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Emergency Braking

Functional Scenario

An automated vehicle follows another vehicle (co) on a straight road. Suddenly, the co carries out an emergency braking maneuver.

Logical Scenario

In this scenario, both vehicles are in the same lane of a straight road. It is the task of the following vehicle (ego) to avoid a collision with the vehicle in front (co) using Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) as well as Automated Emergency Braking (AEB) functions. Initially, the vehicle in front moves with a velocity v_co, the following vehicle moves with a speed v_ego, and there is a time gap of d_t between the vehicles. The vehicle in front immediately starts to brake with a deceleration of a_co until it reaches a speed of v_co_min_frac * v_co. The scenario is illustrated below: Scenario Animation Scenario Animation


Input Unit Min Max Type Explanation
a_co m/s^2 -1 -10 continuous deceleration of the co
v_co_min_frac 0.1 1.0 continuous final velocity of the co as a fraction of v_co
d_t s 0.5 3.0 continuous initial time gap between the co and ego
v_co km/h 80 150 continuous initial velocity of the co
v_ego km/h 80 150 continuous initial velocity of the ego


Output Unit Type Explanation
TTC_min s continuous minimal time to collision (TTC) in longitudinal direction
d_min m continuous minimal distance in longitudinal direction
collision binary collision indicator based on rough bounding box

Concrete Scenarios

Both datasets contain concrete scenarios which are evenly distributed within the input space defined over the inputs. The train_validation dataset is generated based on the Sobol sequence, the test dataset is generated based on pseudo-random numbers generated by numpy.