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User guide

This page describes how to use the TSFrames package for timeseries data handling.


julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(url="")

Constructing TSFrame objects

After installing TSFrames you need to load the package in Julia environment. Then, create a basic TSFrame object.

using TSFrames;
ts = TSFrame(1:10)

The basic TSFrame constructor takes in a Vector of any type and automatically generates an index out of it (the Index column).

There are many ways to construct a TSFrame object. For real world applications you would want to read in a CSV file or download a dataset as a DataFrame and then operate on it. You can easily convert a DataFrame to a TSFrame object.

using CSV, DataFrames, TSFrames, Dates
dates = Date(2007, 1, 1):Day(1):Date(2008, 03, 06)
ts = TSFrame(DataFrame(Index=dates, value=10*rand(431)))

In the above example you generate a random DataFrame and convert it into a TSFrame object ts. The top line of the ts object tells you the number of rows (431 here) and the number of columns (1) along with the Type of Index (Dates.Date in the above example).

You can also fetch the number of rows and columns by using nr(ts), nc(ts), and size(ts) methods. Respectively, they fetch the number of rows, columns, and a Tuple of row and column numbers. A length(::TSFrame) method is also provided for convenience which returns the number of rows of it's argument.


Names of data columns can be fetched using the names(ts) method which returns a Vector{String} object. The Index column can be fetched as an object of Vector type by using the index(ts) method, it can also be fetched directly using the underlying coredata property of TSFrame: ts.coredata[!, :Index].


Another simpler way to read a CSV is to pass TSFrame as a sink to the function.

julia> ts = CSV.File(filename, TSFrame)

Indexing and subsetting

One of the primary features of a timeseries package is to provide ways to index or subset a dataset using convenient interfaces. TSFrames makes it easier to index a TSFrame object by providing multiple intuitive getindex methods which work by just using the regular square parentheses([ ]).

ts[1] # first row
ts[[3, 5], [1]] # third & fifth row, and first column
ts[1:10, 1] # first 10 rows and the first column as a vector
ts[1, [:value]] # using the column name

Apart from integer-based row indexing and integer, name based column indexing, TSFrames provides special subsetting methods for date and time types defined inside the Dates module.

ts[Date(2007, 1, 10)] # on January 10, 2007
ts[[Date(2007, 1, 10), Date(2007, 1, 11)]] # January 10, 11
ts[Year(2007), Month(1)] # entire January 2007
ts[Year(2007), Quarter(2)]

Finally, one can also use the dot notation to get a column as a vector.

ts.value # get the value column as a vector

Summary statistics

The describe() method prints summary statistics of the TSFrame object. The output is a DataFrame which includes the number of missing values, data types of columns along with computed statistical values.



A TSFrame object can be plotted using the plot() function of the Plots package. The plotting functionality is provided by RecipesBase package so all the flexibility and functionality of the Plots package is available for users.

using Plots
plot(ts, size=(600,400); legend=false)

Applying a function over a period

The apply method allows you to aggregate the TSFrame object over a period type (Dates.Period(@ref)) and return the output of applying the function on each period. For example, to convert frequency of daily timeseries to monthly you may use first(), last(), or Statistics.mean() functions and the period as Dates.Month.

using Statistics
ts_monthly = apply(ts, Month(1), last) # convert to monthly series using the last value for each month
ts_weekly = apply(ts, Week(1), Statistics.std) # compute weekly standard deviation
apply(ts, Week(1), Statistics.std, last) # same as above but index contains the last date of the week
apply(ts, Week(1), Statistics.std, last, renamecols=false) # do not rename column

Joins: Row and column binding with other objects

TSFrames provides methods to join two TSFrame objects by columns: join (alias: cbind) or by rows: vcat (alias: rbind). Both the methods provide some basic intelligence while doing the merge.

join merges two datasets based on the Index values of both objects. Depending on the join strategy employed the final object may only contain index values only from the left object (using jointype=:JoinLeft), the right object (using jointype=:JoinRight), intersection of both objects (using jointype=:JoinBoth), or a union of both objects (jointype=:JoinAll) while inserting missing values where index values are missing from any of the other object.

dates = collect(Date(2007,1,1):Day(1):Date(2007,1,30));
ts2 = TSFrame(rand(length(dates)), dates)
join(ts, ts2; jointype=:JoinAll) # cbind/join on Index column

vcat also works similarly but merges two datasets by rows. This method also uses certain strategies provided via colmerge argument to check for certain conditions before doing the merge, throwing an error if the conditions are not satisfied.

colmerge can be passed setequal which merges only if both objects have same column names, orderequal which merges only if both objects have same column names and columns are in the same order, intersect merges only the columns which are common to both objects, and union which merges even if the columns differ between the two objects, the resulting object has the columns filled with missing, if necessary.

For vcat, if the values of Index are same in the two objects then all the index values along with values in other columns are kept in the resulting object. So, a vcat operation may result in duplicate Index values and the results from other operations may differ or even throw unknown errors.

dates = collect(Date(2008,4,1):Day(1):Date(2008,4,30));
ts3 = TSFrame(DataFrame(values=rand(length(dates)), Index=dates))
vcat(ts, ts3) # do the merge

Rolling window operations

The rollapply applies a function over a fixed-size rolling window on the dataset. In the example below, we compute the 10-day average of dataset values on a rolling basis.

rollapply(ts, mean, 10)

Computing rolling difference and percent change

Similar to apply and rollapply there are specific methods to compute rolling differences and percent changes of a TSFrame object. The diff method computes mathematical difference of values in adjacent rows, inserting missing in the first row. pctchange computes the percentage change between adjacent rows.


Computing log of data values


Creating lagged/leading series

lag() and lead() provide ways to lag or lead a series respectively by a fixed value, inserting missing where required.

lag(ts, 2)
lead(ts, 2)

Converting to Matrix and DataFrame

You can easily convert a TSFrame object into a Matrix or fetch the DataFrame for doing operations which are outside of the TSFrames scope.

ts[:, 1] # convert column 1 to a vector of floats
Matrix(ts) # convert entire TSFrame into a Matrix
select(ts.coredata, :Index, :value, DataFrames.nrow) # use the underlying DataFrame for other operations

Writing TSFrame into a CSV file

Writing a TSFrame object into a CSV file can be done easily by using the underlying coredata property. This DataFrame can be passed to the CSV.write method for writing into a file.

CSV.write("/tmp/demo_ts.csv", ts)


Broadcasting can be used on a TSFrame object to apply a function to a subset of it's columns.

julia> using TSFrames, DataFrames;

julia> ts = TSFrame(DataFrame(Index = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], A = [10.1, 12.4, 42.4, 24.1, 242.5], B = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]))
(5 x 2) TSFrame with Int64 Index

 Index  A        B     
 Int64  Float64  Int64 
     1     10.1      2
     2     12.4      4
     3     42.4      6
     4     24.1      8
     5    242.5     10

julia> sin_A = sin.(ts[:, [:A]])    # get sin of column A
(5 x 1) TSFrame with Int64 Index

 Index  A_sin
 Int64  Float64
     1  -0.625071
     2  -0.165604
     3  -0.999934
     4  -0.858707
     5  -0.562466

julia> log_ts = log.(ts)    # take log of all columns
(5 x 2) TSFrame with Int64 Index

 Index  A_log    B_log
 Int64  Float64  Float64
     1  2.31254  0.693147
     2  2.5177   1.38629
     3  3.74715  1.79176
     4  3.18221  2.07944
     5  5.491    2.30259

julia> log_ts = log.(ts[:, [:A, :B]])   # can specify multiple columns
(5 x 2) TSFrame with Int64 Index

 Index  A_log    B_log
 Int64  Float64  Float64
     1  2.31254  0.693147
     2  2.5177   1.38629
     3  3.74715  1.79176
     4  3.18221  2.07944
     5  5.491    2.30259

Tables.jl Integration

TSFrame objects are Tables.jl compatible. This integration enables easy conversion between the TSFrame format and other formats which are Tables.jl compatible.

As an example, first consider the following code which converts a TSFrame object into a DataFrame, a TimeArray and a CSV file respectively.

julia> using TSFrames, TimeSeries, Dates, DataFrames, CSV;

julia> dates = Date(2018, 1, 1):Day(1):Date(2018, 12, 31)

julia> ts = TSFrame(DataFrame(Index = dates, x1 = 1:365));

# conversion to DataFrames
julia> df = DataFrame(ts);

# conversion to TimeArray
julia> timeArray = TimeArray(ts, timestamp = :Index);

# writing to CSV
julia> CSV.write("ts.csv", ts);

Next, here is some code which converts a DataFrame, a TimeArray and a CSV file to a TSFrame object.

julia> using TSFrames, DataFrames, CSV, TimeSeries, Dates;

# converting DataFrame to TSFrame
julia> ts = TSFrame(DataFrame(Index=1:10, x1=1:10));

# converting from TimeArray to TSFrame
julia> dates = Date(2018, 1, 1):Day(1):Date(2018, 12, 31)

julia> ta = TimeArray(dates, rand(length(dates)));

julia> ts = TSFrame(ta);

# converting from CSV to TSFrame
julia>"ts.csv", TSFrame);

!!! note

This discussion warrants a note about how we've implemented the [`Tables.jl`]( interfaces. Since `TSFrame` objects are nothing but a wrapper around a `DataFrame`, our implementations of these interfaces just call [`DataFrames.jl`]('s implementations. Moreover, while constructing `TSFrame` objects out of other [Tables.jl]( compatible types, our constructor first converts the input table to a `DataFrame`, and then converts the `DataFrame` to a `TSFrame` object.