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This skeleton contains a basic Amazon Web Services (AWS) lambda function written in Typescript with tests, linting and deployment configuration using AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM).

Why Typescript?

Having programmed in Javascript for quite a few years I am totally over watching myself, and others make the same trivial mistakes. I want to help others avoid these pitfals, hence the move to Typescript.

Typescript is mostly compatible with Javascript while introducing static types, this paired with a raft other enhancements makes the language safer, more robust and in my view better for beginners.

The aim of this project is provide a skeleton enabling developers to try Typescript in Lambda Functions.


This project uses a couple of conventions which simplify running parralel environments and configuration.


The project has a couple of parameters which are used as a label for resources created, it is composed of:

  • EnvironmentName: The name or identifier used for the environment. eg dev, stage or prod
  • EnvironmentNumber: This is typically a sequence number given to different sub environments.


We typically use Systems Manager Parameter Store as our secret and configuration storage system. To retrieve configuration items we have provisioned prior to launch of a stack we use the EnvironmentName and EnvironmentNumber to compose a key and retrieve a given setting. An example of his is seen below where the EnvironmentName is dev, and the EnvironmentNumber is one.


This enables storage of any number of configuration parameters.


Install NodeJS.

brew install node

Install Typescript.

npm install typescript -g

Install Typescript Lint.

npm install tslint

Install the aws CLI.

brew install awscli

Note: This setup assumes mac, it is just here to illustrate the requirements and give you the gist of what is needed.


This project is designed as a template for your project, just clone it then start developing in your favourite editor.

git clone your-project-name

Then remove the git directory, and setup your new git project.

cd your-project-name
rm -rf .git
git init
git add . 
git commit -a "Initial import of skeleton project"


Clone the lambda function, in this example we are just cloning the skeleton.

git clone

Run the tests.

make test

Deploy the skeleton, this will use the BUCKET to stage the file, prior to deployment with SAM.

AWS_PROFILE=myawsprofile AWS_REGION=us-west-2 make deploy

Note: The Makefile has been built to enable reproducable builds, this should mean deployments only happen when the code or dependencies are updated.


This project is released under The Unlicense, your free to copy this and do what you like.


This skeleton contains a basic lambda function written in typescript with tests.








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