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101 lines (101 loc) · 16.7 KB

7. Audit Findings

File metadata and controls

101 lines (101 loc) · 16.7 KB
  1. Unhandled return values of transfer and transferFrom
  2. Random task execution
  3. Tokens with more than 18 decimal points will cause issues
  4. Error codes of Compound’s Comptroller.enterMarket, Comptroller.exitMarket are not checked
  5. Reversed order of parameters in allowance function call
  6. Token approvals can be stolen in DAOfiV1RouteraddLiquidity()
  7. swapExactTokensForETH checks the wrong return value
  8. DAOfiV1Pair.deposit() accepts deposits of zero, blocking the pool
  9. GenesisGroup.commit overwrites previously-committed values
  10. Purchasing and committing still possible after launch
  11. UniswapIncentive overflow on pre-transfer hooks
  12. BondingCurve allows users to acquire FEI before launch
  13. Timed.isTimeEnded returns true if the timer has not been initialized
  14. Overflow/underflow protection
  15. Unchecked return value for IWETH.transfer call
  16. GenesisGroup.emergencyExit remains functional after launch
  17. ERC20 tokens with no return value will fail to transfer
  18. Reentrancy vulnerability in MetaSwap.swap()
  19. A new malicious adapter can access users’ tokens
  20. Owner can front-run traders by updating adapters
  21. Users can collect interest from SavingsContract by only staking mTokens momentarily
  22. Oracle updates can be manipulated to perform atomic front-running attack
  23. Certain functions lack input validation routines
  24. Remove Loihi methods that can be used as backdoors by the administrator
  25. A reverting fallback function will lock up all payouts
  26. Saferagequit makes you lose funds
  27. Creating proposal is not trustless
  28. Emergency processing can be blocked
  29. Token Overflow might result in system halt or loss of funds
  30. Whitelisted tokens limit
  31. Summoner can steal funds using bailout
  32. Sponsorship front-running
  33. Delegate assignment front-running
  34. Queued transactions cannot be canceled
  35. Proposal transactions can be executed separately and block Proposal.execute call
  36. Proposals could allow Timelock.admin takeover
  37. Reentrancy and untrusted contract call in mintMultiple
  38. Lack of return value checks can lead to unexpected results
  39. External calls in loop can lead to denial of service
  40. OUSD allows users to transfer more tokens than expected
  41. OUSD total supply can be arbitrary, even smaller than user balances
  42. Flash minting can be used to redeem fyDAI
  43. Lack of chainID validation allows signatures to be re-used across forks
  44. Lack of a contract existence check allows token theft
  45. No incentive for bidders to vote earlier
  46. Lack of access control separation is risky
  47. Lack of two-step procedure for critical operations leaves them error-prone
  48. Initialization functions can be front-run
  49. Missing validation of owner argument could indefinitely lock owner role
  50. Incorrect comparison enables swapping and token draining at no cost
  51. Unbound loop enables denial of service
  52. Front-running pool’s initialization can lead to draining of liquidity provider’s initial deposits
  53. Swapping on zero liquidity allows for control of the pool’s price
  54. Failed transfer may be overlooked due to lack of contract existence check
  55. Use of undefined behavior in equality check
  56. Assimilators’ balance functions return raw values
  57. System always assumes USDC is equivalent to USD
  58. Assimilators use a deprecated Chainlink API
  59. cancelOrdersUpTo can be used to permanently block future orders
  60. Specification-Code mismatch for AssetProxyOwner timelock period
  61. Unclear documentation on how order filling can fail
  62. Market makers have a reduced cost for performing front-running attacks
  63. setSignatureValidatorApproval race condition may be exploitable
  64. Batch processing of transaction execution and order matching may lead to exchange griefing
  65. Zero fee orders are possible if a user performs transactions with a zero gas price
  66. Calls to setParams may set invalid values and produce unexpected behavior in the staking contracts
  67. Improper Supply Cap Limitation Enforcement
  68. Improper Storage Management of Open Loan Accounts
  69. Contract Owner Can Arbitrarily Change Minting Fees and Interest Rates
  70. Inadequate Proxy Implementation Preventing Contract Upgrades
  71. Blacklisting Bypass via transferFrom() Function
  72. Wrong Order of Operations Leads to Exponentiation of rewardPerTokenStored
  73. Staking Before Initial notifyRewardAmount Can Lead to Disproportionate Rewards
  74. External Call Reverts if Period Has Not Elapsed
  75. Gap Between Periods Can Lead to Erroneous Rewards
  76. Malicious Users Can DOS/Hijack Requests From Chainlinked Contracts
  77. Lack of event emission after sensitive actions
  78. Functions with unexpected side-effects
  79. Mooniswap pairs cannot be unpaused
  80. Attackers can prevent honest users from performing an instant withdraw from the Wallet contract
  81. Not using upgrade safe contracts in FsToken inheritance
  82. Unchecked output of the ECDSA recover function
  83. Adding new variables to multi-level inherited upgradeable contracts may break storage layout
  84. Unsafe division in rdivide and wdivide functions
  85. Incorrect safeApprove usage
  86. ETH could get trapped in the protocol
  87. Use of transfer might render ETH impossible to withdraw
  88. Not following the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern
  89. Updating the Governance registry and Guardian addresses emits no events
  90. The quorum requirement can be trivially bypassed with sybil accounts
  91. Inconsistently checking initialization
  92. Voting period and quorum can be set to zero
  93. Some state variables are not set during initialize
  94. Expired and/or paused options can still be traded
  95. ERC20 transfers can misbehave
  96. Incorrect event emission
  97. Anyone can liquidate on behalf of another account
  98. Orders cannot be cancelled
  99. Re-entrancy possibilities
  100. Governance parameter changes should not be instant
  101. Votes can be duplicated