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a static-typed express framework with typescript.

This is an MVC framework based on node.js and express. The framework is created by typescript, which includes a dependency injection system and RESTful high-level abstraction.

The core features are under development. Currently, the dependency injection system is basically completed, the controller module is basically completed, and the GET method is also completed.

Other features are still developing.

More about Bonbons


npm install bonbons --save

How it works?

1. Create a service and register

export class SecService {
    constructor() {}
        return "hello world!";


// register a scoped-service
// or register a singleton-service

2. Create a controller and register

export class MainController extends BaseController {

    constructor(private sup: SuperService) {

    public GetIndex(): string {
        return "this is a get method with base : ";

    @Method("GET", "POST")
    public ApiIndex(): JsonResult {
        console.log("this is a api method with query id : " + this.context.query("id", Number));
        console.log("this is a api method with query select : " + this.context.query("select", Boolean));
        console.log("this is a api method with query notexist : " + this.context.query("notexist"));
        return new JsonResult({ value: "this is a api method with base : " });

    @Route("page", ["id", "select", "message"]) 
    // provide query params name list to open static query feature
    // example : localhost/api/page?id=123456&select=true&message=mmmmmm
    public AnotherGET(id:number, select:boolean, message): JsonResult {
        console.log(id); // 123456
        console.log(select); // true
        console.log(message) // "mmmmmm" (string is the default type)
        console.log(typeof id); // number
        console.log(typeof select); // boolean
        console.log(typeof message); // string
        return new JsonResult({ value: "666666" });



// register controller

3. Use ABC to split dependency

// define a ABC
export abstract class ABCService {
    public abstract getMessage(): string;

// then extends ABC and implements methods
export class MainService extends ABCService {

    private id = UUID.Create();

    constructor(sec: SecService) {

    public getMessage(): string {



// finally inject it
    .scoped(ABCService, MainService)

// now you can split the dependency by ABC injection
export class SuperService {

    constructor(private sec: SecService, private main: ABCService) {


    print() {
        return "Hello World! " + this.main.getMessage();


// it works!

4. Add middlewares or pipe for route or controller

// 1 : Middlewares like express style
// first create middleware in pure function format.
function middleware01(r, rs, next) {
function middleware02(r, rs, next) {

// then add it to method by decorator
@Method("GET", "POST")
public ApiIndex(): JsonResult {
    return new JsonResult({ value: this.sup.print() });

// this decorator is alse can be add in controller
// the middlewares add to controller will add to all the registeres methods, but you can still rewrite this behavior.
export class MainController extends BaseController {

    constructor(private sup: SuperService) {

    // will extends controller middlewares list : [middleware01]
    public GetIndex(): string {
        return this.sup.print();

    @Method("GET", "POST")
    @Middleware([middleware02], false) 
    // merge:true(default), will extends controller middlewares list : [middleware01, middleware02]
    // merge:false, will not extends controller middlewares list : [middleware02]
    public ApiIndex(): JsonResult {
        return new JsonResult({ value: this.sup.print() });


// 2. Bonbons pipes
export class RandomBreak extends MiddlewarePipe {

    constructor() { super(); }

    async process(): Promise<void> {
        this.context.locals.set("woshinidie", 1024);
        await this.sleep(100);
        const k = parseInt((Math.random() * 100).toString(), 10) % 2 === 1;
        if (k) {


// then add to route method
    public async GetIndex(): StringResult {
        console.log("this is a get method with base : ");
        return this.toStringfy("woshinidie : 鎴戞槸浣犵埞", { encoding: "GBK" });
// this method will goes wrong in 50% situation

// or you can create pipe factory to modify the pipe behavior by constructor params
export class TokenCheck extends MiddlewarePipe {

    constructor(private token: string) { super(); }

    process(): void | Promise<void> {
        const tk: string = this.context.request.headers.get("jwt-token");
        if (!tk || tk !== (this.token || "default_token")) {
            // this.throws("401 unauthorize");
            this.redirect(301, "/api/error401");


export const Authorize: IPipeFactory = createPipeBundle(TokenCheck);

// then call this factory with params
@Pipes([Authorize("user_role")]) // =>  this.token = "user_role"

5. Form control

// there are two ways to access the form data
    @Middleware([], false)
    public POSTIndex(name:string, @FromBody() params: any): JsonResult {
        console.log("this is a post method");
        const form = this.context.form;
        return new JsonResult(params);

    // then post message in application/json format : 
    // {"name":"bws", age:123}

    // console output:
    // {"name":"bws", age:123}
    // {"name":"bws", age:123}

    * All supported decorators :
    * @FromBody()   -   default : application/json
    * @FormData()   -   default : multiple/form-data
    * @FromForm()   -   default : application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    * @RawBody()   -   default : application/octet-stream
    * @TextBody()   -   default : text/plain

   // static-typed form params will be introduced later.

6.Multiple injections with POST/PUT

// create a static-type model to describe form structure:
import { Serialize, Deserialize } from "bonbons";

// model to describe the form data structure
export class PostModel {

    // data contract
    private _name: string;
    public get Name() { return this._name; }

    // data contract and type convert
    @Serialize(Number, "receivedMax")
    @Deserialize(Number, "MAX_TEST")
    private _max: number;
    public get MAX() { return this._max; }


// then try to create a post method:
    @Route("post/:id/details/:name", ["query", "find"])
    @Middleware([], false)
    public POSTIndex( // you can access params, queryParams and form object by function-params-injection.
        id: number,
        name: string,
        query: string,
        find: string,
        @FromBody() params: PostModel): JsonResult {

        console.log("this is a post method");
        console.log(`${id} - ${name} - ${query} - ${find}`); 
        console.log(`${typeof id} - ${typeof name} - ${typeof query} - ${typeof find}`);
         return this.toJSON({
            theParams: params,
            theName: name,
            theQuery: query,
            theId: id,
            theFind: find
        }, { resolver: JsonResultResolvers.decamalize }); 
        // use resolver to change object keys, this will work an the end of JSON.stringfy.

* then post to "localhost:3000/api/post/123456/details/miao18game?query=sss&find=mmm" with body : 
* {
*   "NAME_TEST":"miao17game",
*   "MAX_TEST":123
* }
* output: 
* "this is a post method"
* "123456 - miao18game - sss - mmm"
* "numner - string - string - string"
* "PostModel { _name: 'miao17game', _max: 123 }"
* "PostModel"
* response : 
*   {
*       "the_params": {
*           "received_name": "miao17game", 
*           // key is resolved by @Deserialize/@Serialize
*           "received_max": 123  
*           // key is resolved by @Deserialize/@Serialize and JsonResultResolvers.decamalize
*       },
*       "the_name": "miao18game",
*       "the_query": "sss",
*       "the_id": 123456,
*       "the_find": "mmm"
*   }
* JsonResult will automatically transform static-type object to correct object-json with data contract, 
* or you can transfoem manually with [TypedSerializer.ToJSON(obj)], 
* if you create contract with decorators : @Serialize/@Deserialize.
* Of cource, you can define your own static-typed serialization behavior, 
* only create your serializer implements the IStaticTypedResolver

7. Async method

    public async GetIndex(): Async<string> {
        console.log("this is a get method with base : ");
        // async mock
        await this.sleep(20);
        console.log("step 01");
        await this.sleep(20);
        console.log("step 02");
        await this.sleep(20);
        console.log("step 03");
        await this.sleep(20);
        console.log("step 04");
        await this.sleep(20);
        console.log("step 05");
        return this.sup.print();

    // it works!
    // Async<T> = Promise<T>, only an alias.

8. String encoding support

    public async GetIndex(): StringResult {
        console.log("this is a get method with base : ");
        return this.toStringfy("woshinidie : 鎴戞槸浣犵埞", { encoding: "GBK" });
        // defaults:
        // encoding: "utf8"
        // decoding: "utf8"

    // response:
    // "woshinidie : 我是你爹"

Still in developing...


A static typed MVC framework with express and typescript







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