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A simple guide to migrate LOCAL svn repos made with tortoise to GIT .

WHY ??

Because after spending hours on the net, trying to find answers, I couldn't find even one guide to help with LOCAL simple repos made with tortoise . I also know that a lot of the less-advanced developers prefer GUI tools, and might not be comfortable with too much CLI ( although in this case - seems unavoidable ) .

There is also a PHP script to try and automate the process. It was made for my own convinience and might not be suitable for all situation - but can be easily modified . Refer to the on the php folder for more info .

Importing local ( tortoise ) repos to local GIT


D:\mig-folder>svn2git svn:// --username magic-MIDI --authors authors.txt --notags --nobranches --notrunk

Don't forget authors.txt . ( svnUserName = gitUserName <gitUserMail@domain.tld> - one line per user .)


If you want to use the PHP script -

  • XAMP ( or mamp, or any other php server )


Inside brackets is versions and steps that I used for my machine configuration.

1 - Install above components :

  • ruby Download the ruby installer for your machine from [ win7 64 bit ] Install using the path option in the installer ( NOT checked by default ) ( Add Ruby executables to your Path )

  • Ruby gem If you indeed used the path option in the installer - Just type gem install svn2git on CLI [ CMDER ]

  • SVN

-- Client

If you are reading this , than I assume you already have an SVN client, and even assume you already have tortoise .

But it case I am wrong , and If you do not already have svn client , than install one of your choice [ The most basic Tortoise SVN for win]

-- Server

you will need to install some kind of server to serve the SVN files .

I have used the simple svnserve.exe found inside the Tortoise install dir ( at ./bin)

In order to install it as a service you will need to do : sc create svnserve binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\" --service -r D:\Repos" displayname= "Subversion Server" depend= Tcpip start= auto source :

In reality, this command for me resulted in an error ~ access denied - and that was because of the path not being complete . the correct path should include the svnserve.exe part , to become like this : sc create svnserve binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svnserve.exe" --service -r D:\Repos" displayname= "Subversion Server" depend= Tcpip start= auto

In order to change it ( if you got it wrong for some reason ) - or delete the service when not needed - just open regedit , and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\svnserve or any other name you have given this service in the previous step. [svnserve] ( delete the whole key if you don't need it )

Now, if the command was ok, you still need to start the server , so either reboot machine, or go to the services [My compuer-> Manage -> Services and Applications -> Services] and again, search for service name ( 'Subversion Server' ) and start the service .

Another option is to downlaod visualSVN server and temporary install it . This option might be easier for it's visual GUI and easy config options.

  • GIT Install any git of choice ,but make sure you have access to the command line tools with global path [ CMDER] I had sourcetree installed on my machine, and also CMDR ( full version) that comes with GIT global.

2 - Conversion


  • You will need to know your SVN repos folder AND create an empty migration folder . -- For ease of use , I just made a dir called D://Repos/ on my machine, with all my SVN repos inside . -- I had made anoter dir called D://mig ( short for migration) to host any new GIT repos`

  • Now , in CMDER ( or CMD , or any other CLI ) navigate to your ( empty ) designated folder [ D://mig ] Create a file named authors.txt , with your authors map inside . svnUserName = gitUser < > - one line for each user. If you do not know the users , - you will need to use svn log ( see here : ) where svnUserName is the SVN username and gitUser is your git user name


There seems to be an issue with CYGWIN that might affect CMDR on some configuration ( 1 out of 3 machines for me ) .

So if it is not working for you - launch the command from another shell / cli ( CMD will do if GIT is installed with PATH )

@see //

Migration Execution

Now the buggy part began ( for me )

So now that everything is supposed to be ready, we can try to execute .

In your CLI of choice, type :

D:\mig>svn2git svn:// --username svnUserName --authors authors.txt --notags --nobranches --notrunk

Note : This is the final version that worked FOR ME . [ --notags , --nobranches , --notrunk]

As many threads on the net will reveal - it might not work well for your configuration of repositories. It might has worked for me because I had no tags and branches ( had just empty folders ) ... so if you do have them, first try without .

You could try some options in any combination , like : --notags , --nobranches , --notrunk and also --rootistrunk @see nirvdrum/svn2git#90 for some other problems and solutions other people encountered .

BTW - this is why this repo is called Importing local ( tortoise ) repos to local GIT - It will work on LOCAL repositories , made with STANDARD Tortoise file structure without branches or tags . Maybe I should have called it Importing local ( simple standard tortoise ) repos to local GIT..

Any time you will get an error , you might see a newly created .git file in yourD://mig folder ( or whatever your empty migration folder is ) . You will need to delete it before executing any further command , and be sure to delete it every time it fails . nother file you might see is a perl ( ?? ) dump file . It is not harmful - but delete it also .

Repeat as neeed .

Post - Migration

So if the above process was ok, and you are here - this is the easy part .

Open sourcetree ( or any of your git client ) and just clone the rep from D://mig You should see all your history, files , authors etc,. ( if you had branches ,or tags , you should also see those providing you did not used the --nobranches || --notags option. I would not know because I did not have them .

resources :
