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Code Standard for Perl

This document gives out a Code Standard for Perl programming in xCAT. All the Perl code which is checked in to xCAT code repository should follow this standard.

This document does not give the coding rules one by one, but give a piece of example code. You need to follow the example code strictly.

This standard referred to the Perl code style from perldoc:

Tidy Your Code

Meanwhile, you are recommended to use following command line to tidy your code:

perltidy -w -syn -g -opt -i=4 -nt -io -nbbc -kbl=2 -pscf=-c -aws \
    -pt=2 -bbc -nolc  <orig_code> -o <formatted_code>

How to install perltidy tool:

  • [RHEL]

    yum install perltidy.noarch
  • [UBUNTU]

    apt-get install perltidy

Code Standard Example:

#! /usr/bin/perl

# This is a perl program example to demo the recommended
# style to write perl code

use strict;
use warnings;


=head3   subroutine_example
        This a subroutine to demo how to write perl code
        param1: The first parameter
        param2: The second parameter
        param3: The third parameter
        0 - success
        0 - fail

sub subroutine_example {
    my ($param1, $param2, $param3) = @_;

    print "In the subroutine subroutine_example.\n";

    return 0;

# Declare variables
my $a_local_scale;
my @a_local_array;
my %a_local_hash;

$a_local_scale = 1;

@a_local_array = ("a", "b", "c");

%a_local_hash = (
    "v1" => 1,
    "v2" => 2,
    "v3" => 3,

# Demo how to check the key of hash
if (%a_local_hash and
    defined($a_local_hash{v1}) and
    defined($a_local_hash{v2}) and
    defined($a_local_hash{v3})) {

    # Calculate the sum of values
    my $sum_of_values = $a_local_hash{v1}
      + $a_local_hash{v2}
      + $a_local_hash{v3};

    print "The sum of values: $sum_of_values.\n";

# Demo how to check whether the array is empty
if (@a_local_array) {
    print "Has element in array: " . join(',', @a_local_array) . "\n";
elsif ($a_local_scale) {
    print "The value of a scale variable: $a_local_scale.\n";
else {
    # None of above
    print "Get into the default path.\n";

# Call the subroutine subroutine_example()
subroutine_example($a_local_scale, \@a_local_array, %a_local_hash);

exit 0;