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Public files needed for running strax on XENON data. This e.g. contains testing and dummy files.

How to use

Before if uploading any data please update the table below with a short description of the file and preferably a link to a wiki note where it is discussed.a


File-name Short description Used for Link
elipe.npy 1T electron livetimes straxen
filters_per_chan.npy 1T pulse filters per channel straxen 1T link
pmt_positions_xenonnt.csv nT PMT positions straxen 1T link
remapped_channels_....csv (see link) straxen nT link
strax_test_data.tar Ancient strax test data straxen
strax_test_data_straxv0.9.tar Straxen test data straxen
strax_..._straxv1.1.0.tar Straxen test data straxen
to_pe.npy 1T to pe per running straxen 1T
XENON1T_..._20171217_sr0.h5 SR0 NN straxen 1T ?
XENON1T_..._20171217_sr1.h5 SR1 NN straxen 1T ?
XENON1T_..._20171217_sr1_reformatted.json SR1 NN straxen 1T ?
012882-raw_records-z7q2d2ye2t.tar Straxen automated testing straxen Joran
s1_aft_UNITY_xyz_XENONnT.json S1(x,y,z) AFT dummy map straxen nT link
s1_lce_UNITY_xyz_XENONnT.json S1(x,y,z) LCE dummy map straxen nT
s2_map_UNITY_xy_XENONnT.json S2(x,y) correction dummy map straxen nT
dummy_bayes_model.npz Bayes dummy modele file straxen nT


File-name Short description Used for Link
170203_0850_00_small.npz wfsim
ele_after_pulse.npy 1T el. afterpulse template wfsim
fax_config.json wfsim conf placeholder wfsim
fax_config_1t.json wfsim 1T conf wfsim
mlp_model.h5 nT NN placeholder straxen nT
mlp_model.json nt NN placeholder straxen nT
placeholder_map.json ? ?
x1t_noise_170203_0850_....npz 1T Noise template wfsim
x1t_pmt_afterpulse_config.pkl.gz 1T pmt afterpulse template wfsim
x1t_se_afterpulse_delaytime.pkl.gz 1T single electron afterpulse wfsim
XENON1T_effective_diffusion_SR1.pkl 1T diffusion model wfsim
XENON1T_FDC_SR1_data_dr....gz 1T field distortion correction wfsim
XENON1T_s1_xyz_ly_kr8....json 1T light-yield map wfsim
XENON1T_s1_xyz_patterns....gz 1T iterpolation map wfsim
XENON1T_s2_xy_ly_SR1_v2.2.json 1T S2 light-yield map wfsim
XENON1T_s2_xy_patterns_....gz 1T pattern map wfsim
XENON1T_spe_distributions.csv 1T single photonelectron distributions wfsim

This repo is structured as a package. To interact:


git clone
cd strax_auxiliary_files
python develop

Open files

These are some examples of how to interact with the package.

Example 1. Open a simulation file

Let's see how we can interact with the package. Below is an example of how we can open a simulation file.

import straxauxfiles
# Let's see what kind of simulation files we have
# Let's load the fax_config_nt and open it as a dictionary
config = straxauxfiles.get_sim_file('fax_config.json')
# We can now treat it as a dictionary

Example 3. Open a strax file

Let's see how we can interact with the package. Below is an example of how we can open a simulation file.

import straxauxfiles
# Let's see what kind of strax files we have
# Let's load the fax_config_nt and open it as a dictionary

Example 2. Locate all the files in this auxiliary repo

Let's see how we can interact with the package. Below is an example of how we can open a simulation file.

import straxauxfiles
# Let's see what kind of files we have
# Let's make a a dictionary of the paths of each of the files.
my_files = {f: straxauxfiles.get_abspath(f) for f in straxauxfiles.list_aux_files()}
# Print the dictionary