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This example describes a system containing two AND gates, |A| and |B|, with a single overlapping input node.

First let's create the subsystem corresponding to the residue network, with all nodes OFF in the current and previous states.

>>> import pyphi
>>> subsystem = pyphi.examples.residue_subsystem()

Next, we can define the mechanisms of interest. Mechanisms and purviews are represented by tuples of node indices in the network:

>>> A = (0,)
>>> B = (1,)
>>> AB = (0, 1)

And the possible cause purviews that we're interested in:

>>> CD = (2, 3)
>>> DE = (3, 4)
>>> CDE = (2, 3, 4)

We can then evaluate the cause information for each of the mechanisms over the cause purview |CDE|.

>>> subsystem.cause_info(A, CDE)
>>> subsystem.cause_info(B, CDE)
>>> subsystem.cause_info(AB, CDE)

The composite mechanism |AB| has greater cause information than either of the individual mechanisms. This contradicts the idea that |AB| should exist minimally in this system.

Instead, we can quantify existence as the irreducible cause information of a mechanism. The MIP of a mechanism is the partition of mechanism and purview which makes the least difference to the cause repertoire (see the documentation for the |RepertoireIrreducibilityAnalysis| object). The irreducible cause information is the distance between the unpartitioned and partitioned repertoires.

To analyze the irreducibility of the mechanism |AB| on the cause side:

>>> mip_AB = subsystem.cause_mip(AB, CDE)

We can then determine what the specific partition is.

>>> mip_AB.partition  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 ∅    A,B
─── ✕ ───
 C    D,E

The indices (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) correspond to nodes A, B, C, D, E respectively. Thus the MIP is |(AB / DE) x (∅ / C)|, where \varnothing denotes the empty mechanism.

The partitioned repertoire of the MIP can also be retrieved:

>>> mip_AB.partitioned_repertoire
array([[[[[0.2, 0.2],
          [0.1, 0. ]],
         [[0.2, 0.2],
          [0.1, 0. ]]]]])

And we can then calculate the irreducible cause information as the difference between partitioned and unpartitioned repertoires.

>>> mip_AB.phi

One counterintuitive result that merits discussion is that since irreducible cause information is what defines existence, we must also evaluate the irreducible cause information of the mechanisms |A| and |B|.

The mechanism |A| over the purview |CDE| is completely reducible to |(A / CD) x (∅ / E)| because |E| has no effect on |A|, so it has zero |small_phi|.

>>> subsystem.cause_mip(A, CDE).phi
>>> subsystem.cause_mip(A, CDE).partition  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 ∅     A
─── ✕ ───
 E    C,D

Instead, we should evaluate |A| over the purview |CD|.

>>> mip_A = subsystem.cause_mip(A, CD)

In this case, there is a well-defined MIP

>>> mip_A.partition  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 ∅     A
─── ✕ ───
 C     D

which is |(∅ / C) x (A / D)|. It has partitioned repertoire

>>> mip_A.partitioned_repertoire

and irreducible cause information

>>> mip_A.phi

A similar result holds for |B|. Thus the mechanisms |A| and |B| exist at levels of |small_phi = 1/6|, while the higher-order mechanism |AB| exists only as the residual of causes, at a level of |small_phi = 1/10|.