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Releases: xMcacutt/Mul-Ty-Player


21 Jan 17:37
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This is a re-release of the previously released 3.3.0 which had fatal bugs making it unusable.
It is now much more stable and has a bunch of new features to go along with it.
Anyone who has used a previous version of the updater/installer app should delete their files and reinstall from the updater.

  • Objective syncing polished
  • Treasure chest syncing added
  • Extra teleport options added
  • Host options button added
  • Kick added to host context menu
  • Sound on level complete
  • Sound on time attack open
  • Update message added to client
  • Version comparison added to client
  • Copy paste allowed from console

Release v3.2.3

14 Jan 11:50
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v3.2.3 r

Release v3.2.2

10 Jan 15:21
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Release v3.2.1

09 Jan 10:19
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workflow update


07 Jan 23:36
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New Features

  • Level Lock mode has been added for speedrunners. Use "/levellock true" to activate it.
  • Pickup Frame syncing is completed
  • Gift host option added by right clicking a player in the list
  • Icon system upgraded
  • Koala icons upgraded
  • Settings window massively redesigned
  • Dark / Light UI themes
  • Auto Updater application repalces installer and RKV patcher
  • /tp and /where commands added
  • Option to scale koalas to be closer to Ty's size added
  • All UI heavily restructured and made prettier
  • New collectible tracker app created

Bug Fixes

  • Bilby softlock if player collects fifth bilby without TE fixed.
  • Koala selection black flicker fixed
  • Auto-Reconnect disabled pending fix
  • Server list saving bug fixed


17 Dec 23:06
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New Features

  • Stopwatch syncing added
  • Pickup frame syncing added (WIP will be ready for 3.2.0)
  • Sync button added to lobby toolbar

Bug Fixes

  • Splash screen text moved to avoid overlap
  • Steam overlay no longer appears inside controls
  • Countdown ready button is no longer set to enabled on first join when in level
  • Countdown ready status of all other players is correct on join
  • Koala coordinates no longer being written if in same level
  • Level setup is only occurring at correct times
  • Memory addresses are being set per level depending on level data types
  • Debugging code added to help diagnose and fix memory corruption crashing
  • Bilby state check corrected to fix random desync
  • Login text box font changed to a monospace to fix type spacing issue


24 Nov 13:18
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v3.0.0 Major restructure and memory optimisations

  • GUI mostly functions in a single window now so no more swapping windows.
  • New Launch Game button added to splash screen and main GUI.
  • Countdown abort system fully functional.
  • Rainbow Scale syncing.
  • Semi-functional interpolation system.
  • Koalas now appear in Outback Safari.
  • Optional auto restart Ty on crash.
  • Huge memory management optimisations.
  • Crash stability. No more constant crashing.
  • Rang syncing issues fixed.


24 Apr 12:14
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Optimisations to memory usage and fixed sound playing memory leak

  • Tinsel


12 Apr 12:52
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  • Fixes the ready up button
  • Support for custom ports
  • Sync resets on countdown from ready
  • Level / Menu shows in the player info sidebar

Dedicated servers are now set up. The default server IP on installation is the IP of the server.
There are three servers running from the same IP on different ports.
8750 - Default port
8755 - Alternate port 1
8760 - Alternate port 2
To change port, either modify your ClientSettings.json file or simply add :[port number] to the end of the IP on the login screen.
For example



08 Apr 20:10
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2.1.1 final tweaks

  • Install patch button is far less picky and no longer checks file sizes of clean files
  • Ready indicators update visually when the countdown resets them
  • /restart command removed from host privileges and is only available from server app
  • Upscaled koala textures included in new RKV