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File metadata and controls

188 lines (145 loc) · 8.12 KB


The project aims to update the metadata of the image files present in a directory by adding location and date information. This is achieved by mapping the file names to corresponding location and date information stored in a CSV file, and updating the image EXIF metadata with the corresponding values.

The project first extracts location data (lat, long) using EXIF information stored in pictures from the camera roll, and aggregates this data based on location and time to create clusters of locations. This information is saved in a csv file that is then used to assign each of the untagged images (images without gps location data) to one (or none) of the clusters of locations, based on datetime. image

ImageProcessor Class

The ImageProcessor class is a Python class designed to simplify common image processing tasks related to file handling, listing, and EXIF data manipulation. This class provides methods to perform the following tasks:

  1. Extract filenames from full file paths.
  2. List picture files in a folder with specified file extensions.
  3. Extract datetime information from filenames based on a specified pattern.
  4. Clone an image, update its EXIF data with a new datetime, and save it.


To use the ImageProcessor class, follow these steps:

  1. Import the class:
   from image_processor import ImageProcessor

Create an instance of the ImageProcessor class

processor = ImageProcessor()
  1. Use the class methods to perform various image processing tasks.


get_filename_from_path(file_path: str) -> str Extracts the filename from a full file path. Parameters:

  • file_path (str): The full file path. Returns:
  • str: The extracted filename.

list_pic_files_in_folder(folder_path: str, filters: list = ['jpg', 'jpeg']) -> list Lists picture files with specified file extensions in a folder. Parameters:

  • folder_path (str): The path to the folder.
  • filters (list): A list of file extensions to filter (default: ['jpg', 'jpeg']). Returns:
  • list: A list of picture files in the folder.

extract_datetime_from_title(filename: str, filter_extensions: list = None) -> datetime.datetime Extracts datetime information from a filename based on a specified pattern. Parameters

  • filename (str): The filename to extract datetime from.
  • filter_extensions (list): A list of file extensions to filter (default: ['jpg', 'jpeg']). Returns
  • datetime.datetime or None: The extracted datetime object, or None if not found.

clone_and_save_with_exif(original_filename: str, output_filename: str, datetime_obj: datetime.datetime) -> None Clones an image, updates its EXIF data with a new datetime, and saves it. Parameters:

  • original_filename (str): The path to the original image.
  • output_filename (str): The path to save the cloned image with modified EXIF data.
  • datetime_obj (datetime.datetime): The new datetime object for EXIF data.Example


Here's an example of how to use the ImageProcessor

from image_processor import ImageProcessor

processor = ImageProcessor()

# Define folder paths and filters
folder_path = '/path/to/your/source_folder'
folder_path_exif = '/path/to/your/output_folder'
filters = ['jpg', 'jpeg']

# Process images with EXIF data
processor.process_images_with_exif(folder_path, folder_path_exif, filters)



This project provides a set of functions to map Exif data to GPS coordinates and timestamps for images in a directory. The project includes the following functions:

  • create_exif_map(): given a directory path and specified file extensions, extracts and aggregates Exif data for all image files in the directory into a CSV file.
  • map_images(): given a directory path, loads all image files with specified file extensions, maps Exif data to GPS coordinates and timestamps using a CSV file as a reference, and writes new images with modified Exif data to a specified output directory.


  • Python 3.x
  • Required packages: pandas, Pillow, piexif


Explain how to use the project, including any relevant commands or arguments that need to be used. Provide examples of how to use the map_images and create_exif_map functions.

create_exif_map function

                name_filters_l=['.jpg', '.jpeg'],
    This function takes a path to a directory containing image files and creates a CSV file with mapping information based on the GPS coordinates of the images. It also groups images that were taken in the same location within a certain time frame.

    path : str
        Path to the directory containing image files
    min_gps_threshold_similar : float
        Maximum distance threshold in kilometers to consider two pictures taken at the same place
    min_seconds_threshold_similar : float
        Maximum time threshold in seconds to consider two pictures taken at the same place
    output_exif_map : str, optional (default: 'location_map.csv')
        Path to output CSV file with mapping information
    name_filters_l : List[str], optional (default: ['.jpg'])
        List of file extensions to consider when loading image files
    copy_grouped_pics_path : str, optional (default: None)
        Path to directory where grouped images should be saved as copies. If None, no copies are made.

    df : Dataframe
        df with with mapping information

map_images function

def map_images(path,
               name_filters_l : list = ['.jpg', '.jpeg'],
               location_mapping_csv = "location_mapping.csv",
    Maps GPS location and date metadata to images in a given directory.

    - path : str
        the directory path containing images to be mapped
    - output_image_path : str
        the directory path where the mapped images will be saved
    - name_filters_l : list of str, optional 
        a list of filename extensions to filter by, defaults to ['.jpg', '.jpeg']
    - location_mapping_csv : str, optional 
        the path to a CSV file containing location mapping data, defaults to "location_mapping.csv"


    This function iterates over all image files in the given directory, and maps GPS location and date metadata to each image
    using data from the location_mapping_csv file. The modified images are saved in the specified output directory.



Example 1: Creating an EXIF map

from map_images import create_exif_map

directory_path = 'path/to/images'
exif_map = create_exif_map(directory_path=directory_path)

In this example, we use the create_exif_map function to create a dictionary mapping each image file name in the path/to/images directory to its EXIF data. We print out the resulting dictionary using the print function. This exif map will be used in the next function map_images to assign location tags to images without them based on the timestamps.

Example 2: Mapping images

from map_images import map_images

path = 'path/to/images'
output_image_path = 'path/to/output/images'
name_filters_l = ['.jpg', '.jpeg']
location_mapping_csv = 'path/to/location/mapping.csv'

map_images(path=path, output_image_path=output_image_path, name_filters_l=name_filters_l, location_mapping_csv=location_mapping_csv)

In this example, we use the map_images function to map location and time metadata to all images in the path/to/images directory. We save the mapped images to the path/to/output/images directory, and we filter images by the file extensions .jpg and .jpeg. We also specify the path to the location mapping CSV file, which is located at path/to/location/mapping.csv.