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File metadata and controls

182 lines (125 loc) · 9.4 KB


If you are only looking to contribute to XTools as a developer, it is recommended that you use a Toolforge account to connect to the WMF replicas so that you'll have live data that matches production. Requesting an account should be the first thing you do, since it involves an approval process. Having access to Toolforge may benefit you in working on other Wikimedia projects, too.


  • XTools is based on Symfony 3, which is a full MVC framework. We use Twig as our template engine.
  • All the PHP lives in src/.
    • There is a single bundle called AppBundle, which contains the controllers, event listeners, helpers and Twig extensions.
    • Models and repositories live in src/Xtools. Repositories are responsible for fetching data and the models handle the logic.
  • Views and assets live in app/Resources.
    • In app/Resources/views, there is a separate directory for each controller. The index.html.twig files are the form pages (example), and result.html.twig pages are the result pages (example). Some tools like the Edit Counter have multiple result pages.
  • Routes are configured using the @Route annotation.
  • By convention, each tool has it's own controller that handles requests, instantiates a model, sets the repository, and returns it to the view. Not all the tools follow this convention, however. Each tool is also registered within app/config/tools.yml.
  • XTools was built to work on any MediaWiki installation, but it's target wiki farm is Wikimedia. Some features are only available on the Wikimedia installation, which is what all the app.is_labs checks are for.

Running Development server

First make sure you meet the :ref:`prerequisites`, and then follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone && cd xtools
  2. Run composer install and answer all the prompts.
  3. Create a new local database: ./bin/console doctrine:database:create (or d:d:c).
  4. Run the database migrations: ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate (or d:m:m)
  5. Launch PHP's built-in server: ./bin/console server:run (or s:r).
  6. Visit http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.
  7. You can stop the server with ./bin/console server:stop (or s:s)

The :ref:`simplecounter` is the simplest tool and should work as soon as you set up XTools. Test it by going to http://localhost:8000/sc and put in Jimbo Wales as the Username and as the Wiki. After submitting you should quickly get results.

The development server does not cache application or session data; any changes you make are visible after refreshing the page. However when you modify the app/config/parameters.yml file or other things in app/config, you may need to clear the cache with php bin/console c:c --no-warmup.

Assets can be dumped with php bin/console assetic:dump, and if you're actively editing them you can continually watch for changes with php bin/console assetic:watch.

The logs are in var/logs/dev.log. If things are acting up unexpectedly, you might try clearing the cache or restarting the server.

Developing against WMF replicas

If you want to use the WMF database replicas (recommended), first make sure you have an account and shell access. Then you can open up the necessary tunnels and a shell session with:

ssh -L 4711:enwiki.web.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs:3306 -L 4712:tools-db:3306

And set the following in app/config/parameters.yml:

app.is_labs: 1
database_replica_port: 4711
database_replica_name: meta_p
database_meta_name: meta_p
database_replica_user: <your-db-username-here>
database_replica_password: <your-db-password-here>
database_toolsdb_port: 4712
database_toolsdb_name: tools-db

Change the your-*-here bits to your own values, which you can find in your file in the home directory of your account on `Toolforge`_.

Table mappings

The replicas have different versions of tables that utilize indexing to improve performance. We'll want to take advantage of that.

  • Go to the config directory with cd app/config

  • Create the file table_map.yml from the template: cp table_map.yml.dist table_map.yml

  • Set the contents of the file to the following:

        app.table.archive: 'archive_userindex'
        app.table.revision: 'revision_userindex'

For the logging table, sometimes we use logging_userindex and other times logging_logindex (depending on what we're querying for). This is handled in the code via the getTableName() method in Repository.php.


Caching should happen in helpers, with appropriate times-to-live.

Every helper should extend HelperBase, which has cacheHas(), cacheGet(), and cacheSave() methods. These should be used in this pattern:

public function doSomething($input)
    $cacheKey = 'something.'.$input;
    if ($this->cacheHas($cacheKey)) {
        return $this->cacheGet($cacheKey);
    $something = 'big query here';
    $this->cacheSave($cacheKey, $something, 'P1D');
    return $something;

The cache key can be anything, so long as it is unique within the current class (the cache*() methods prepend the classname, so you don't have to). The TTL syntax is from the DateInterval class (e.g. P1D is one day, PT1H is one hour).

The above methods are just wrappers around a PSR-6 implementation, intended to reduce the repetition of similar lines of code. You can, of course, retrieve the underlying CacheItemPoolInterface whenever you want with $container->get('').

Style Guidelines

  • It's called "XTools", with two capital letters.
  • XTools conforms to PSR2 coding standards; use ./vendor/bin/phpcs -s . to check your code.
  • Functions and routes must begin with the tool name.
  • Version numbers follow Semantic Versioning guidelines.


Tests are located in the tests/ directory, and match the src/ directory structure. They are built with PHPUnit. Repositories only handle fetching data and do not need to be tested. Controllers also interact with the database, and while tests are most welcomed for these, they will not run on the continuous integration server (Travis and Scrutinizer) due to limitations.

There are also tests for linting, phpDoc blocks, and file permissions.

Use composer test to run the full suite, or ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ to run just the unit tests.

Writing the docs

We use ReadTheDocs. To build this documentation locally, you need python-sphinx installed, as well as the sphinx_rtd_theme theme.

Then, it's simply a matter of running make clean && make html in the docs/ directory, and browsing to xtools/docs/_build/html/ to view the documentation.

Documentation sections use the following (standard Python) hierarchy of section symbols:

  • # with overline for parts
  • * with overline for chapters
  • = for sections
  • - for subsections


Releases are made by tagging commits in the master branch. Before tagging a new release:

  • Update the version numbers in docs/ and app/config/version.yml.
  • Check the copyright year in, docs/, and app/Resources/views/base.html.twig.
  • If assets were modified, bump the version number in config.yml under framework/assets/version.
  • Update with any notable new information for the end user.

Then tag the release (follow the Semantic Versioning guidelines, and annotate the tag with the above release notes) and push it to GitHub.

Lastly, update the version and updated parameters at

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