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ConcreteCMS Javascript Localization

Latest Version on Packagist Software License

Pass translations and any other information from php to javascript


Include library to your composer.json

composer require xanweb/c5-js-localization


Register \Xanweb\C5\JsLocalization\ServiceProvider on package start or include it in /application/config/app.php

For Backend:

1- Add listener to BackendAssetLocalizationLoad::NAME on your package start or under /application/bootstrap/app.php:

use Xanweb\C5\JsLocalization\Event\BackendAssetLocalizationLoad;

$this->app['director']->addListener(BackendAssetLocalizationLoad::NAME, function (BackendAssetLocalizationLoad $event) {
        'i18n' => [
            'confirm' => t('Are you sure?'),
            'maxItemsExceeded' => t('Max items exceeded, you cannot add any more items.'),
            'pageNotFound' => t('Page not found'),
            'colorPicker' => [
                'cancelText' => t('Cancel'),
                'chooseText' => t('Choose'),
                'togglePaletteMoreText' => t('more'),
                'togglePaletteLessText' => t('less'),
                'noColorSelectedText' => t('No Color Selected'),
                'clearText' => t('Clear Color Selection'),
        'editor' => [
            'initRichTextEditor' => $this->app['editor']->getEditorInitJSFunction(),

2- Include the required asset to your view:

$view->requireAsset('javascript-localized', 'xw/backend');

3- You can now use your data within javascript file:


// Init Editor Example:

For Frontend:

1- Add listener to FrontendAssetLocalizationLoad::NAME on your package start or under /application/bootstrap/app.php:

use Xanweb\C5\JsLocalization\Event\FrontendAssetLocalizationLoad;

$this->app['director']->addListener(FrontendAssetLocalizationLoad::NAME, function (FrontendAssetLocalizationLoad $event) {
        'i18n' => [
            'message' => t('Are you sure?'),
        'methods' => [
            'showMessage' => 'function(){ alert("Website: ' . Core::make('site')->getSite()->getSiteName() . '"); }',

2- Include the required asset to your view:

$view->requireAsset('javascript-localized', 'xw/frontend');

3- You can now use your data within javascript file:


// Execute function: