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.. rst-class:: mini-api

Provides time and date operations.

:mini:`fun time::mdays(Year: integer, Month: integer): integer`
:mini:`type time`
An instant in time with nanosecond resolution.
:mini:`meth time(Year: integer, Month: integer, Day: integer): time`
Returns the time specified by the provided components in the local time.
:mini:`meth time(Year: integer, Month: integer, Day: integer, Hour: integer, Minute: integer, Second: integer, TimeZone: nil): time`
Returns the time specified by the provided components in UTC.
:mini:`meth time(Year: integer, Month: integer, Day: integer, Hour: integer, Minute: integer, Second: integer, TimeZone: time::zone): time`
Returns the time specified by the provided components in the specified time zone.
:mini:`meth time(Year: integer, Month: integer, Day: integer, TimeZone: nil): time`
Returns the time specified by the provided components in UTC.
:mini:`meth time(String: string): time`

Parses the :mini:`String` as a time according to ISO 8601.

:> 2023-02-09T20:19:33.196413
:mini:`meth time(String: string, Format: string): time`
Parses the :mini:`String` as a time according to specified format. The time is assumed to be in local time.
:mini:`meth time(String: string, Format: string, TimeZone: time::zone): time`
Parses the :mini:`String` as a time according to specified format in the specified time zone.
:mini:`meth time(String: string, TimeZone: time::zone): time`

Parses the :mini:`String` as a time in the specified time zone.

time("2023-02-09T21:19:33.196413266", time::zone::"America/Chicago")
:> 2023-02-10T03:19:33.196413
:mini:`meth time(): time`

Returns the current time.

time() :> 2024-05-06T05:09:38.796487
:mini:`meth time(Year: integer, Month: integer, Day: integer, Hour: integer, Minute: integer, Second: integer): time`
Returns the time specified by the provided components in the local time.
:mini:`meth time(Year: integer, Month: integer, Day: integer, TimeZone: time::zone): time`
Returns the time specified by the provided components in the specified time zone.
:mini:`meth time(String: string, Format: string, TimeZone: nil): time`
Parses the :mini:`String` as a time according to specified format. The time is assumed to be in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Start: time) + (Duration: number): time`

Returns the time :mini:`Duration` seconds after :mini:`Start`.

time("2022-04-01 12:00:00") + 3600 :> 2022-04-01T13:00:00
:mini:`meth (Start: time) - (Duration: number): time`

Returns the time :mini:`Duration` seconds before :mini:`Start`.

time("2022-04-01 12:00:00") - 3600 :> 2022-04-01T11:00:00
:mini:`meth (End: time) - (Start: time): real`

Returns the time elasped betwen :mini:`Start` and :mini:`End` in seconds.

time("2022-04-01 12:00:00") - time("2022-04-01 11:00:00")
:> 3600
:mini:`meth (A: time) <> (B: time): integer`
Compares the times :mini:`A` and :mini:`B` and returns :mini:`-1`, :mini:`0` or :mini:`1` respectively.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):day: integer`
Returns the date from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):day(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the date from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):day(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the date from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):hour: integer`
Returns the hour from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):hour(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the hour from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):hour(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the hour from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):minute: integer`
Returns the minute from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):minute(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the minute from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):minute(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the minute from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):month: integer`
Returns the month from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):month(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the month from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):month(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the month from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):nsec: integer`
Returns the nanoseconds component of :mini:`Time`.
:mini:`meth (Arg₁: time):precision(Arg₂: integer)`
:mini:`meth (Time: time):second: integer`
Returns the second from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):second(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the second from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):second(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the second from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):wday: integer`
Returns the day of the week from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):wday(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the day of the week from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):wday(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the day of the week from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):with(Component₁ is Value₁, ...): time`
Returns :mini:`Time` with the the specified components updated.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):with(TimeZone: nil, Component₁ is Value₁, ...): time`
Returns :mini:`Time` with the the specified components updated in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):with(TimeZone: time::zone, Component₁ is Value₁, ...): time`
Returns :mini:`Time` with the the specified components updated in the specified time zone.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):yday: integer`
Returns the number of days from the start of the year from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):yday(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the number of days from the start of the year from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):yday(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the number of days from the start of the year from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):year: integer`
Returns the year from :mini:`Time` in local time.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):year(TimeZone: nil): integer`
Returns the year from :mini:`Time` in UTC.
:mini:`meth (Time: time):year(TimeZone: time::zone): integer`
Returns the year from :mini:`Time` in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Time: time): string`
Formats :mini:`Time` as a local time.
:mini:`meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Time: time, TimeZone: nil): string`
Formats :mini:`Time` as a UTC time according to ISO 8601.
:mini:`meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Time: time, Format: string): string`
Formats :mini:`Time` as a local time according to the specified format.
:mini:`meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Time: time, Format: string, TimeZone: nil): string`
Formats :mini:`Time` as a UTC time according to the specified format.
:mini:`meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Time: time, Format: string, TimeZone: time::zone): string`
Formats :mini:`Time` as a time in :mini:`TimeZone` according to the specified format.
:mini:`meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(Time: time, TimeZone: time::zone): string`
Formats :mini:`Time` as a time in :mini:`TimeZone`.
:mini:`type time::day < enum::cyclic`
:mini:`type time::month < enum::cyclic`
:mini:`type time::zone`
A time zone.
:mini:`meth (Buffer: string::buffer):append(TimeZone: time::zone)`
Appends the name of :mini:`TimeZone` to :mini:`Buffer`.
:mini:`meth (Name: time::zone::type) :: (Arg₂: string): time::zone | error`
Returns the time zone identified by :mini:`Name` or an error if no time zone is found.