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2022-03-17 - Brains I

  • Different brain chemistry can result in unwanted behaviour (murder) (Rain 1997).
  • The structure of the model limits is ability to understand abstract concepts.
  • Humans with abnormal pre-frontal cortex lack the ability to make goal-oriented decisions.
  • Reinforcment learning, job scheduling and other AI problems also fail at capturing the complexity of delayed gratification.
  • Perhaps, the circuitry involved in a functioning pre-frontal cortex can be translated into reinforcment learning.
  • There are different levels of depth of processing (Craik 1972) .
  • Strengthening connections to existing neurons make it easier to encode information in long-term memory.
  • We can build knowledge easier from existing context, no need to reinvent the wheel.
  • This translates to LSTM models, pre-training (i.e. BERT), Thousand Brain Theory, etc.
  • Models with deeper processing are more likely to be able synthesis information for challenging unseen data.
  • Deeper processing involves elaborative rehearsal, which makes use of existing synapses, rather than training from scratch each time.
  • Deep processing leads to better recall (Craik 1975).
  • A brain is able to remember more if we associate semantic meaning and context with the task.
  • For a task, semantic meaning and context can remain static, while new training instances are dynamic.
  • In machine learning, we can combine natural language processing (NLP) with existing tasks for greater model representation.
  • Examples include the combination of metadata NLP and computer vision for image dataset problems like classification, segmentation, detection.
  • Model representations from domain experts fail on illogical scenarios (Chase 1973).
  • This work shows that the human brain cannot generalize on noise.
  • The analogy provides a concrete example of intelligence in humans that also translates to artificaical intelligence.
  • This is a limitation of existing machine learning models, they struggle to perform well on unseen data.

2022-03-18 - EC

  • Sexual selection in Genetic Programming. Female preference (up, horizontal), Male (not fussy). Already done (Miller 2005)
  • Evolution in a dynamic environment + evolution can't reverse (hills and mountains analogy)
    • i.e. for multi-class, run many generations with two classes, then later add more.
    • Slowly introduce features to the training process.
  • Semantic distance use to eliminate redundant candidate solutions, use to assesss diversity of population and prune (see Tegmark 2020).
  • Imposing apriori belief structures on evolutionary computation - memes or culutral transmission (Dawkins 1976) to complement evolution.
    • Generalizing this, impose dogma on a model, based on domain expertise.
    • Genetic operators become dogma, monogamy, polygamy, polyamory - only certain indiviudals carry these cultural ideas.
    • Limit genetic operators to each individual - not all available to entire population at once.
    • The hand the draws itself (Hofstadter 1979).

2022-03-21 - Cars

  • Follow up work on (Cai 2020, Codevilla 2018) needed:
  • A rally car with two models, (1) driver and (2) directions giver.
  • Directions giver:
    • A model that usges computer vision to create a map of the road from multiple cameras.
    • Provides real-time plain speech instructions on how to traverse upcoming corners.
    • "Sharp turn left in 500m"
  • Driver:
    • Takes real-time plain speech language and performs driving tasks.
    • Aims for maximum velocity and drift.
  • Due to game theoretic directions and driver model, can generalize to unseen data (i.e. drive on new roads).
  • Two independent tasks that can be optimized seperately - similar to a GAN with its critique and generator.

2022-02-22 - Brains II

  • People have better recall when they have multiple retrieval cues personal to them.
  • Similar to how model-free reinforcement learning (Cai 2020, Akkaya 2019) exceeds human designed controllers.
  • Recall is improved when connections between existing neurons are strengthened.
  • Effective recall requires everyone to learn a model that is unique and personal to them.
eich1975state, miles1998state, godden1975context
  • State and context dependent recall.
  • More likely to remember something given the same state and context.
  • Similar to noise distributions, a model trained with gaussian noise will perform well on test set of same distribution.
  • It would perform poorly with a different distribution of noise or none at all.
  • The context and state are noise to the sensory registers that attempt to encode semantic meaning into short-term memory.
  • Our brain can't seperate all noise from signal, so the context/state is partially encoded into our mental representation.
  • Without that noise present, is becomes difficult to achieve the same activation pattern in the associated network.
  • "Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more" - Nikola Tesla
  • Value of distinct examples
  • Similar to Deren Browns mind palace - linked to the Ancient greek technique for memorization.
  • If he wants to remember something, he associates it with a graphic or lewd imagery - i.e. An queen of hearts, is a naked woman with her heart ripped out.
  • We remember certain events with a distinct clarity and vivideness.
  • We remember lightbulb events longer than other events, but still not well.
  • We have a false confidence that these distinct events are accurate remembered.
  • Each time we retell the story, we re-write it, and mis-remember it, the memory is foggyier than we think.
  • The metric of strong positive/negative emotion, while correlated, doesn't guarantee the accuracy of the memory.
  • Similar to how a model may also share a false confidence of its accuracy on an distinct outlier.

2022-03-23 - Project Management

  • Project management is important for self-supervised learning such as this PhD.
  • I have created an agile kanban board to keep a public record of my work
  • We can use Github issues to link code commits to issues, and create user stories that achieve milestones.
  • Basically, apply agile methodology from PMBOK to my studies, to avoid the Parkinson's law
  • My proposal and thesis are the first two major milestones that I can consider at this early stage.
  • As I get stuck into implementation and actual work, many more milestones will arise.

2022-03-24 - Bayesian Optimization

  • shahriari2015taking and brochu2010tutorial were suggested readings from the FASLIP talk.
  • Bayesian optimization through Gaussian Processes (GP) is an effective method for approximating prohibitive objective functions.
  • Those functions may be prohibitive, because they are intractable, or computationally expensive, or other reasons.
  • We used GP in the Conditional Neural Processes (Garnelo 2018, garnelo2018conditional) when building a the cnpRIR for Summer Research Project.
  • The term neuro-evolutionary, used in (Eiben 2015 - eiben2015evolutionary), are hybrid algorithms that combine neural networks and evolutionary computation.

2022-03-31 - The Big Reset 2.0

  • Based on FASLIP video
  • When naming these things, they just pour fuel on the fire of conspiracy theorists.
  • China uses technology/AI as a hammer, and when your tool is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.
  • Some things don't need deep learning or AI for solutions - reduce depedency on technology can be a good things.
  • WeChat is used for everything, messenger, social media, payments - when your phone dies you are no longer a citizen.
  • Similar to digital vaccination pass system in New Zealand, when you phone dies you forfeit your rights as a human being.
  • AI prosthetics are cool, but still not available en-masse, the rich and continue their already shelted and privelaged lifestyle. We could give these to everyone, but there is no economic incentive.
  • Even kids notice the Narrow-AI / free lunch theorum in Artificial Intelligence.
  • Theres an AI solution for every unique problem (e.g. Siri, Alexa, Spot, GPT-3, AlphaFold), but no ONE AI that can generalize for everthing (AGI).
  • A noticeable divide between aritificial intelligence in an academic sense and industry applications for these technologies.
  • As adoption of AI increases ( cough the academics enter these industries) the diffusion of innovation can continue.

2022-03-31 - CNN Results

  • Implemented the 1-dimensional CNN from ENGR489 - with some tweaks and adjustments.
    • Assess the accuracy using k-fold stratified cross-validation (k = 10).
    • This allows for direct comparison to the other classifiers (i.e. SVM, KNN, DT, ...).
    • Manually hyperparameters tuning achieve 98% accuracy on fish species training set.
    • Competitive with the Linear SVM classifier results (approx. 98.33%).
  • Manual tuning for the CNN hyperparameters is a time consuming and laborious process.
    • This was black magic and I was very lucky to find hyper-parameters that work well.
    • I would like to explore using EC to perform a neural architecture search.
    • Automate the process of tuning
    • May provide improved performance over the SVM classifier for more difficult fish part dataset.
    • The SVM provides an excellent baseline for the competitive performance of the desired CNN model.
    • SVM is far less computationally expensive to evaluate.
  • Paper / research
    • For now, simple neural architecture search, which encodes batch size, epochs, and filter size for convolutional layers, and dropout probability.
    • Later include a genetic algorithm that constructs the network design - but this remains beyond my initial scope.
    • If results are promising, a paper on "Evolutionary Computation for Neural Architecture Search in Fish Oil Analysis" would be appropriate.

2022-04-04 - Chemical Stuff

  • MegaSYN - computation proof of concept for using AI to manufacture biological weapons
    • Adjusted objective function for MegaSYN and used deadly training data.
    • Fine-tuned a model to generate a synthetic compound similar to a deadly nerge agent.
    • Reversed parameter, from minimization to maximiation for toxicity factor in objective function.
    • Model was able to synthesize deadly biological toxins.
    • AI has no sense of morality, it is up to the practitioner to remain ethical in their approach.
  • Evolutionary Model of Varient Effect (EVE) -
    • Model identifies mutations associated with disease in unlabelled datasets.
    • Unsupervised clustering of chemical data, but then employing VAEs to assess liklihoods.
    • Trained a VAE for each proteing family, given one variant in a protein family, it learned to compute liklihood of each amino acid in the sequence.
    • Employing VAEs on unsupervised clustering algorithms combines clustering and auto-encoders.
    • Model was more accurate that lab test results (i.e. 99% > 95% AUC)

2022-04-07 - CNN Fish Part

  • CNN classification results for fish part.
  • Fish part needs a simpler neural network to achieve high accuracy on fish part.
  • Network needs a 90% dropout rate, but can achieve 84% accuracy.
  • Still need to manually tune this model more to be competitive with the SVM.
  • LeakyRelu activation function improves performance on both datasets.

2022-04-22 - e2e with SCARA

  • Could encorporate model-free reiforcement learning for simulation/real-world SCARA robot to take measurements in a factory.
  • A general purpose AI robot controller to automate the data collection of the GC-MS / REIM data.
  • This is a way to explore my interest in robotics / AI / computer vision - and encorporate this into my work.
  • Overall goal: propose an end-to-end engineering solution to quaility assurance in food science.
  • Moon-shot: (1) Data Collection, (2) Data Pre-processing, (3) Classification/Regression/Clustering, (4) Visualisation / NLP knowledge generated, (5) Verfication by Domain Expertise.
  • Try apply Aritifical intelligence techniques to automate all the processes above.

2022-04-27 - Teleoperation SCARA

  • The paper (quin 2022, qin2022one) shows possibility for teleoperation of SCARA via a laptop webcam.
  • This requires no special, 3D sensor setup, and can be done with a simple webcam - available to anyone with a laptop.
  • This could be implemented to allow for remote operation of our SCARA for employees working from home (WFH).
  • Furthermore, this could be similar to Tesla FSD, where human intervention can resolve edge cases.
  • This dramatically increases the viability of the SCARA product for collecting REIMS data.

2022-04-28 - AI Day + SCRUM Board

  • Who says you can't enjoy your PhD research
  • I presented the AI Day supercut to the FASLIP research group, and it was recieved very positively.
  • This was a moment of Jungian Synchronicity - a self actualising and deeply meaningful experience.
  • Side note: I made a gigantic prop replica of the SCRUM board from Silicon Valley
  • This is achieves a major PhD research goal that I set for my ENGR391 Work Experience paper.
  • I have successfully applied Project Management techniques to my study.
  • I added my own twist, by using playing cards as a ranking/priority heuristic for ordering tasks.

2022-05-11 - First GP

  • I wrote my first Genetic Program (GP) from scratch today.
  • We implement a tutorial by Jason from Machine Learning Mastery
  • It solved (1) onemax, and (2) 2nd-order polynomial equations.
  • GP implements evaluation, selection and reproduction on a bitstring representations of the solution.
  • Evaluation measures the performance of the solution by the objective function.
  • We perform tournament selection to decide which individuals are kepts.
  • The reproduction is done by crossover and mutation.

2022-05-27 - COVID gap

  • I had COVID-19, was very sick, and self-isolated.
  • This explains the gap, as you will, in my work here.

2022-06-17 - Importance of Writing

  • Writing is an important part of research, we refine our ideas, and correct our incorrect assumptions, we organize our thoughts.
  • For example, when re-writing my draft paper, I realized my understanding of treated fish biomass waste was incorrect.
  • Something I would have never realized if I did not explicitly have to re-write my introduction section.

2022-08-18 - Github Copilot

  • GitHub CoPiliot is an AI powered autocompletion code tool made using GPT-3
  • I was lucky enough to test the software during its closed beta period.
  • GitHub Copilot is available for free to developers with the Student License.
  • As a PhD student, I qualify for this license for the next three years.
  • I simply sent my Student ID and university email, and they verified I am a current student.

2022-08-19 - Biology in EC

  • Read this
  • Genotype: the genetic makeup of an individual, i.e. the recessive gene for ginger hair.
  • Phenotype: the expression of a trait (or gene), i.e. Ginger hair.
  • These concepts from biology apply to Evolutionary Computation:
    • Genetype is the encoding for an individual, the representation, i.e. A GP tree or binary string.
    • Phenotype is that genotype after being decoded, the prediction, i.e. the output of the GP tree.

2022-09-02 - Fitness

  • Fitness function for mutli-label classification needs to penalize multi-label predictions.
  • A multi label prediction is a vector in form p = [1,0,1,0], where multiple classes are predicted.
  • The Hamming Distance is the magnitude of the difference of two vectors |v1 - v2|.
  • We can use the hamming distance as distance-based regularization term to penalize multi-label predictions.
  • Our new fitness function becomes fitness = \alpha accuracy + (1 - \alpha |\hat(y) - y|)
    • where \alpha is the weight of the accuracy vs regularization term,
    • and |\hat(y) - y| is the hamming distance between prediction and true label,
    • and accuracy is the balanced accuracy.
  • Generally we set \alpha = 0.98 very high, to favour solutions with higher accuracy first, then penalize multi-label predictions.
  • To facilitate this approach, we must log the accuracy and fitness statistics independently, as they are no longer the same metric.

2022-09-08 - (New) Fitness

  • The previous fitness functions (thoughts 2022-09-02) does not work.
  • It optimizes the balanced accuracy until no improvement is possible, then optimizes the hamming distance.
  • However, we want these two metrics to be optimized simultaneously.
  • A new fitness function was proposed, that simply rejects invalid predictions entirely.
  • Thus the GP that makes the most valid and correct predictions will be selected.
  • It is slower to evalaute good solutions, because creating valid and correct solutions is a more difficult task.
  • But the best performing model will inherently have the most valid solutions.

2022-09-28 - Contaimination

2022-10-13 - GC-MS Images

  • After FASLIP, Jordan MacLachlan suggested visualizing the GC-MS as an image.
  • Storing a 4800x500 matrix of pixels, where each pixel is the MS intensity value.
  • This can be visualized as a heatmap, to see if their are signficant patterns in the data.
  • Ideally, the fingerprint for an instance would resemble a barcode.
  • If that data, is bad, is would resemble static noise on an old television.
  • This means the data can be stored as an image, and can leverage existing image loaders in python.
  • This would allow for use of 2D convolutional neural networks on the GC-MS data, and visualizaion of that data.
  • I visualized a few instances in a colab notebook here
  • There is a clear pattern in the data which corresponds to intensity peaks.
  • Interestingly, also their is systematic labarotory error, at approximately timestamp 4500 for every sample.
  • Timestamp 4500 for every sample, is end of each sample.
  • This is verified by the slight increase at the end of the Gas Chromatograph as well, non-zero values after 4500.
  • This could be due to the GC-MS instrument, or the lab technician, or both.
  • I should ask Daniel if this data is useful or noise?

2022-10-22 - Social pain

  • 2:42 "To avoid that, your body came up with "social pain. Pain of this kind is is an evolutionary adaptation to rejection."
  • Back in the days of cavemen, life was incredibly difficult, and you needed a tribe to survive.
  • "No Man is an Island" - John Donne
  • An early warning system to make sure you stop behaviour that would isolate you.
  • You ancestors who experienced rejection as more painful were more likely to stop that behaviour, and thus stayed in the tribe.
  • Those who did not got kicked out, and most likely died.
  • Loneliness is as dangerous as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
  • Perhaps social pain would be a good fitness measure for co-evolutionary algorithms, to punish lone wolf invidiudals, that do not conform with the population

2023-02-26 - LLaMA

  • Applied for access to LLaMA large language model for AI research.

  • Announcement:

  • Paper:

  • Here is the application statement (may be useful for proposal):

    I plan to use LLaMA to help humans evaluate outputs of more complex models, specifically models for processing fish oil mass spectrometry data, for down stream applications in fish species and part identification, contamination detection, and individual identification.

    I see a fine-tuned LLM on mass spectrometry, fish processing, and machine learning questions, as an excellent bridge between the multi-disciplinary effort of my research. Domain experts in chemistry, machine learning, and fish processing, can provide supervised human feedback with RLHF to fine-tune a model to answer specific questions related to explainable AI for the AIML models a design for those tasks.

    I see LLaMA as an intermediary tool, to foster multi-disciplinary collaboration, and provide a Digital Aristotle, so existing researchers can understand concepts outside their field, such as chemists understanding machine learning, and so new researchers can easily be onboarded, and take the torch and pass it on. Ultimately, a very domain-specific assistant tool, or even just knowledge graph visualization based on the LLaMA word embeddings, would be useful to bridge the gap in understanding between fields.

    The existing work in this field is lost in translation. Chemists, statisticians, and AI researchers are essentially doing the exact same thing, but each field with its own jargon and dogma. I see LLaMA as a tool to bridge the gap between the terminology, translate the jargon, and progress the field of multi-disciplinary application based AI.