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Xenit enterprise conventions Gradle plugins

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These Gradle plugins apply general conventions for Xenit projects. There is a different set of conventions that is applied to open source projects and to private projects.


Open source projects should apply the eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.oss plugin. Private projects should apply the eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.private plugin.

These plugins can be applied to individual Gradle projects in build.gradle, or for the whole build in settings.gradle


Apply for all projects in a build:

// settings.gradle
plugins {
    id 'eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.oss' version '0.1.0'

Or only apply to a particular sub-project:

// build.gradle
plugins {
    id 'eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.oss' version '0.1.0'


Repository shorthands

Both OSS and Private plugins provide additional shorthands for your repositories {} block:

  • sonatypeSnapshots(): Configures AND snapshot repositories. Additional snapshot repositories will be added when they are created.
  • xenit(): Configures Xenit private repository (Release) with credentials from eu.xenit.repo.username and eu.xenit.repo.password
  • xenitSnapshots(): Configures Xenit private repository (Snapshots) with credentials from eu.xenit.repo.username and eu.xenit.repo.password
  • xenitPrivate() (Deprecated): Configures Xenit private artifacts server (Releases) with credentials from eu.xenit.artifactory.username and eu.xenit.artifactory.password properties
  • xenitPrivateSnapshots() (Deprecated): Configures Xenit private artifacts server (Snapshots) with credentials from eu.xenit.artifactory.username and eu.xenit.artifactory.password properties

Similarly, these shorthands can also be used in settings.gradle in a dependencyResolutionManagement.repositories {} block, which is the recommended way to configure repositories if they are used in all subprojects.

dependencyResolutionManagement in settings.gradle is supported in Gradle 6.8 and newer.

All repositories can be configured further by configuring it in a block.

repositories {
repositories {
    xenit {
        // Example additional configuration.
        // See
        content {
            includeGroup "eu.xenit"
// settings.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {

Publishing shorthands

When the maven-publish plugin is used, additional repository shorthands are available on the publishing.repositories {} block. In addition to the repositories listed above, sonatypeMavenCentral() is also available, which transparently sets up the nexus publish plugin to automatically deploy to a staging repository.

Note that you should use the sonatypeSnapshots() repository for publishing snapshots.

publishing {
  repositories {
    // Switch which repository is used based on if the version is a snapshot
    if("${project.version}".endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) {
      sonatypeSnapshots {
        // The default is
        url = ""
        credentials {
          username 'XYZ'
          password 'some-password'
    } else {
      sonatypeMavenCentral {
        // If you need to publish to a different repository
        // The default is
        url = ""
        credentials {
          username 'XYZ'
          password 'some-password'

Publication signing

When the eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.oss, the maven-publish and the signing plugin plugins are used together, signing is automatically configured for all publications.

Which GPG key to use for signing artifacts can be automatically configured:

  • If the SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY and SIGNING_PASSWORD environment variables are present, these will be used for in-memory signing. Optionally, the SIGNING_SUBKEY_ID environment variable can be used to select the OpenPGP subkey to use for signing.
  • If the signing.keyId, signing.password and signing.secretKeyRingFile properties are present, these will be used for default signatory credentials
  • If the signing.gnupg.keyName property is present, it will be used for the GnuPG signer.
Example usages

These are just examples, use your CI's method to insert secure environment variables instead of hardcoding them in CI configuration

With environment variables:

export SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY=XXXXXX # ascii-armored private key
export SIGNING_PASSWORD=YYYYY # password to unlock secret key
./gradlew publish

With properties:

./gradlew publish -Psigning.keyId=01234 -Psigning.password=YYYYY -Psigning.secretKeyRingFile=~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

Publication validation

When the eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.oss plugin is applied, adherence to the Maven Central requirements is validated when publishing to the Sonatype OSS repositories, also when SNAPSHOT builds are published to the snapshot repository.

This prevents the annoying occurrence when your fully finished and tagged release is rejected when closing your staging repository, because it did not adhere to all requirements.

Not all requirements can be checked automatically, only those that can are checked here:

  • Presence of javadoc.jar and sources.jar when a jar is published. (There is no such requirement when publishing other artifact types, like Alfresco .amp)
  • All artifacts must be signed with GPG
  • POM contains following metadata:
    • name, description, url
    • At least one license, every license must contain name and url
    • At least one developer, every developer must contain name
    • scm must contain connection, developerConnection and url

Docker image source labels

When building docker images with the Gradle Docker plugin, Alfresco Docker Gradle plugin or the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin, some predefined OCI annotations are automatically applied:

  • org.opencontainers.image.source: Set to the repository URL (if available from a supported source provider)
  • org.opencontainers.image.revision: Set to the current commit (if available from a supported source provider)
  • org.opencontainers.image.version: Set to the version of the Gradle project the Docker image is built in
  • org.opencontainers.image.title: Set to the name of the Gradle project the Docker image is built in
  • org.opencontainers.image.description: Set to the description of the Gradle project the Docker image is built in

Supported source providers

  • GitHub Actions: information is read from environment variables set by GitHub Actions
  • Supporting other sources: provide a jar containing a `BuildContextInformationSupplier SPI

Repository blocking

In the eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.oss plugin, all artifact repositories are allowed by default, except for the Xenit private artifacts server. This is to avoid accidentally depending on this private server for open source software that we publish.

In all cases, local file:/// repositories are allowed and http:// repositories are blocked. It is possible to add additional repositories to the allow- or blocklists by adding properties to (either globally or per-project): eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.repository.allow.<hostname>=true or eu.xenit.enterprise-conventions.repository.block.<hostname>=true Entries that are added to the blocklist in this way take priority over entries that are added to the allowlist.


These properties-files can be placed in ~/.gradle/, or locally in your project as .

# Allow jcenter back, even though it is blocked by default
# Block repository on, even though it may be allowed by default