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基于 Slate 的 Angular 视图层


Slate 是一款架构良好、高扩展性的富文本编辑器框架,包括核心模型和视图层,但 slate 官方只提供了基于 react 的视图层,slate-angular 是 slate 视图层实现的补充,可帮助您使用 slate 和 angular 构建富文本编辑器。

slate-angular 以 slate-react 为灵感,并且尽量保持 slate 和 angular 各自的风格, 对中文输入友好, 开启你的 slate-angular 之旅吧。


Try out our live demo



  • 支持 Element 前后光标方案
  • 支持自定义组件/模版渲染 Element
  • 支持自定义组件/模版渲染 Text
  • 支持自定义组件/模版渲染 Leaf
  • 支持 decorate 装饰
  • 支持 void 元素


Chrome、Edge、Safari、Firefox、QQ Browser


1. 安装依赖

"dependencies": {
    "direction": "^2.0.1",
    "is-hotkey": "^0.2.0",
    "slate": "~0.101.5",
    "slate-history": "~0.100.0",
    "slate-angular": "~16.1.0-next.8"

2. 导入 SlateModule 模块

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { SlateModule } from 'slate-angular';

  imports: [
    // ...,
  // ...
export class AppModule { }

3. 导入基础样式文件


@use 'slate-angular/styles/index.scss';

// basic richtext styles
.slate-editable-container {
    [slate-underlined][slate-strike] {
        text-decoration: underline line-through;
    [slate-strike] {
        text-decoration: line-through;
    [slate-underlined] {
        text-decoration: underline;
    [slate-italic] {
        font-style: italic;
    [slate-bold] {
        font-weight: bold;
    [slate-code-line] {
        margin: 0 4px;
        padding: 2px 3px;
        border: 1px solid rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.08);
        border-radius: 2px;
        background-color: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.06);

    blockquote {
        margin: 0;
        margin-left: 0;
        margin-right: 0;
        color: #888;
        padding-left: 10px !important;
        border-left: 4px solid #eee;

    h1,h2,h3 {
        margin: 0px;

    &>[data-slate-node="element"],&>slate-block-card {
        margin-bottom: 12px;

// basic richtext container styles
.demo-richtext-container {
    max-width: 42em;
    margin: 50px auto;
    background-color: #fff;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

4. 添加本文标记组件

import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, Renderer2 } from "@angular/core";
import { BaseTextComponent } from "slate-angular";

export enum MarkTypes {
    bold = 'bold',
    italic = 'italic',
    underline = 'underlined',
    strike = 'strike',
    code = 'code-line'

    selector: 'span[textMark]',
    template: ``,
    host: {
        'data-slate-node': 'text'
export class DemoTextMarkComponent extends BaseTextComponent {
    attributes: string[] = [];

    constructor(public elementRef: ElementRef, public renderer2: Renderer2, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {
        super(elementRef, cdr);

    applyTextMark() {
        this.attributes.forEach(attr => {
            this.renderer2.removeAttribute(this.elementRef.nativeElement, attr);
        this.attributes = [];
        for (const key in this.text) {
            if (, key) && key !== 'text') {
                const attr = `slate-${key}`;
                this.renderer2.setAttribute(this.elementRef.nativeElement, attr, 'true');

    onContextChange() {

5. 使用 slate-editable 组件


<div class="demo-richtext-container">
    <slate-editable [editor]="editor" [(ngModel)]="value"
        <ng-template #heading_1 let-context="context" let-viewContext="viewContext">
            <h1 slateElement [context]="context" [viewContext]="viewContext"></h1>
        <ng-template #heading_2 let-context="context" let-viewContext="viewContext">
            <h2 slateElement [context]="context" [viewContext]="viewContext"></h2>
        <ng-template #heading_3 let-context="context" let-viewContext="viewContext">
            <h3 slateElement [context]="context" [viewContext]="viewContext"></h3>
        <ng-template #blockquote let-context="context" let-viewContext="viewContext">
            <blockquote slateElement [context]="context" [viewContext]="viewContext"></blockquote>
        <ng-template #ul let-context="context" let-viewContext="viewContext">
            <ul slateElement [context]="context" [viewContext]="viewContext"></ul>
        <ng-template #ol let-context="context" let-viewContext="viewContext">
            <ol slateElement [context]="context" [viewContext]="viewContext"></ol>
        <ng-template #li let-context="context" let-viewContext="viewContext">
            <li slateElement [context]="context" [viewContext]="viewContext"></li>


import { Component, ViewChild, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { createEditor, Element } from 'slate';
import { withHistory } from 'slate-history';
import { withAngular } from 'slate-angular';
import { DemoTextMarkComponent, MarkTypes } from './text-mark.component';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
  	title = 'slate-angular-basic';
    value = initialValue;

    @ViewChild('heading_1', { read: TemplateRef, static: true })
    headingOneTemplate!: TemplateRef<any>;

    @ViewChild('heading_2', { read: TemplateRef, static: true })
    headingTwoTemplate!: TemplateRef<any>;

    @ViewChild('heading_3', { read: TemplateRef, static: true })
    headingThreeTemplate!: TemplateRef<any>;

    @ViewChild('blockquote', { read: TemplateRef, static: true })
    blockquoteTemplate!: TemplateRef<any>;

    @ViewChild('ul', { read: TemplateRef, static: true })
    ulTemplate!: TemplateRef<any>;

    @ViewChild('ol', { read: TemplateRef, static: true })
    olTemplate!: TemplateRef<any>;

    @ViewChild('li', { read: TemplateRef, static: true })
    liTemplate!: TemplateRef<any>;

    editor = withHistory(withAngular(createEditor()));

    ngOnInit(): void {

    valueChange(value: Element[]) {

    renderElement = (element: any) => {
        if (element.type === 'heading-one') {
            return this.headingOneTemplate;
        if (element.type === 'heading-two') {
            return this.headingTwoTemplate;
        if (element.type === 'heading-three') {
            return this.headingThreeTemplate;
        if (element.type === 'block-quote') {
            return this.blockquoteTemplate;
        if (element.type === 'numbered-list') {
            return this.olTemplate;
        if (element.type === 'bulleted-list') {
            return this.ulTemplate;
        if (element.type === 'list-item') {
            return this.liTemplate;
        return null;

    renderText = (text: any) => {
        if (text[MarkTypes.bold] || text[MarkTypes.italic] || text[MarkTypes.code] || text[MarkTypes.underline]) {
            return DemoTextMarkComponent;
      	return null;

const initialValue = [
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [
            { text: 'This is editable ' },
            { text: 'rich', bold: true },
            { text: ' text, ' },
            { text: 'much', bold: true, italic: true },
            { text: ' better than a ' },
            { text: '<textarea>', 'code-line': true },
            { text: '!' }
        type: 'heading-one',
        children: [{ text: 'This is h1 ' }]
        type: 'heading-three',
        children: [{ text: 'This is h3 ' }]
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [
                text: `Since it's rich text, you can do things like turn a selection of text `
            { text: 'bold', bold: true },
                text: ', or add a semantically rendered block quote in the middle of the page, like this:'
        type: 'block-quote',
        children: [{ text: 'A wise quote.' }]
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [{ text: 'Try it out for yourself!' }]
        type: 'paragraph',
        children: [{ text: '' }]

6. 启动

记得在 NgModule 中声明刚刚创建的 DemoTextMarkComponent 组件





谁在使用 slate-angular?

PingCode Wiki

💻 开发

npm install   // 安装所有依赖
npm run start              // 启动 demo
npm run build              // 重新构建 slate-angular

npm run test               // 执行单元测试


Angular >= 10.2.4

Slate >= 0.63.0


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