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File metadata and controls

105 lines (54 loc) · 2.75 KB


.. rst-class:: mini-api

:mini:`fun mlthreadport(Arg₁: any)`
:mini:`meth (Args...: any):thread(Fn: function, Arg₃: any): thread`
Creates a new thread and calls :mini:`Fn(Args...)` in the new thread. All arguments must be thread-safe.
:mini:`fun thread::sleep(Duration: number): nil`
Causes the current thread to sleep for :mini:`Duration` microseconds.
:mini:`type thread`
A thread.
:mini:`meth thread()`
:mini:`meth (Thread: thread):join: any`
Waits until the thread :mini:`Thread` completes and returns its result.
:mini:`type thread::channel`
A channel for thread communication.
:mini:`fun thread::channel(Capacity: integer): thread::channel`
Creates a new channel with capacity :mini:`Capacity`.
:mini:`meth (Channel₁: thread::channel):recv(: thread::channel, ...): tuple[integer, any]`
Gets the next available message on any of :mini:`Channel₁, ..., Channelₙ`, blocking if :mini:`Channel` is empty. Returns :mini:`(Index, Message)` where :mini:`Index = 1, ..., n`.
:mini:`meth (Channel: thread::channel):send(Message: any): thread::channel`
Adds :mini:`Message` to :mini:`Channel`. :mini:`Message` must be thread-safe. Blocks if :mini:`Channel` is currently full.
:mini:`type thread::condition`
A condition.
:mini:`fun thread::condition(): thread::condition`
Creates a new condition.
:mini:`meth (Condition: thread::condition):broadcast: thread::condition`
Signals all threads waiting on :mini:`Condition`.
:mini:`meth (Condition: thread::condition):signal: thread::condition`
Signals a single thread waiting on :mini:`Condition`.
:mini:`meth (Condition: thread::condition):wait(Mutex: thread::mutex): thread::condition`
Waits for a signal on :mini:`Condition`, using :mini:`Mutex` for synchronization.
:mini:`type thread::mutex`
A mutex.
:mini:`fun thread::mutex(): thread::mutex`
Creates a new mutex.
:mini:`meth (Mutex: thread::mutex)🔒 thread::mutex`
Locks :mini:`Mutex`.
:mini:`meth (Mutex: thread::mutex):protect(Value: any): thread::protected`
Creates a thread-safe (protected) wrapper for :mini:`Value`.
:mini:`meth (Mutex: thread::mutex)🔓 thread::mutex`
Unlocks :mini:`Mutex`.
:mini:`type thread::port < function`
:mini:`type thread::protected`
A thread-safe (protected) wrapper for another value.
:mini:`meth (Protected₁: thread::protected):use(: thread::protected, ..., Function: function): any`
Locks :mini:`Protected₁:mutex`, then calls :mini:`Function(Value₁, ..., Valueₙ)` where :mini:`Valueᵢ` is the value protected by :mini:`Protectedᵢ`. All :mini:`Protectedᵢ` must be protected by the same :mini:`thread::mutex`.