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TODO-Service Cell

The TODO Cell consists of a simple 'todo' micro service and mysql server. Todo micro service is written in go, and this service receives requests to add/list/update a todo items. These todo items are stored in mysql database.

Todo cell view

Now let's look at the steps required to try this todo-cell.

Try todo cell

1. Checkout the Sample

  1. Clone the wso2/cellery-samples repository
  2. Navigate to the todo-service Sample.
    cd <SAMPLES_ROOT>/cells/todo-service

2. Build and run cell

In this section let's focus on build, run and push a todo cell.

The todo cell contains two components todo and mysql. The todo component is defined by a container image which is written in Go Lang and it is a simple micro service that add/list/update todo items by connecting to database. The mysql component is a MySQL database that is used to persists the todo items received by the todo component.

This example uses three types of volumes as described below.

  1. Configuration: sqlconfig configuration is used to mount the init.sql script to mysql component.
  2. Volume Claim: A persistence volume claim volumeClaim is mounted to /var/lib/mysql path of the mysql component to persist mysql data.
  3. Secret: The database credentials are mounted as a secret to todoServiceComponet in the path /credentials.
// Cell file that wraps a todo micro service and mysql database.
import celleryio/cellery;
import ballerina/io;

public function build(cellery:ImageName iName) returns error? {
    int mysqlPort = 3306;
    string mysqlPassword = "root";

    string mysqlScript = readFile("./mysql/init.sql");

    //Mysql database service which stores the todos that were added via the todos service
    cellery:Component mysqlComponent = {
        name: "mysql-db",
        src: {
            image: "library/mysql:8.0"
        ingresses: {
            orders:  <cellery:TCPIngress>{
                    backendPort: mysqlPort
        envVars: {
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: {
                value: "root"
        volumes: {
            sqlconfig: {
                path: "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d",
                readOnly: false,
            volumeClaim: {
                path: "/var/lib/mysql",
                readOnly: false,
                     accessMode: ["ReadWriteOnce"],

    // This is the todos service which receives the to-do requests and connects
    // to database to persists the information.
    cellery:Component todoServiceComponent = {
        name: "todos",
        src: {
            image: ""
        ingresses: {
            todo:  <cellery:HttpApiIngress>{
                   port: 8080,
                   context: "/todos",
                       resources: [
                              path: "/",
                              method: "GET"
                          {   path: "/",
                              method: "POST"
                              path: "/*",
                              method: "GET"
                              path: "/*",
                              method: "PUT"
        envVars: {
            PORT: {
                value: "8080"
            DATABASE_HOST: {
                value: cellery:getHost(mysqlComponent)
            DATABASE_PORT: {
                value: mysqlPort
            DATABASE_NAME: {
                value: "todos_db"
                value: "/credentials"
        volumes: {
            secret: {
                path: "/credentials",
                readOnly: false,
        dependencies: {
            components: [mysqlComponent]

    // Cell Initialization
    cellery:CellImage cellImage = {
        components: {
            mysql: mysqlComponent,
            todoService: todoServiceComponent
    return <@untainted> cellery:createImage(cellImage,  iName);

public function run(cellery:ImageName iName, map<cellery:ImageName> instances, boolean startDependencies, boolean shareDependencies)
returns (cellery:InstanceState[] | error?) {
    cellery:CellImage|cellery:Composite cell = cellery:constructImage(iName);
    return <@untainted> cellery:createInstance(cell, iName, instances, startDependencies, shareDependencies);

function readFile(string filePath) returns (string) {
    io:ReadableByteChannel bchannel = <io:ReadableByteChannel> io:openReadableFile(filePath);
    io:ReadableCharacterChannel cChannel = new io:ReadableCharacterChannel(bchannel, "UTF-8");

    var readOutput =;
    if (readOutput is string) {
        return <@untainted> readOutput;
    } else {
        return <@untainted> "Error: Unable to read file " + filePath;

Follow below instructions to build, run and push the todo cell.

  1. Create a volume according to your setup as described below.

    Docker for mac

    1. Create a mysql folder in /tmp directory.
       $ mkdir -p /tmp/mysql
    1. Create the volume by deploying pv-docker-desktop.yaml
       $ kubectl create -f

    Local Setup

    1. SSH in to kubernetes node.
       $ minikube ssh -p cellery-local-setup
    1. Create a mysql folder in /tmp directory inside minikube vm.
       $ mkdir -p /tmp/mysql
    1. Create the volume by deploying pv-docker-desktop.yaml
       $ kubectl create -f


    1. GCP has dynamic provisioning enabled by default. Therefore comment the storageClass from the todo-cell.bal file. Final volumeClaim code segment in mysql component look like below.
       volumeClaim: {
           path: "/var/lib/mysql",
           readOnly: false,
                // storageClass:"local-storage", 
                accessMode: ["ReadWriteOnce"],

    Existing Setup

    Create the persistence volume of your choice based on your setup.

    To create a local persistence volume, you can use this file for creating the volume with the following change.

    1. Download the file and change the value of in the nodeaffinity block. The node name is denoted by the placeholder <node-name> as shown below. Replace this value with your Kubernetes node name.
           - matchExpressions:
               - key:
                 operator: In
                   - <node-name>
    1. Create the volume by deploying the modified pv-local.yaml
       $ kubectl create -f pv-local.yaml
  2. After creating the persistence volume. Build the cell image for todo-cell project by executing the cellery build command as shown below. Note CELLERY_HUB_ORG is your organization name in cellery hub.

    $ cellery build todo/ <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest
    ✔ Building image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest
    ✔ Saving new Image to the Local Repository
    ✔ Successfully built cell image: <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest
    What's next?
    Execute the following command to run the image:
      $ cellery run <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest
  3. Once the todo-cell is built, you can run the cell and create the todos instance by below command.

    $ cellery run wso2cellery/todo-cell:latest -n todos
       ✔ Extracting Cell Image wso2cellery/todo-cell:latest
       ✔ Reading Image wso2cellery/todo-cell:latest
       Info: Main Instance: todos
       Info: Validating dependencies
       Info: Instances to be Used
       INSTANCE NAME                  CELL IMAGE                          USED INSTANCE             KIND            SHARED
       todos                          wso2cellery/todo-cell:latest   To be Created             cell       -
       Info: Dependency Tree to be Used
       No Dependencies
       ✔ Starting main instance todos
       ✔ Successfully deployed cell image: wso2cellery/todo-cell:latest
       What's next?
       Execute the following command to list running cells:
         $ cellery list instances
  4. Now todo-cell is deployed, execute cellery list instances to see the status of the deployed cell instance.

    $ cellery list instances
        cell Instances:
         INSTANCE                 IMAGE                 STATUS   COMPONENTS           AGE
        ---------- ----------------------------------- -------- ------------ ----------------------
         todos      wso2cellery/todo-cell:latest   Ready    2            1 minutes 40 seconds
  5. Execute cellery view to see the components of the cell. This will open a webpage in a browser that allows to visualize the components of the cell image.

    $ cellery view <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest

    todo-cell view

3. Invoke the cell application

The cell is published as an unsecure API in the Global APIM. Execute below steps to invoke todo-api in Global APIM.

// Get the list of todo items
$ curl https://wso2-apim-gateway/todos/todos/0.1/todos -k   
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Walk",
    "content": "Walk for 30 min around 6 PM",
    "done": false
    "id": 2,
    "title": "Pay Bills",
    "content": "Pay electricity and water bills",
    "done": false

// Add a new todo item
$ curl -X POST https://wso2-apim-gateway/todos/todos/0.1/todos -k -d '{"title":"Coursework submission","content":"Submit the course work at 9:00p.m","done":false}'
  "message": "successfully created"

// Get a todo item details
$ curl https://wso2-apim-gateway/todos/todos/0.1/todos/3 -k  
    "id": 3,
    "title": "Coursework submission",
    "content": "Submit the course work at 9:00p.m",
    "done": false

// Update a todo item
$ curl -X PUT https://wso2-apim-gateway/todos/todos/0.1/todos/2 -k -d '{"title":"Pay Utility Bills","content":"Pay electricity, water and telephone bills","done":true}'
  "message": "successfully updated"

4. Push your cell

  1. Let's push your todo-cell cellery hub account as shown below.
    $ cellery push <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest
    ✔ Connecting to
    ✔ Reading image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest from the Local Repository
    ✔ Checking if the image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest already exists in the Registry
    ✔ Pushing image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest
    Image Digest : sha256:8935b3495a6c1cbc466ac28f4120c3836894e8ea1563fb5da7ecbd17e4b80df5
    ✔ Successfully pushed cell image: <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest
    What's next?
    Execute the following command to pull the image:
      $ cellery pull <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-cell:latest

Congratulations! You have successfully created your own cell!

5. Clean up the setup.

  1. As a final step, delete the cell and volume claim and volume.
    $ cellery terminate todos
    $ kubectl delete pvc todos--mysql-db-data-vol-pvc
    $ kubectl delete -f pv-local.yaml

Try the advanced todo service next to learn how to create volumes at runtime.

What's Next?

  1. Try advanced todo service
  2. Try hello world Api
  3. Try pet store