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Functional Scenario

An automated vehicle has to follow a curved road, where different obstacles can hide the lane markings.

Logical Scenario

The automated vehicle starts with the pose x_ego, y_ego, theata_ego and has a velocity of v_ego. The vehicle's sensor system detects lane markings. These serve as input for the lane-keeping system. Four obstacles can obscure the view of the lane, depending on their orientation theta_obs_1, theta_obs_2, theta_obs_3, theta_obs_4. 7 different function and vehicle model parameters are varied. The scenario is illustrated below: Scenario Animation Scenario Animation


Input Unit Min Max Type Explanation
x_ego m -38.5 -37.5 continuous initial x coordiante of the ego
y_ego m 120.5 121.5 continuous initial y coordiante of the ego
theta_ego deg 3.7 4.1 continuous initial orientation of the ego
v_ego km/h 20 40 continuous velocity of the ego
theta_obs_1 deg -120 -45 continuous orientation of obstacle 1
theta_obs_2 deg -105 25 continuous orientation of obstacle 2
theta_obs_3 deg 90 110 continuous orientation of obstacle 3
theta_obs_4 deg 90 110 continuous orientation of obstacle 4
f_t s 0.2 0.4 continuous time horizon of the lane-keeping pre-controller
f_p 0.15 0.25 continuous P of the lane-keeping controller
f_i 0.002 0.005 continuous I of the lane-keeping controller
f_d 0.6 1.2 continuous D of the lane-keeping controller
v_t_1 s 0.1 0.2 continuous first time constant of the ego's lateral dynamic
v_t_2 s 0.005 0.015 continuous second time constant of the ego's lateral dynamic
v_delay s 0.0 0.1 continuous delay of the ego's reaction


Output Unit Type Explanation
lane_lost binary indicator if the ego has lost one of the lanes entirely
pos_lat_err_max m continuous maximum error of the lateral position
pos_lat_err_min m continuous minimum error of the lateral position
theta_err_max deg continuous minimum error of the ego's orientation
theta_err_min deg continuous maximum error of the ego's orientation
pos_lat_abs_err_max m continuous maximum absolute error of the lateral position

Concrete Scenarios

Both datasets contain concrete scenarios which are evenly distributed within the input space defined over the inputs. The train_validation dataset is generated based on the Sobol sequence, the test dataset is generated based on pseudo-random numbers generated by numpy.