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Gradle Setup Frontend Plugin Gradle Plugin Portal

A gradle plugin that scaffolds a frontend and provides tasks for bundling.

Getting Started

Add the frontend plugin to build.gradle

plugins {
  id 'cool.william.frontend' version '0.0.15'

Scaffold the frontend. Choose between React or Svelte


$ ./gradlew setupReactFrontend


$ ./gradlew setupSvelteFrontend

Start the frontend in development mode

$ ./gradlew frontendStart

Build the frontend for distribution

$ ./gradlew frontendBuild

Integrate with Spring Boot

If you wish to use these gradle tasks with Spring Boot, add these lines to build.gradle

To start the frontend when Spring Boot starts

bootRun.dependsOn frontendStart

To build the frontend for distribution when Spring Boot is built into a jar

processResources.dependsOn frontendBuild

To configure Spring Boot to reload resources that change. Useful when running in development mode

bootRun {
    sourceResources sourceSets.main


In order to get LiveReload functionality during development, you need to install the LiveReload browser extension, or use this Index Controller that injects LiveReload into index.html during development.


This plugin scaffolds a frontend meaning that it creates a set of files necessary for a minimal frontend. Right now, only React is supported.

  • package.json for managing dependencies, metadata, and defining scripts.
  • frontend/ folder for storing the entry point (index.js and index.html) and components
  • webpack.config.js for configuring webpack

Scaffolding is only meant to happen once, at the beginning of the project. After scaffolding, modify whatever you want, this is meant to be a minimal starting point.

Frontend Start

The frontendStart gradle task simply runs npm run start which corresponds to the start script in package.json. It's perfectly fine to use NPM to run this script, but frontendStart has the added benefit of forking into a separate process and running while another task like bootRun is still running. That way webpack can run in watch mode continuously bundling the frontend while you develop your app.

Frontend Build

The frontendBuild gradle task runs npm run build which builds the frontend in webpack's production mode so that it can be shipped off and deployed.