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A CLI tool that helps you quickly create a pure TypeScript project tailored for use with LangchainJS. This tool sets up a comprehensive development environment, complete with pre-commit hooks, esLint configuration, prettier, commit linting, and more.

Here's what you can expect from create-langchainjs-app:

  1. Pre-commit hooks: We've got you covered with pre-commit hooks that ensure your code is formatted and linted before you commit.
  2. EsLint configuration: We set up esLint to enforce coding standards and help you catch errors early.
  3. Prettier: We've included prettier to keep your code looking neat and organized.
  4. Commit Lint: Our commit linting feature ensures that your commit messages are clear and consistent.
  5. Git init: We initialize a new git repository for you, so you can start versioning your code right away.
  6. Install dependencies: We take care of installing the necessary dependencies for your project, including TypeScript and its related tools.
  7. Gitignore: We set up a .gitignore file to ignore unnecessary files and help you keep your repository organized.
  8. TypeScript: We use TypeScript with ES modules (ESM) to enable tree shaking and optimize your code for production.
  9. TypeScript alias using @: We configure TypeScript to use the @ symbol as an alias for your project's namespace, making it easier to import and use your code.

Getting Started

With create-langchainjs-app, you can quickly create a new LangchainJS project with a solid foundation for development. Just run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-langchainjs-app@latest my-langchainjs-app