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[Bug][Android] Picker consumes more space than available with long item display text #14298

ahoke-cr opened this issue May 27, 2021 · 0 comments


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Android Pickers seem to define their actual width based on the measured width of the largest item by display path. This becomes problematic when the measured width of the largest display text is larger than the available space for the Picker to fill

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a picker and populate with a list of short and long strings
  2. Wrap it in a horizontal StackLayout with other items on either or both sides
  3. Build and deploy

Expected Behavior

The Picker should respect its available space to fill (e.g. grid column or other constrained layout) and truncate text beyond the control bounds

Actual Behavior

The Picker takes more space than available,

Basic Information

  • Version with issue:
  • Last known good version: Unknown
  • Platform Target Frameworks:
    • Android: 10
  • Android Support Library / AndroidX Version:
  • NuGet Packages:
  • Affected Devices: Pixel 3 XL emulated


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Reproduction Link

I can set up a repro project later, but I wanted to document it for now.


Setting IsClippedToBounds="True" clips the portion of the picker going off-screen, but with centered text alignment smaller items seem to float off-center

@ahoke-cr ahoke-cr added s/unverified New report that has yet to be verified t/bug 🐛 labels May 27, 2021
@jsuarezruiz jsuarezruiz added this to New in Triage via automation Jun 1, 2021
@jsuarezruiz jsuarezruiz moved this from New to Needs Estimate in Triage Jun 15, 2021
@jsuarezruiz jsuarezruiz removed the s/unverified New report that has yet to be verified label Jun 15, 2021
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