
    • The DocumentLine type (replacing FormLine) no longer has a words property, as words is now a property of the DocumentPage. The DocumentLine instead contains spans which can be used to correlate DocumentWords to DocumentLines, as words are no longer required to be part of a line.

New Features

  • Added support for a new generic document prebuilt model. The beginExtractGenericDocument method of DocumentAnalysisClient utilizes this new model, or it may be used with beginAnalyzeDocuments by its model ID: "prebuilt-document". This model produces all of the same basic layout information as the prebuilt layout model, but also extracts entities (along with their categories/subcategories) and key-value pairs (associations from one document element, such as a label, to another).
  • There are now strong result types for the four prebuilt models (receipts, business cards, invoices, and identity documents) built in to the SDK. To utilize these new result types, the DocumentModel data structure corresponding to the prebuilt model must be provided to beginAnalyzeDocuments (rather than providing a simple string model ID). These DocumentModel data structures are part of PrebuiltModels (for example, PrebuiltModels.Receipt), which can be imported from this package.
  • An extracted table may now span multiple pages. As a result, tables now have multiple bounding regions to describe their locations on multiple pages.
  • Models may now have an optional description (part of the options bag when building a model, composing a model, or creating a model copy authorization).
  • Introduced listOperations and getOperation methods. These methods access model creation operations (including operations that failed to create a model). Operations are retained for 24 hours, after which point they are deleted.

3.2.0 (2021-08-11)

Features Added

  • With the dropping of support for Node.js versions that are no longer in LTS, the dependency on @types/node has been updated to version 12. Read our support policy for more details.
  • Updated our internal core package dependencies to their latest versions in order to add support for Opentelemetry 1.0.0 which is compatible with the latest versions of our other client libraries.
  • Changed TS compilation target to ES2017 in order to produce smaller bundles and use more native platform features

Key Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue in which form recognition would sometimes fail due to encountering an element reference pointing to a selection mark, causing an exception to be thrown. These references are now handled correctly.

3.1.0 (2021-05-26)

  • This General Availability (GA) release marks the stability of the changes introduced in package versions 3.1.0-beta.1 through 3.1.0-beta.3.
  • Changed all names including IdDocument to use IdentityDocument instead, for example: BeginRecognizeIdentityDocumentOptions, beginRecognizeIdentityDocuments, and beginRecognizeIdentityDocumentsFromUrl for clarity.
  • Flattened the TextStyle type into the TextAppearance type. Rather than having a style property with its own name and confidence, TextAppearance now has styleName and styleConfidence properties.
  • Removed the FormGenderField type. Any recognized value that was previously produced as a FormGenderField is now returned as a FormStringField instead (the value will remain the same).
  • Renamed the FormCountryField type to FormCountryRegionField, and changed the valueType discriminant property of that type to "countryRegion:.
  • Renamed ReadingOrder and Language to FormReadingOrder and FormLanguage to reduce the chance that these types would collide with other types having the same name from other packages.
  • Removed the KnownStyleName, KnownSelectionMarkState, and KnownKeyValueType enums, as they represent simple string enums. The styleName, state, and valueType properties (respectively) now have strong string-enum types.
  • Added the KnownFormLocale enum to access the well-known possible values of form locales (the locale property of the options parameters for prebuilt model recognition).
  • Migrated to the 2.1 Form Recognizer service endpoint for all REST API calls.

3.1.0-beta.3 (2021-04-06)

  • Split FormField into several different interfaces. This should not cause any API compatibility issues except in certain edge cases (undefined valueType), but should result in more accurate type refinement when dealing with FormField values and should significantly improve documentation and code hinting of these values through IntelliSense.
  • Added support for recognizing identity documents (such as driver licenses and passports) through the beginRecognizeIdDocuments method and its URL-based counterpart beginRecognizeIdDocumentsFromUrl. The identity document model is prebuilt and may be used without training a model.
  • Introduced two new form field value types: "gender" and "country". These value types appear in the identity document recognition responses.
    • The "gender" value type signifies the gender or sex of an individual and is represented by a string that is one of three values: "M", "F", or "X".
    • The "country" value type indicates a specific country and is represented by a three-letter country code string (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
  • Added support for the pages option to all form recognition methods (custom forms and all prebuilt models). This option works the same as in the content recognition methods, and allows for the specification of which pages within a multi-page document (PDF or TIFF formats) should be considered during analysis and included in the response.
  • Added support for a readingOrder option to the content recognition methods. This option enables you to control the algorithm that the service uses to determine how recognized lines of text should be ordered.
  • Custom model recognition now supports bitmap images through the "image/bmp" content-type (content recognition and all prebuilt models already support this content type).
  • Migrated to the 2.1-preview.3 Form Recognizer service endpoint for all REST API calls.

3.1.0-beta.2 (2021-02-09)

  • Renamed Appearance to TextAppearance, Style to TextStyle (previously the name of the enum for, and the TextStyle enum to StyleName for the sake of clarity in the type names.
  • Added KnownStyleName, KnownLanguage, KnownSelectionMarkState, and KnownKeyValueType enums to access the well-known possible values of the StyleName, Language, SelectionMarkState, and KeyValueType parameters/fields respectively.

3.1.0-beta.1 (2020-11-23)

  • Added a pages option to BeginRecognizeContentOptions. This option allows for the specification of which pages of a document to include in the content results. If a value is provided, pages that are not included in the pages field will not be analyzed.
  • Added an appearance property to FormLine that contains information about the appearance of the line, such as style (e.g. "handwritten").
  • Added an optional boundingBox property to FormTable that has a bounding box that contains the entire table.
  • Added support for the "image/bmp" content type. This content type is supported on all methods that accept a FormRecognizerRequestBody except for custom form recognition.
  • Added a language option to BeginRecognizeContentOptions. By default, when performing layout/content analysis, the service will attempt to detect the language of the document and supports multi-language inputs. The language parameter allows you to override this behavior and force the service to use a specific language.
  • Added support for Invoice recognition through the beginRecognizeInvoices and beginRecognizeInvoicesFromUrl methods. The Invoice model is prebuilt and may be used without training a model.
  • Added support for creating composed models through the beginCreateComposedModel method of FormTrainingClient. It accepts a list of model IDs that refer to labeled custom models that should be composed into a new model.
  • Added a formTypeConfidence property to RecognizedForm indicating the model's confidence in determining the correct form type (and therefore the correct model to use) during recognition.
  • Added a properties field to CustomFormModelInfo that may optionally contain extra properties. Currently, the only property is isComposedModel which will indicate whether the model is a composed model or a single trained model.
  • Added a modelId field to the CustomFormSubmodel, TrainingDocumentInfo, and RecognizedForm types containing the ID of the exact model that they are associated with (for example, in the context of a composed model, the modelId field can determine which specific component model is associated with the submodel, training document, or recognized form).
  • Added support for selection marks in form fields. In addition to the previously-existing variants of FormField, custom models can now return fields with valueType: "selectionMark" and their value will be the state of the selection mark.
  • Added a new page element FormSelectionMark that represents marks on a page that can be selected (such as checkboxes and radio buttons). The selectionMarks field of FormPage contains the selection marks that were recognized in the page. A selection mark has a state value that is either "checked" or "unchecked."
  • Made optimizations to the long-running operation infrastructure that should result in faster and more memory-efficient polling for results of custom form recognition, receipt recognition, and business card recognition.
  • Added an option for specifying the locale of a document to receipt and business card methods through the locale property of the options bag.
  • Added support for Business Card recognition through the beginRecognizeBusinessCards and beginRecognizeBusinessCardsFromUrl methods, which mirror their receipt counterparts. The Invoice model is prebuilt and may be used without training a model.
  • Added the modelName property to CustomFormModelInfo, reflecting the same property that was added to the model training options.
  • Altered the type hierarchy so that CustomFormModel inherits the properties of CustomFormModelInfo.
  • Added the modelName field to BeginTrainingOptions. The given model name will become an immutable property of the trained model.
  • Migrated to the 2.1-preview.1 Form Recognizer service endpoint for all REST API calls.

3.0.0 (2020-08-20)

  • This release marks the general availability of the @azure/ai-form-recognizer package.

3.0.0-preview.1 (2020-08-11)

  • Changed the package version to 3.0.0-preview.1 to reduce confusion with older versions of the Azure Form Recognizer SDKs.
  • Changed the name of the options bag parameter of beginRecognizeReceipts and beginRecognizeReceiptsFromUrl to BeginRecognizeReceiptsOptions.
  • Switched to using the generally-available 2.0 service endpoint rather than 2.0-preview.
  • Added a pageNumber property to the FormTable and FormTableCell types indicating the number of the page where the table/cell appeared within the input document.
  • [Breaking] Renamed the includeSubFolders property of the TrainSourceFilter type to includeSubfolders.
  • [Breaking] Renamed the documentName property of the TrainingDocumentInfo type to just name.
  • [Breaking] Removed the containingLine property of the FormWord type.
  • Made the rowSpan, columnSpan, isHeader, and isFooter properties of the FormTableCell type non-optional to reflect that they have default values.
  • [Breaking] Renamed CustomFormField to CustomFormModelField for similarity to other language SDKs.
  • [Breaking] Removed the redundant expirationDateTimeTicks property from the CopyAuthorization type, as the expiresOn property exists.
  • [Breaking] Moved the optional contentType parameter of the FormRecognizerClient recognition methods (recognizeContent, recognizeCustomForms, recognizeReceipts, and their URL-based variants) to the associated options bag for these methods.
  • [Breaking] Removed exports of several internal types, including most internal poller operation states and some unused types. All client poller implementations now return a smaller subset of fields.

1.0.0-preview.4 (2020-07-07)

  • [Breaking] Replace RecognizedReceiptArray with the more generic RecognizedFormArray in the Poller response type returned by beginRecognizeReceipts and beginRecognizeReceiptsFromUrl.
  • Added an expiresOn property to the CopyAuthorization type containing the time that the Copy Authorization will expire encoded as a JavaScript Date type.
  • [Breaking] Rename the textContent field of the FieldData and FormTableCell types to fieldElements to mirror the change in its type.
  • [Breaking] Rename the FormField type's labelText and valueText fields to labelData and valueData respectively, to mirror the change of their type to FieldData;
  • [Breaking] Rename the includeTextContent request option to includeFieldElements to mirror the change to FieldData and FormElement.
  • [Breaking] Rename FieldText to FieldData and FormContent to FormElement to reflect that fields may contain more than textual information.
  • [Breaking] Rename includeTextDetails to includeTextContent in custom form and receipt recognition options to be consistent with other languages.
  • [Breaking] Rename properties requestedOn to trainingStartedOn and completedOn to trainingCompletedOn in CustomFormModel and CustomFormModelInfo types.

1.0.0-preview.3 (2020-06-10)

  • Blank pages in receipt recognition are now handled properly.
  • Support Azure Active Directory credential.
  • Support to copy a custom model from one Form Recognizer resource to another.
  • Headers and query parameters which don't contain sensitive information are no longer redacted in logging output.
  • Refactoring for cross-language consistency:
    • [Breaking] Rename beginRecognizeForms() to beginRecognizeCustomForms() in FormRecognizerClient.
    • [Breaking] Rename listModels() to listCustomModels() in FormTrainingClient.
    • [Breaking] Rename count to customModelCount and limit to customModelLimit in AccountProperties.
    • [Breaking] Rename type ErrorInformation to FormRecognizerError.
    • [Breaking] Rename type ModelStatus to CustomFormModelStatus.
    • [Breaking] Rename type CustomFormSubModelField to CustomFormField.
    • [Breaking] Rename type FormElement to FormContent and FormElementCommon to FormContentCommon.
    • [Breaking] Rename property fieldLabel to labelText in FormField type.
    • [Breaking] Rename type ModelInfo to CustomFormModelInfo.
    • [Breaking] Rename properties createdOn to requestedOn and lastModified to completedOn in CustomModelInfo type.
    • [Breaking] Rename type TrainModelOptions to TrainingFileFilter.
    • [Breaking] Rename type TrainStatus to TrainingStatus.
    • [Breaking] Rename type ContentType to FormContentType.
    • [Breaking] Rename type FormText to FieldText.
    • [Breaking] Rename type CustomFormSubModel to CustomFormSubmodel.
    • [Breaking] Rename models to submodels in CustomFormModel.
    • [Breaking] Recognition methods and training methods now return the result directly, instead of wrapping them in a response object. Specifically,
      • beginTraining now returns CustomFormModel instead of FormModelResponse from the poller.
      • beginRecognizeContent and beginRecognizeContentFromUrl now return FormPageArray instead of RecognizeContentResultResponse from the poller.
      • beginRecognizeForms and beginRecognizeFormsFromUrl now return RecognizedFormArray instead of RecognizeFormResultResponse from the poller.
      • beginRecognizeReceipts and beginRecognizeReceiptsFromUrl now return RecognizedReceiptArray instead of RecognizeReceiptResultResponse from the poller.
    • [Breaking] Remove getFormTrainingClient() from FormRecognizerClient. A new method getFormRecognizerClient() is added to FormTrainingClient
    • [Breaking] useTrainingLabels parameter is now required for beginTraining() method.
    • [Breaking] Rename intervalInMs to updateIntervalInMs for all LRO poller options.
    • [Breaking] Remove USReceipt and associated types.
    • Rename the first parameter of beginRecognizeContent() from data to form.
    • Rename the second parameter of beginRecognizeForms() from data to form.
    • Rename the first parameter of beginRecognizeReceipts() from data to receipt.
    • Rename the first parameter of beginRecognizeContentFromUrl() from documentUrl to formUrl.
    • Rename the second parameter of beginRecognizeFormsFromUrl() from documentUrl to formUrl.
    • Rename the first parameter of beginRecognizeReceiptsFromUrl() from documentUrl to receiptUrl.
    • Rename the first parameter of beginTraining from blobContainerUrl to trainingFilesUrl.

1.0.0-preview.2 (2020-05-06)

  • FormTrainingClient.listModels() now works correctly on NodeJs v8.
  • Custom Form recognition now handles missing fields properly.

1.0.0-preview.1 (2020-04-23)

  • This release is a preview of our efforts to create a client library that is user friendly and idiomatic to the JavaScript ecosystem. The reasons for most of the changes in this update can be found in the Azure SDK Design Guidelines for TypeScript.
  • Differences from previous public package @azure/cognitiveservices-formrecognizer
    • Package name changed from @azure/cognitiveservices-formrecognizer to @azure/ai-form-recognizer.
    • Package targets version 2.0 of the service API.