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The single entry point for interacting with the ROBO Interface


If you need multiple instances (e.g. two Robo interfaces on two separate USB ports), you can use the class directly. Remember to call close on each of your instances.

Kind: static constant of libroboint

const libroboint = require('libroboint');
const ri = new libroboint.RoboInterface(connectOptions);


Kind: static constant of libroboint


Kind: static constant of libroboint


Kind: static constant of libroboint


Connect to the Robo Interface

Kind: static method of libroboint

Param Type Description
[opts] Object The connection options. Optional.
opts.deviceNumber number The number of the device to connect to, defaults to 0.
opts.usbSerial number If specified, will connect using the serialNumber.
opts.serialType number Type of device at serial port, either FT_INTELLIGENT_IF (10), FT_INTELLIGENT_IF_SLAVE (20) or FT_ROBO_IF_COM (70)
opts.enableDistance boolean Enable D1 and D2 for use with the ft distance sensor, defaults to false
opts.startTransferArea boolean Start the transfer area. Usually you want that, defaults to true


const libroboint = require('libroboint');
   deviceNumber: 0

libroboint.hasInterface() ⇒ boolean

Tells if we have a connection to the Interface. Useful to call after "connect()"

Kind: static method of libroboint

const libroboint = require('libroboint');
    // do something


Closes the connection to the ftDevice. This is also done when the nodeJS process is terminated (SIGINT).

Kind: static method of libroboint

const libroboint = require('libroboint');
// do something

libroboint.getDeviceTypeString() ⇒ string

Returns a string that identifies this interface in a human readable form like "Robo Interface"

Kind: static method of libroboint

libroboint.getDeviceType() ⇒ number

Returns the type of the interface (as integer), which is one of

NO_FT_DEVICE                0       // No ft Device connected
FT_AUTO_TYPE                1       // Search for Device
FT_INTELLIGENT_IF           10      // FT-Intelligent Interface connect (serial)
FT_INTELLIGENT_IF_SLAVE     20      // FT-Intelligent Interface with Extension connect (serial)
FT_ROBO_IF_IIM              50      // FT-Robo Interface with Intelligent-Interface-Modus connect (serial)
FT_ROBO_IF_USB              60      // FT-Robo Interface connect with USB-Port
FT_ROBO_IF_COM              70      // FT-Robo Interface connect with COM- (serial-) Port
FT_ROBO_IF_OVER_RF          80      // FT-Robo Interface connect over RF-Data-Link
FT_ROBO_IO_EXTENSION        90      // FT-Robo I/O-Extension
FT_ROBO_LT_CONTROLLER       91      // FT-Robo LT Controller
FT_ROBO_RF_DATA_LINK        110     // FT-Robo RF Data Link
FT_SOUND_AND_LIGHTS         120     // FT-Sound + Lights Module

Kind: static method of libroboint

libroboint.setMotor(motor, direction, [speed]) ⇒

Sets a motor's speed and direction

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: null

Param Type Default Description
motor number The motor number, 1-4, with I/O Extensions also 5-8, 9-12, 13-16
direction number The direction. one of libroboint.MOTOR_DIR_LEFT (1), libroboint.MOTOR_DIR_RIGHT (2), libroboint.MOTOR_DIR_STOP (0)
[speed] number 7 The speed between 0 and 7. Optional. Defaults to 7


const libroboint = require('libroboint');
libroboint.setMotor(1, libroboint.MOTOR_DIR_STOP); // stop motor 1
libroboint.setMotor(2, libroboint.MOTOR_DIR_LEFT, 5); // start motor 2, direction left with speed 5
libroboint.setMotor(2, libroboint.MOTOR_DIR_RIGHT); // start motor 2, direction right with default speed (max = 7)

libroboint.setOutput(output, [power])

Sets a outputs's power

Kind: static method of libroboint

Param Type Default Description
output number The putput number, 1-8, with I/O Extensions also 9-16, 17-24, 25-32
[power] number 7 The power between 0 and 7. Optional. Defaults to 7


const libroboint = require('libroboint');
libroboint.setOutput(7); // set output 7 on (default power)
libroboint.setOutput(2, 5); // set output 2 on, with power 5

libroboint.getInput(inputNumber) ⇒ number

Gets the state of a digital input.

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: number - 1 or 0

Param Type Description
inputNumber number The input between 1 and Max


const libroboint = require('libroboint');

libroboint.getA1() ⇒ number

Reads analog input A1

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: number - The voltage between 0 and 1023

libroboint.getA2() ⇒ number

Reads analog input A2

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: number - The voltage between 0 and 1023

libroboint.getAX() ⇒ number

Reads analog input AX

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: number - The resistor value between 0 and 1023

libroboint.getAY() ⇒ number

Reads analog input AY

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: number - The resistor value between 0 and 1023

libroboint.getD1() ⇒ number

Reads analog input D1

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: number - The voltage or distance value between 0 and 1023. Depending on connect option flag "enableDistance"

libroboint.getD2() ⇒ number

Reads analog input D2

Kind: static method of libroboint
Returns: number - The voltage or distance value between 0 and 1023. Depending on connect option flag "enableDistance"

libroboint.loop(theLoop, interval)

Kind: static method of libroboint

Param Type Default Description
theLoop function
interval number 50 The interval in milliseconds


Use within loop to count "switching" on a digital input. This will count state change from 0 to 1. Handy when using a mini switch on a axle.

Kind: static method of libroboint

Param Type
inputNumber number


const [c, resetC] = libroboint.useCounter(1);
if (c > 10) {
      console.log('reached 11, resetting');