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100 lines (100 loc) · 7.49 KB

3. Solidity

File metadata and controls

100 lines (100 loc) · 7.49 KB
  1. Inheritance
  2. Contract Types
  3. Using for
  4. Base Class Functions
  5. Shadowing
  6. Overriding Changes
  7. Virtual Functions
  8. State Variables
  9. Function Modifier Overriding
  10. Base Constructor
  11. Name Collision
  12. Library Restrictions
  13. EVM Storage
  14. Storage Layout
  15. Storage Packing
  16. Structs & Arrays
  17. Storage Layout & Inheritance
  18. Storage Layout & Types
  19. Storage Layout & Ordering
  20. Storage Layout for Mappings & Dynamic Arrays
  21. Storage Layout for Dynamic Arrays
  22. Storage Layout for Mappings
  23. Storage Layout for bytes & string
  24. EVM Memory
  25. Memory Layout
  26. Reserved Memory
  27. Memory Arrays
  28. Free Memory Pointer
  29. Zeroed Memory
  30. Reserved Keywords
  31. Inline Assembly
  32. Assembly Access
  33. Yul Syntax
  34. solc 0.6.0 Breaking
  35. solc 0.6.0 Explicitness
  36. solc 0.6.0 Changes
  37. solc 0.6.0 New Features
  38. solc 0.7.0 Breaking
  39. solc 0.7.0 Changes
  40. solc 0.7.0 Removed
  41. solc 0.8.0 Breaking
  42. solc 0.8.0 Restrictions
  43. Zero-address Check
  44. tx.origin Check
  45. Arithemtic Check
  46. OZ Libraries
  47. OZ ERC20
  48. OZ SafeERC20
  49. OZ ERC20 Util TokenTimelock
  50. OZ ERC721
  51. OZ ERC777
  52. OZ ERC1155
  53. OZ Ownable
  54. OZ AccessControl
  55. OZ Pausable
  56. OZ ReentrancyGuard
  57. OZ PullPayment
  58. OZ Address
  59. OZ Arrays
  60. OZ Context
  61. OZ Counters
  62. OZ Create2
  63. OZ Multicall
  64. OZ String
  65. OZ ECDSA
  66. OZ MerkleProof
  67. OZ SignatureChecker
  68. OZ EIP-712
  69. OZ Escrow
  70. OZ ConditionalEscrow
  71. OZ RefundEscrow
  72. OZ ERC-165
  73. OZ Math
  74. OZ SafeMath
  75. OZ SignedSafeMath
  76. OZ SafeCast
  77. OZ EnumerableMap
  78. OZ EnumerableSet
  79. OZ Bitmaps
  80. OZ PaymentSplitter
  81. OZ TimelockController
  82. OZ ERC2771Context
  83. OZ MinimalForwarder
  84. OZ Proxy
  85. OZ ERC1967Proxy
  86. OZ TransparentUpgradeableProxy
  87. OZ ProxyAdmin
  88. OZ BeaconProxy
  89. OZ UpgradeableBeacon
  90. OZ Clones
  91. OZ Initializable
  92. Dappsys DSProxy
  93. Dappsys DSMath
  94. Dappsys DSAuth
  95. Dappsys DSGuard
  96. Dappsys DSRoles
  97. WETH
  98. Uniswap V2
  99. Uniswap V3
  100. Chainlink