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File metadata and controls

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Migration Guides

Migrating to 10.0.0


The compiled output of kitsu-core has been changed from lib to dist.

// Legacy behaviour, any of:
import kitsu from 'kitsu-core'
import { serialise } from 'kitsu-core'
import { serialise } from 'kitsu-core/lib/serialise'

// New behaviour, any of:
import kitsu from 'kitsu-core'
import { serialise } from 'kitsu-core'
import { serialise } from 'kitsu-core/serialise' // Node 12+
import { serialise } from 'kitsu-core/dist/serialise'

camel, kebab and snake

These exports are now named exports instead of default exports.

// Legacy behaviour, any of:
import { camel } from 'kitsu-core'
import camel from 'kitsu-core/lib/camel'

// New behaviour, any of:
import { camel } from 'kitsu-core'
import { camel } from 'kitsu-core/camel'
import { camel } from 'kitsu-core/dist/camel'


serialise has been refactored to match the v9 deserialise behaviour. This was intended for the v9 release, however it slipped though the net and resulted in broken relationship serialisation in v9.

Relationships given to the serialise function are now always an object containing either a data object or a data array. This allows for optional top-level relationship links and meta objects to be serialised into the JSON:API format.


  • links that are not objects or do not contain self or related will become attributes as normal
  • meta that are not objects will become attributes as normal

Legacy Input

  id: '1',
  type: 'libraryEntries',
  links: { self: 'library-entries/1' }
  user: { // one-to-one relationship
    id: '2',
    type: 'users',
    links: { self: 'users/2' }
    name: 'Example'
  unit: [ // one-to-many relationship
      id: '3',
      type: 'episodes',
      links: { self: 'episodes/3' }
      number: 12
Legacy Output
data: {
  id: '1',
  type: 'libraryEntries',
  attributes: {
    links: { self: 'library-entries/1' }
  relationships: {
    user: {
      data: {
        id: '2',
        type: 'users',
        attributes: {
          links: { self: 'users/2' }
          name: 'Example'
    unit: {
      data: [
          id: '3',
          type: 'episodes',
          attributes: {
            links: { self: 'episodes/3' }
            number: 12

New Input

  id: '1',
  type: 'libraryEntries',
  links: { self: 'library-entries/1' }
  user: { // one-to-one relationship
    links: {
      self: 'library-entries/1/relationships/user'
      related: 'libary-entries/1/user'
    data: {
      id: '2',
      type: 'users',
      links: { self: 'users/2' }
      name: 'Example'
  unit: { // one-to-many relationship
    links: {
      self: 'library-entries/1/relationships/unit',
      related: 'library-entries/1/unit'
    data: [
        id: '3',
        type: 'episodes',
        links: { self: 'episodes/3' },
        number: 12
New Output
data: {
  id: '1',
  type: 'libraryEntries',
  links: { self: 'library-entries/1' },
  relationships: {
    user: {
      links: {
        self: 'library-entries/1/relationships/user'
        related: 'libary-entries/1/user'
      data: {
        id: '2',
        type: 'users',
        links: { self: 'users/2' },
        attributes: {
          name: 'Example'
    unit: {
      links: {
        self: 'library-entries/1/relationships/unit',
        related: 'library-entries/1/unit'
      data: [
          id: '3',
          type: 'episodes',
          links: { self: 'episodes/3' },
          attributes: {
            number: 12

Migrating to 9.0.0


deserialise and linkRelationships have been refactored. They now preserve link objects from relationships and match the structure of the root data object/array.

  • Root data self links are avaiable as data.links or data[].links
  • Relationship objects are now from
  • Relationship arrays are now[].id from relationshipName[].id
  • Relationship links are avaiable as relationshipName.links

For the full change in behaviour, see the legacy and new outputs below.

Legacy Behaviour


data: {
  id: '1',
  type: 'libraryEntries'
  links: {
    self: 'library-entries/1'
  attributes: {
    ratingTwenty: 10
  relationships: {
    user: {
      links: {
        self: 'library-entries/1/relationships/user',
        related: 'library-entries/1/user'
      data: {
        id: '2',
        type: 'users'
included: [
    id: '2',
    type: 'users',
    links: {
      self: 'users/2'
    attributes: {
      name: 'Example'


data: {
  id: '1',
  type: 'libraryEntries',
  ratingTwenty: 10,
  user: {
    id: '2',
    type: 'users',
    name: 'Example'

New Behaviour

Output with same input data as legacy behaviour:

data: {
  id: '1',
  type: 'libraryEntries',
  links: {
    self: 'library-entries/1'
  ratingTwenty: 10,
  user: {
    links: {
      self: 'library-entries/1/relationships/user',
      related: 'library-entries/1/user'
    data: {
      id: '2',
      type: 'users',
      links: {
        self: 'users/2'
      name: 'Example'


serialise has been refactored. It now passes camel case and pluralisation options as argument options. Options are 100% optional and will default to no conversion or pluralisation (e.g libraryEntry -> libraryEntry).

Legacy Syntax

import { serialise, camel, kebab } from 'kitsu-core'
import plural from 'pluralize'

serialise.apply({ camel, resCase: kebab, plural }, [ model, obj, 'PATCH' ])

New Syntax

import { serialise, camel } from 'kitsu-core'
import plural from 'pluralize'

serialise(model, obj, 'PATCH', {
  camelCaseTypes: camel,
  pluralTypes: plural

Migrating to 8.0.0

Dropped Node 8 support. Lowest supported version is now Node 10.

kitsu-core/node has been removed as it is now identical tokitsu-core.

  • Replace kitsu-core/node imports with kitsu-core
  • Replace kitsu-core/node/index.mjs imports with kitsu-corelib/index.mjs

Migrating to 7.0.0

Dropped Node 6 support. Lowest supported version is now Node 8.

kitsu/node now exists as a standalone package called kitsu-node. This has no dependency on Babel Runtime, as it's required only by the browser version of kitsu. Change reverted.

Migrating to 6.0.0

Babel 7

Kitsu Core now depends on Babel 7 with a significantly lower package size (over 50% reduction for the node variant). If your web app depends on Babel 6 you may want to hold off upgrading as you'll have two runtimes in your web bundles.

Legacy Bundle

kitsu-core/legacy has been removed as it didn't see any usage.

Nested Query Parameters

Query parameters handling has been rewritten to support nested parameters. This should not be a breaking change for daily use, but edge cases may be effected.

// Returns %2Fresources%3Ffilter%5BmyFilter%5D%5Bcontent%5D%5Bname%5D%3Dfilter_name
  filter: {
    myFilter: {
      content: {
        name: 'filter_name'