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2015-04-17 00:00
Understanding models and entities
Developer docs
Demo module
Demo script


X-Cart primarily works with Model objects. For instance, product, category, order, image, user are all Model objects. This article gives an introduction to what is Model classes and how to work with them. 

For the sake of example, we will create a TestEntity class which will have two fields: id and text. Then, we will see how it is possible to create a new TestEntity object, define some text for it and then save it to the database.

Table of Contents


We start with {% link "creating an empty module" ref_G2mlgckf %} with developer ID XCExample and module ID RepoDemo.

Once it is created, we create our Model class. For that, we create classes/XLite/Module/XCExample/RepoDemo/Model/TestEntity.php file with the following content: 


namespace XLite\Module\XCExample\RepoDemo\Model;

 * @Entity
 * @Table (name="test_entities")

class TestEntity extends \XLite\Model\AEntity
     * @Id
     * @GeneratedValue (strategy="AUTO")
     * @Column         (type="integer")
    protected $id;

     * @Column (type="text")
    protected $text;

     * Returns id
     * @return string
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * Set text
     * @param string $value Value
     * @return void
    public function setText($value)
        $this->text = $value;

     * Returns text
     * @return string
    public function getText()
        return $this->text;

Let us have a closer look at what we are doing here:

  1. We start with defining {% link "namespace" ref_FAgFbEx9 %}: 

    namespace XLite\Module\XCExample\RepoDemo\Model;
  2. Then in DocBlocks comments we define that this class is a new entity: 


    and it must be stored in the 'xc_test_entities' table (assuming you have not changed table prefix in etc/config.php file): 

    @Table (name="test_entities")
  3. Our class is the basic model, so it extends \XLite\Model\AEntity class: 

    class TestEntity extends \XLite\Model\AEntity
  4. Our TestEntity has two properties. $id is unique identifier of TestEntity in the database: 

     * @Id
     * @GeneratedValue (strategy="AUTO")
     * @Column         (type="integer")
    protected $id

    That is why we mark this property with @Id tag. We also specify that it has in an integer type and its value must be automatically generated upon creating a new object.

  5. The second property is $text that must have TEXT MySQL type: 

     * @Column (type="text")
    protected $text;
  6. Last step is to generate getters/setters for these properties:

     * Returns id
     * @return string
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;
     * Set text
     * @param string $value Value
     * @return void
    public function setText($value)
        $this->text = $value;
     * Returns text
     * @return string
    public function getText()
        return $this->text;

    {% note info %} If you develop a module for X-Cart 5.2.x and earlier, during rebuild process X-Cart will create getter and setter methods for properties automatically. In var/run/classes/ folder, our class will be appended with getId(), getText() and setText() methods. setId() method will not be created, because X-Cart knows that this field is an ID and cannot be altered at all. {% endnote %}

    {% note warning %} X-Cart 5.3.x doesn't generate getters/setters automatically, so you have to write them yourself or generate with IDE. You can also use .dev/scripts/doctrine-generate-entities.php script which will modify all files in classes/ directory and add missing getters\setters.

    This reason for disabling automatic generation is to maintain more standard PHP code, fix errors about missing symbols in IDE, enable autocomplete for that methods. Also, it is the good practice to have only getters/setters which are used in actual code to provide strict incapsulation of a class. {% endnote %}

We are done with creating an entity class.

Once we re-deploy the store, X-Cart will create xc_test_entities table with needed columns itself and we do not have to worry about it.

Now, we create the test.php file in X-Cart's root and start experimenting with our TestEntity class. Here is a content of our test.php script: 


//X-Cart initializtion
require_once '';

// pulling all TestEntity objects from database
$result = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('\XLite\Module\XCExample\RepoDemo\Model\TestEntity')->findAll();

// it should be empty
echo 'All TestEntity records: ' . var_dump($result) . '<br />';

// create new TestEntity
$entity = new \XLite\Module\XCExample\RepoDemo\Model\TestEntity();

// let Entity Manager "know" about this entity

// set text of for our TestEntity
$entity->setText('test value');

// save results to DB

// destroy object in PHP

// pulling info about saved TestEntities
$result = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('\XLite\Module\XCExample\RepoDemo\Model\TestEntity')->findAll();

// displaying text of TestEntities
foreach ($result as $entity) {
    echo 'entity text: ' . $entity->getText() . '<br />';

After running this script you should get the following results: 

All TestEntity records: array ( )
entity text: test value

If you run the script the second time, you will see that first pulling of TestEntities will actually get you some results and the output will be a bit different as there are two TestEntities in the database now: 

All TestEntity records:
array (size=1)
  0 => 
      protected 'id' => int 1
      protected 'text' => string 'test value' (length=10)
      protected '_previous_state' => null
entity text: test value
entity text: test value

Module pack

You can download this example module from here: XCExample-RepoDemo-v5_3_0.tar