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File metadata and controls

221 lines (165 loc) · 7.64 KB

Using a Code Formatter

Code formatters exist to ensure that the style of code written is consistent throughout the entire codebase. This is used in many major projects; from Android to OpenCV. Teams may wish to add a formatter throughout their robot code to ensure that the codebase maintains readability and consistency throughout.

For this article, we will highlight using Spotless for Java teams and wpiformat for C++ teams.



Necessary build.gradle changes are required to get Spotless functional. In the plugins {} block of your build.gradle, add the Spotless plugin so it appears similar to the below.

plugins {
   id "java"
   id "edu.wpi.first.GradleRIO" version "2022.1.1"
   id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '6.1.0'

Then ensure you add a required spotless {} block to correctly configure spotless. This can just get placed at the end of your build.gradle.

spotless {
   java {
      target fileTree('.') {
            include '**/*.java'
            exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'
   groovyGradle {
      target fileTree('.') {
            include '**/*.gradle'
            exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'
   format 'xml', {
      target fileTree('.') {
            include '**/*.xml'
            exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'
   format 'misc', {
      target fileTree('.') {
            include '**/*.md', '**/.gitignore'
            exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'

Running Spotless

Spotless can be ran using ./gradlew spotlessApply which will apply all formatting options. You can also specify a specific task by just adding the name of formatter. An example is ./gradlew spotlessmiscApply.

Spotless can also be used as a :doc:`CI check <robot-code-ci>`. The check is ran with ./gradlew spotlessCheck.

Explanation of Options

Each format section highlights formatting of custom files in the project. The java and groovyGradle are natively supported by spotless, so they are defined differently.

Breaking this down, we can split this into multiple parts.

  • Formatting Java
  • Formatting Gradle files
  • Formatting XML files
  • Formatting Miscellaneous files

They are all similar, except for some small differences that will be explained. The below example will highlight the java {} block.

java {
   target fileTree('.') {
      include '**/*.java'
      exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'

Let's explain what each of the options mean.

target fileTree('.') {
   include '**/*.java'
   exclude '**/build/**', '**/build-*/**'

The above example tells spotless where our Java classes are and to exclude the build directory. The rest of the options are fairly self-explanatory.

  • toggleOffOn() adds the ability to have spotless ignore specific portions of a project. The usage looks like the following
// format:off

public void myWeirdFunction() {


// format:on
  • googleJavaFormat() tells spotless to format according to the Google Style Guide
  • removeUnusedImports() will remove any unused imports from any of your java classes
  • trimTrailingWhitespace() will remove any extra whitespace at the end of your lines
  • endWithNewline() will add a newline character to the end of your classes

In the groovyGradle block, there is a greclipse option. This is the formatter that spotless uses to format gradle files.

Additionally, there is a eclipseWtp option in the xml block. This stands for "Gradle Web Tools Platform" and is the formatter to format xml files. Teams not using any XML files may wish to not include this configuration.


A full list of configurations is available on the Spotless README

Issues with Line Endings

Spotless will attempt to apply line endings per-OS, which means Git diffs will be constantly changing if two users are on different OSes (Unix vs Windows). It's recommended that teams who contribute to the same repository from multiple OSes utilize a .gitattributes file. The following should suffice for handling line endings.

*.gradle text eol=lf
*.java text eol=lf
*.md text eol=lf
*.xml text eol=lf




Windows is not currently supported at this time! Installing LLVM with Clang will break normal robot builds if installed on Windows.

You can install wpiformat by typing pip3 install wpiformat into a terminal or command prompt.


wpiformat can be ran by typing wpiformat in a console. This will format with clang-format. Three configuration files are required (.clang-format, .styleguide, .styleguide-license). These must exist in the project root.

An example styleguide is shown below:

cppHeaderFileInclude {

cppSrcFileInclude {

modifiableFileExclude {


Teams can adapt .styleguide and .styleguide-license however they wish. It's important that these are not deleted, as they are required to run wpiformat!

You can turn this into a :doc:`CI check <robot-code-ci>` by running git --no-pager diff --exit-code HEAD. It can be configured with a .clang-format configuration file. An example configuration file is provided below.

Below is an example GitHub Actions check that uses wpiformat

 name: "wpiformat"
 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   - uses: actions/checkout@v2
   - name: Fetch all history and metadata
     run: |
       git fetch --prune --unshallow
       git checkout -b pr
       git branch -f main origin/main
   - name: Set up Python 3.8
     uses: actions/setup-python@v2
       python-version: 3.8
   - name: Install clang-format
     run: sudo apt-get update -q && sudo apt-get install -y clang-format-12
   - name: Install wpiformat
     run: pip3 install wpiformat
   - name: Run
     run: wpiformat -clang 12
   - name: Check Output
     run: git --no-pager diff --exit-code HEAD