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Sonos/Symfonisk display unit with ESPHome

Three different Sonos displays

Using ControllerX - Controlling your Sonos speakers have never been easier 😎 But the occasional wish for visual check on what’s actually playing, volume setting, media artist/title, active speakers in group etc. is still there 👀 Leaving you with no other choice than adding a display integration as the obvious solution for this need 😉

All it takes is an ESP8266 with ESPHome software, an appropriate display, a handful of HA sensors and you’re all set to go 🚀 ESPHome is a system framework for ESP8266 units that has support for several I2C OLED/E-ink display types and numerous sensors, has direct HA integration via add-on and easy, yet powerful YAML configuration. Read more about ESPHome and how to set it up in HA here:


Some links examples for hardware below. These are just some random sellers I've picked. Not necessarily the cheapest or best sellers.

Wemos D1 mini – ESP8266

2,42” 12864 SSD1309 display (direct replacement for the much smaller 0,96” SSD1306 display and can use same library)

Or alternatively you can use a Wemos NodeMCU ESP8266 with integrated 0,96" OLED display

One note on the SSD1309 display. In order to get it to work as I2C instead of SPI, you need to do a bit of soldering. On the specific display type I bought, you need to bridge (short) R5 and move R4 to R3. Remember that display will NOT work unless RES is connected to RST on ESP8266 (or any available pin and controlled in ESPHome sw). Note: Display only supports 3,3v on VCC. Some have reported that display tolerates 5v. I wouldn’t take that risk, though! I’ve kept both CS and DS ‘floating’. Haven’t had any I2C address issues so far. Use pull-up/down resistors if you experience issues.

Display setup:

My current display setup consists of four pages that all are displayed for 5 seconds.

Following information is displayed on the screen:

All pages: Source (if not present, display ‘Sonos/Playlist’) volume setting and play/pause/idle status.

Page 1: Active master/slave speakers.

Page 2: Media artist/media title (if not available from stream, display time instead)

Page 3: Time

Page 4: Outdoor temperature sensor value

If you only need the Sonos playing details on display, you can just remove page 3 & 4 from the ESPHome YAML configuration.

True Type Fonts:

Three 'standard' Calibri TT fonts are used plus a special version of Heydings Icons font in which I've included some Heydings Controls icons as well. If you experience some strange characters on the display, you probably need to edit the glyphs in ESPHome YAML and add whatever language specific characters that are missing.

Calibri TTF fonts link:

Heydings Icons special file link:

Copy Calibri Bold, Calibri Regular, Calibri Light fonts plus the special Heydings Icons font file to the ESPHome folder (/config/esphome/)

Home Assistant sensors:

Below you’ll find the HA template sensors needed in configuration.yaml for ESPHome display to work.

Note: media_artist and media_title attributes from HA's Sonos integration could be swapped for some radio stations, as these attributes are split from one combined string in the stream. Some radio stations have artist - title order, others use title - artist. You really can't tell... My danish radio stations (source list) all use the 'swapped' version, so my templates below swap these two attributes for radio stations.

Enter your master speaker as trigger entity ID for all templates but the first two (search for and replace with your master speaker entity). Without this specific hardcoded trigger entity, templates simply doesn't always update correctly. So unfortunately they're needed for now, until I hopefully find a 'cleaner' and more dynamic solution.

# Sonos sensors
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Sonos Master Friendly"
        entity_id: group.sonos_all
        value_template: "{{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'friendly_name') }}"
        friendly_name: "Sonos Slaves Friendly"
        entity_id: group.sonos_all
        value_template: >- 
           {% for entity_id in state_attr("group.sonos_all", "entity_id")[1:] -%}
             {% set friendly_name = state_attr(entity_id, "friendly_name") %}
             {%- if loop.last %}{{ friendly_name }}{% else %}{{ friendly_name }}, {% endif -%}
           {%- endfor %}
      media_title: # Swap title/artist if 'source' attribute is not present = radio
        entity_id: # Sonos master speaker
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.media_source' , "no source") %}
            {{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'media_title') }}
          {% else %}
            {{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'media_artist') }}
          {% endif %}
      media_artist: # Swap title/artist if 'source' attribute is not present = radio
        entity_id: # Sonos master speaker
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('sensor.media_source' , "no source") %}
            {{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'media_artist') }}
          {% else %}
            {{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'media_title') }}
          {% endif %}
        entity_id: # Sonos master speaker
        value_template: "{{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'media_album_name') }}"
      media_source: # Remove all after 'DR P4 Fyn' as source (to fit on display)
        entity_id: # Sonos master speaker
        value_template: >-
          {% if state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'source') %}
          {% else %}
            no source
          {% endif %}
        entity_id: # Sonos master speaker
        value_template: "{{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'volume_level')|float * 100 }}"
        entity_id: # Sonos master speaker
        value_template: "{{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'sonos_group') }}"

Home Assistant group:

Here you define your Sonos speaker entities. Master speaker has to be entered as first entity and all that's actually needed. Active slave speakers will dynamically be added on HA restart or when group configuration is changed (via Sonos app/HA service calls eg.) If you're only using one speaker, you still need to create the group in groups.yaml and populate with that single master speaker entity, as the group entity is needed in the code.

One note on master speaker, slaves and Sonos groups. You're defined master speaker actually doesn't need to be THE master speaker. As long as it's part of the group (master OR slave), then display will still show data for the group. But if defined master speaker is removed from the group, it will be a 'single speaker group' on it's own and display will reflect master speaker data.

  name: sonos_all
    -     # This HAS to be your MASTER speaker
  #	-    # SLAVE speaker #1 
  #	- media_player.livingroom # SLAVE speaker #2

Home Assistant automations:

First automation is identical with the one already used in my ControllerX Sonos group setup example: (

Second automation is purely optional and not really directly related to the display. It's just a quick shortcut to easily reset active speakers within group, volume and source playing to some defaults you've defined in the automation. Really nice when you have teenagers in the house, messing with active speaker entities in the group, playlists and volume all the time... 😉 The automation is written for an Ikea E1810 remote with z2m ControllerX HA integration. Here toggle_hold(Press and hold center button for appx. 3.5 seconds) is used as trigger.

- id: Dynamic Sonos groups
  alias: Dynamic Sonos groups
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.sonos_master_group_entities # Same as defined in configuration.yaml
    platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - service: group.set
      object_id: sonos_all # Name of Sonos group in groups.yaml
      entities: "{{ state_attr(state_attr('group.sonos_all', 'entity_id')[0], 'sonos_group') | join(',') }}"

- id: Sonos reset to defaults settings
  alias: Sonos reset to defaults settings
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.your_E1810_sensor_action
    to: 'toggle_hold'
  - service: sonos.join
      master: # This HAS to be your MASTER speaker
      - # SLAVE speaker #1
      - media_player.livingroom # SLAVE speaker #2
  - service: media_player.volume_set # Reset volume to 25 for all speakers
      - media_player.livingroom
      volume_level: 0.25
  - service: media_player.select_source # Reset to your default choice of source
      entity_id: # This HAS to be your MASTER speaker
      source: 'DR P4 Fyn 96.8 (Nyheder)'
  - service: media_player.media_play # Start playing
    entity_id: # This HAS to be your MASTER speaker

ESPHome YAML configuration:

As ESPHome currently don't support attributes, all data to be displayed has to be in separate HA sensors. Hence the huge amount of sensors.

Two entities needs to be entered. Your Sonos master speaker and optional temperature sensor. If temperature sensor is omitted, you can just delete page 3 & 4 from the display configuration.

Revise sonos_status and outdoor_temp sensors in YAML below, to match your HA entities for Sonos master speaker and outdoor temperature sensor. Create a new ESPHome node and configure it with your WiFi credentials. Edit node and copy/paste revised YAML below (from time: and onwards) to your node. Save it, upload and enjoy! 🎉😎

  name: ssd1309
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

  ssid: "your ssid"
  password: "your password"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Ssd1309 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "Autogenerated password"

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  - platform: homeassistant
    id: esptime

    # Outdoor temperature sensor - only used in lambda page 4
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: outdoor_temp
    entity_id: sensor.your_temperature_sensor
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: sonos_volume
    entity_id: sensor.volume
    internal: true

    # Sonos master speaker
  - platform: homeassistant  
    id: sonos_status
    entity_id: media_player.your_master_speaker
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant  
    id: media_source
    entity_id: sensor.media_source
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: media_artist
    entity_id: sensor.media_artist
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: media_title
    entity_id: sensor.media_title
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: sonos_master
    entity_id: sensor.sonos_master_friendly
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: sonos_slaves
    entity_id: sensor.sonos_slaves_friendly
    internal: true
  - file: "Calibri Bold.ttf"
    id: font_large
    size: 23
    glyphs: '!%"()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz█£$@æøåÆØÅ&#''´’?üöäé'
  - file: "Calibri Regular.ttf"
    id: font_medium
    size: 19
    glyphs: '!%"()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz█£$@æøåÆØÅ&#''´’?üöäé'
  - file: "Calibri Light.ttf"
    id: font_small
    size: 11
    glyphs: '!%"()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz█£$@æøåÆØÅ&#''´’?üöäé'
  - file: "Calibri Bold.ttf"
    id: font_small_bold
    size: 12
    glyphs: '!%"()+,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz█£$@æøåÆØÅ&#''´’?üöäé'
  - file: "HeydingsIconsSymbols.ttf"
    id: font_icons_small
    size: 11
    glyphs: '067HADJabjsmx'
  - file: "HeydingsIconsSymbols.ttf"
    id: font_icons_medium
    size: 19
    glyphs: '067HADJabjsmx'
  - file: "HeydingsIconsSymbols.ttf"
    id: font_icons_14
    size: 14
    glyphs: '067HADJabjsmx'
  sda: D1
  scl: D2

  - interval: 5s
      - sonos
      - component.update: sonos

  - platform: ssd1306_i2c
    model: "SSD1306 128x64"
    reset_pin: D0
    address: 0x3C
    brightness: 100%
    id: sonos
      - id: page1
        lambda: |-
          // it.rectangle(0, 0, 128, 64); For visual check of display edges when playing with different fonts
          if (id(media_source).state != "no source") {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%.12s", id(media_source).state.c_str()); // 
          } else {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "Sonos"); // if no source list attribute, display Sonos Playlist instead
          it.printf(0, 20, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "m"); // speaker on sign
          it.printf(21, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.f", id(sonos_volume).state);
          if (id(sonos_status).state != "playing") {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "7"); // pause sign
          } else {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "6"); // play sign
          it.printf(107, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%s", id(sonos_status).state.c_str());
          it.printf(00, 53, id(font_icons_small), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, "s"); // star sign for master speaker
          it.printf(64, 53, id(font_small_bold), TextAlign::BOTTOM_CENTER, "%s", id(sonos_master).state.c_str());
          it.printf(00, 65, id(font_icons_small), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, "a"); // chain sign for slave speaker(s)
          it.printf(64, 65, id(font_small), TextAlign::BOTTOM_CENTER, "%s", id(sonos_slaves).state.c_str());
      - id: page2
        lambda: |-
          // it.rectangle(0, 0, 128, 64); For visual check of display edges when playing with different fonts
          if (id(media_source).state != "no source") {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%.12s", id(media_source).state.c_str()); // 
          } else {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "Playlist"); // if no source list attribute, display 'Sonos Playlist' instead
          it.printf(0, 20, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "m"); // speaker on sign
          it.printf(21, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.f", id(sonos_volume).state);
          if (id(sonos_status).state != "playing") {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "7"); // pause sign
          } else {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "6"); // play sign
          it.printf(107, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%s", id(sonos_status).state.c_str());
          if (id(media_title).state != "None") {
              it.printf(73, 53, id(font_small), TextAlign::BOTTOM_CENTER, "%.24s", id(media_artist).state.c_str());
              it.printf(73, 65, id(font_small), TextAlign::BOTTOM_CENTER, "%.24s", id(media_title).state.c_str());
              it.printf(00, 53, id(font_icons_small), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, "A"); // person sign (artist)
              it.printf(01, 63, id(font_icons_14), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, "j"); // note sign (title)
          } else {
              it.strftime(64, 42, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%H:%M:%S", id(esptime).now());
      - id: page3
        lambda: |-
          // it.rectangle(0, 0, 128, 64); For visual check of display edges when playing with different fonts
          if (id(media_source).state != "no source") {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%.12s", id(media_source).state.c_str()); // 
          } else {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "Sonos"); // if no source list attribute, display Sonos Playlist instead
          it.printf(0, 20, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "m"); // speaker on sign
          it.printf(21, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.f", id(sonos_volume).state);
          if (id(sonos_status).state != "playing") {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "7"); // pause sign
          } else {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "6"); // play sign
          it.printf(107, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%s", id(sonos_status).state.c_str());
          it.strftime(64, 42, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%H:%M:%S", id(esptime).now());
      - id: page4   
        lambda: |-
          // it.rectangle(0, 0, 128, 64); For visual check of display edges when playing with different fonts
          if (id(media_source).state != "no source") {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%.12s", id(media_source).state.c_str()); // 
          } else {
              it.printf(64, 0, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "Playlist"); // if no source list attribute, display Sonos Playlist instead
          it.printf(0, 20, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "m"); // speaker on sign
          it.printf(21, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%.f", id(sonos_volume).state);
          if (id(sonos_status).state != "playing") {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "7"); // pause sign
          } else {
              it.printf(127, 18, id(font_icons_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "6"); // play sign
          it.printf(107, 22, id(font_medium), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%s", id(sonos_status).state.c_str());
          it.printf(64, 42, id(font_large), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "Out: %.1f°C", id(outdoor_temp).state);

Future improvement plans

  • Improve/simplify templates
  • Remove need for master entity everywhere in config files
  • Display 'shuffle' and 'mute' sign
  • Implement brightness control on display
  • Implement display on/off (via local ESPHome PIR sensor)
  • Add more information on display using a 2,9" E-ink display
  • Add png file for current media playing for e-paper displays
  • Use e-paper display as status display when Sonos is idle

Thank you Xavi for providing the perfect solution for some of my templating issues 👍😎
