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Deploying an Image Colourization model

Image colorization is the process of taking an input grayscale (black and white) image and then producing an output colorized image that represents the semantic colors and tones of the input. The approach we are going to use here relies on deep learning.


  • Python

    You'd be better off not doing this project if you don't know about Python Programming. But since you're enthusiastic, you can learn to code in Python here.

  • Deep Learning Library (PyTorch/Tensorflow)

    Not sure what PyTorch is? Do this tutorial on their website, to get to know the basics. But you need to know about Nerual Networks first. Oh here's where you can learn about NNs, just do Week 1 and you're good to go. Also, you need to know what Convolutional Neural Networks are, read and implement this to get an understanding

Key Concept

Here, we will be using LAB color space, but you can try using YCbCr space also. Similar to the RGB color space, the Lab color space has three channels. But unlike the RGB color space, Lab encodes color information differently:

  • The L channel encodes lightness intensity only
  • The a channel encodes green-red.
  • And the b channel encodes blue-yellow

For more information, you can refer to This Wikipedia article.

Since the L channel encodes only the intensity, we can use the L channel as our grayscale input to the network.

From there the network must learn to predict the a and b channels. Given the input L channel and the predicted ab channels we can then form our final output image.

The entire (simplified) process can be summarized as:

  1. Convert all training images from the RGB color space to the Lab color space.
  2. Use the L channel as the input to the network and train the network to predict the ab channels.
  3. Combine the input L channel with the predicted ab channels.
  4. Convert the Lab image back to RGB.

A pathway for Recolorization using Autoencoders

A very simple model can also be implemented as -

  • Download and Read 2000 Classic Painting's Dataset - Visit this link to download it from website or type the following command on terminal kaggle datasets download -d thedownhill/art-images-drawings-painting-sculpture-engraving

  • Train/Test split - Get a sample of 20 images to test the model when it is done

  • Create inception embedding of training data - Load weights of InceptionResNetV2 and generate embedding of grayscaled image using the network

  • Create the Model - The model can be a combination of an autoencoder and resnet classifier. The best an autoencoder can do by itself is just shade everything in a brownish tone. We can create a model which uses an resnet classifier to give the neural network an idea of what things should be colored

    Encoder - Add successive blocks of 2D convolutions with RELU activation function followed by max pooling to reduce the input

    Fusion - Concatenate encoder output with the image embedding from InceptionResNetV2 (repeated and resized) and add a 2D convolution block with RELU activation function

    Decoder - Add successive blocks of 2D convolutions with RELU activation function followed by upsampling layers to generate an image of original size Use Adam optimizer and mean squared error loss function for the model

  • Train the model - Use batch size of 20 and train for atleast 25 epochs with suitable learning rate

  • Generate results - The output of model are the a and b channels, concatenate this with thhe L channel from original image to generate a recolorized image

Here's a reference link in case you get stuck in implementing the above

An Alternative Pathway

You could code and train your own model quite by following this article on Automatic Colorization but it is bit more time taking. Implementation wise it has similar encoder network with residual connections except that it uses VGG-16 for generating embeddings and works in YUV color space. Here's a reference of implementation

Take a shortcut

If you want to focus on deploying the model, refer to this article to get a quick model up and running for image recolourization and move onto the next section. For more detailed information, please refer to original paper by Zhang et al..


Deploying your machine learning model is a key aspect of every ML project. We will now lean on the resourcefulness of Flask to help us deploy our own machine learning model

Flask is a web application framework written in Python. It has multiple modules that make it easier for a web developer to write applications without having to worry about the details like protocol management, thread management, etc.

Flask gives is a variety of choices for developing web applications and it gives us the necessary tools and libraries that allow us to build a web application.

Install Flask - Here, I am assuming you already have Python 3 and pip installed. To install Flask, you need to run the following command: sudo apt-get install python3-flask

Here are some reference links so as to how to deploy an ML model on Flas which uses image as input -

That's it! You have implemented and deployed your own image recolorization model!

Created with ❤️ by WnCC