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File metadata and controls

119 lines (95 loc) · 6.33 KB

Xayn-styled shared design elements like icons, colors, styles, and themes. We expose one design object with the name of Linden that contains all the shared design elements.

Installing 🛠️

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  # Add the fonts that you will use in your app
    - family: NotoSans
        - asset: packages/xayn_design/assets/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf
          weight: 400
        - asset: packages/xayn_design/assets/fonts/NotoSans-Bold.ttf
          weight: 700
    - family: NotoSerif
        - asset: packages/xayn_design/assets/fonts/NotoSerif-Regular.ttf
          weight: 400
        - asset: packages/xayn_design/assets/fonts/NotoSerif-Bold.ttf
          weight: 700
    - family: Roboto
        - asset: packages/xayn_design/assets/fonts/KFOmCnqEu92Fr1Me5WZLCzYlKw.ttf
          weight: 400
    - packages/xayn_design/`path to asset` 

for assets, check Importing assets in pubspec.yaml for more info.

How to use Linden 🏗️

The top-level widget in the app should be UnterDenLinden. Idealy it should wrap your app widget. This widget is responsible for storing Linden and also provide mechanisms for changing brightness and using Linden by the internal widgets (part of the xayn_design)

final unterDenLinden = UnterDenLinden(
  child: MyApp(),
  initialLinden: Linden(),
  onLindenUpdated: (final Linden newLinden) {
    // will be called every time, when `Linden` updated


Use case #1 (accessing Linden)

You can access Linden with the BuildContext:

final linden = UnterDenLinden.getLinden(context);

Remember: It should be called ONLY inside the [build] method. If you will use it inside the builders - it might leak to the exception: Looking up a deactivated widget's ancestor is unsafe.

Use case #2 (using Linden)

  theme: linden.themeData,

Use case #2 (update brightness)

final newBrightness = Random().nextBool() ? Brightness.light : Brightness.dark;

Use case #3 (for the internal xayn_design widgets)

If you need to build internal widget and at the same time you need rely on the current Linden, you have 2 options:

  1. get Linden with UnterDenLinde.getLinden(context)
  2. for the StatefullWidget you can add mixin - UnterDenLindenMixin - it will do same job for you 😄
class _TooltipState extends State<Tooltip> with UnterDenLindenMixin {

Attributes ⚙️


attribute name Datatype Default Value Description
brightness Brightness Brightness.light Responsible for switching theme from light to dark and vise versa.
styles XStyles XStyles(_defaultTheme(brightness).textTheme, brightness: brightness,) Responsible for TextStyles in the app as well as any other shared Material style we use in the design system.
themeData ThemeData _defaultTheme(brightness, styles: styles) Provides theme configuration for Linden and in case nothing is passed, the private defaultTheme is used.
dimen XSizes XSizes(notchPaddingLandscapeMode: notchPaddingLandscapeMode, deviceOrientation: deviceOrientation, screenSize: screenSize,) All the dimensions is the responsibility of dimen. It's dependent on the configuration pf XSizes class.
colors XColors XColors(brightness: brightness) The shared colors configuration.
assets XAssets XAssets(brightness: brightness) Assets' configuration.
animations XAnimations XAnimations() Animations' parameters, mostly durations, configurations.
screenSize Size? null Responsible for the screen size and eventually updates the XSizes instance, dimen, when altered.
deviceOrientation Orientation Orientation.portrait Passes the state of the device orientation and updates the XSizes instance, dimen, when altered.
notchPaddingLandscapeMode double 0 When in landscape mode, regardless of the orientation; left or right, if there is a notch both padding.right and padding.left return the notch padding value. It updates the XSizes instance, dimen, when altered.


attribute name Datatype Default Value Description
child Widget required Your app widget
initialLinden Linden required Initial Linden, that will be stored inside UntgerDenLinden and will later updated and populated to the rest of the app
onLindenUpdated OnLindenUpdated null Callback, that will be emitted everytime when Linden changes inside UnterDenLinden