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205 lines (147 loc) · 6.98 KB

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205 lines (147 loc) · 6.98 KB

@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk is a Javascript library for communicating with a DigitalBits Frontier server. It is used for building DigitalBits apps either on Node.js or in the browser.

It provides:

  • a networking layer API for Frontier endpoints.
  • facilities for building and signing transactions, for communicating with a DigitalBits Frontier instance, and for submitting transactions or querying network history.

@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk vs @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base

@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk is a high-level library that serves as client-side API for Frontier. @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base is lower-level library for creating DigitalBits primitive constructs via XDR helpers and wrappers.

Most people will want @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk instead of @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base. You should only use @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base if you know what you're doing!

If you add @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk to a project, do not add @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base! Mis-matching versions could cause weird, hard-to-find bugs. @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk automatically installs @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base and exposes all of its exports in case you need them.

Important! The Node.js version of the @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base (@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk dependency) package uses the sodium-native package as an optional dependency. sodium-native is a low level binding to libsodium, (an implementation of Ed25519 signatures). If installation of sodium-native fails, or it is unavailable, @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base (and @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk) will fallback to using the tweetnacl package implementation.

If you are using @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk/@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-base in a browser you can ignore this. However, for production backend deployments you should be using sodium-native. If sodium-native is successfully installed and working the DigitalBitsSdk.FastSigning variable will return true.

Quick start

Using npm to include @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk in your own project:

npm install --save @digitalbits-blockchain/@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk


To use as a module in a Node.js project

  1. Install it using npm:
npm install --save @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk
  1. require/import it in your JavaScript:
var DigitalBitsSdk = require('@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk');

To develop and test @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk itself

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies inside xdb-digitalbits-sdk folder:
cd xdb-digitalbits-sdk
npm install
  1. Install Node 14

Because we support the latest maintenance version of Node, please install and develop on Node 14 so you don't get surprised when your code works locally but breaks in CI.

Here's how to install nvm if you haven't:

nvm install

# if you've never installed 14 before you'll want to re-install yarn
npm install -g yarn

If you work on several projects that use different Node versions, you might it helpful to install this automatic version manager:

  1. Observe the project's code style

While you're making changes, make sure to run the linter-watcher to catch any linting errors (in addition to making sure your text editor supports ESLint)

node_modules/.bin/gulp watch

How to use with React-Native

  1. Add the following postinstall script:
yarn rn-nodeify --install url,events,https,http,util,stream,crypto,vm,buffer --hack --yarn
  1. yarn add -D rn-nodeify
  2. Uncomment require('crypto') on shim.js
  3. react-native link react-native-randombytes
  4. Create file rn-cli.config.js
module.exports = {
  resolver: {
    extraNodeModules: require("node-libs-react-native"),
  1. Add import "./shim"; to the top of index.js
  2. yarn add @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk

Using in an Expo managed workflow

  1. Add the following postinstall script:
yarn rn-nodeify --install process,url,events,https,http,util,stream,crypto,vm,buffer --hack --yarn
  1. yarn add -D rn-nodeify
  2. Add import "./shim"; to the your app's entry point (by default ./App.js)
  3. yarn add @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk
  4. expo install expo-random

At this point, the digitalbits SDK will work, except that DigitalBitsSdk.Keypair.random() will throw an error. So to work around this you can create your own method to generate a random keypair like this:

import * as Random from 'expo-random';
import DigitalBitsSdk from '@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk';

const generateRandomKeypair = () => {
  const randomBytes = Random.getRandomBytes(32);

  return DigitalBitsSdk.Keypair.fromRawEd25519Seed(Buffer.from(randomBytes));


For information on how to use @digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk, take a look at the documentation, or the examples.

There is also Frontier REST API Documentation here.


To run all tests:

gulp test

To run a specific set of tests:

gulp test:node
gulp test:browser

To generate and check the documentation site:

# install the `serve` command if you don't have it already
npm install -g serve

# generate the docs files
npm run docs

# get these files working in a browser
cd jsdoc && serve .

# you'll be able to browse the docs at http://localhost:5000


Documentation for this repo lives in Developers site.

Publishing to npm

npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease]

A new version will be published to npm and Bower by GitHub actions.

npm >= 2.13.0 required. Read more about npm version.


@digitalbits-blockchain/xdb-digitalbits-sdk is licensed under an Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.