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Particle Module

This section provides an overview of the particle module, including the particle data structure, the methods for injecting, removing, and pushing particles.

Particle Data Structure

type particle_type
    integer(i1)  :: split_times     !< Particle splitting times
    integer(i1)  :: count_flag      !< Only count particle when it is 1
    integer(i4)  :: origin          !< The origin MPI rank of the particle
    integer(i4)  :: nsteps_tracked  !< # of tracked steps in MHD data interval
    integer(i4)  :: nsteps_pushed   !< # of steps have been pushed
    integer(i4)  :: tag_injected    !< Particle tag 1 when injected
    integer(i4)  :: tag_splitted    !< Particle tag 2 after splitting
    real(dp) :: x, y, z, p          !< Position and momentum
    real(dp) :: v, mu               !< Velocity and cosine of pitch-angle
    real(dp) :: weight, t, dt       !< Particle weight, time and time step
end type particle_type
  • x, y, z: position of the particle in the simulation domain. The positions are in the global coordinate system. For spherical coordinates, x is the radial distance r, y is the polar angle \theta, and z is the azimuthal angle \phi.
  • p: momentum magnitude of the particle.
  • v: velocity magnitude of the particle. We typically assume non-relativistic particles, so that v \sim p.
  • mu: cosine of the pitch angle of the particle.
  • weight: weight of the particle. The weight is initialized to be 1.0. When a particle reaches certain momentum, it will be splitted into two identical particles with half of the weight. Due to stochastic nature of the process, these particles will evolve differently after the splitting.
  • t: time of the particle. The time is initialized to be the time when particle is injected.
  • dt: time step of the particle. The time step is adaptive and is updated at each time step.
  • split_times: number of times the particle has been splitted.
  • count_flag: flag to count the particle. If the flag is 1, the particle will be counted when accumulating particle distributions. When the flag is negative (-1 to -6), it means that the particle has escaped from one of the six boundaries of the simulation domain (for 2D, -1 to -4 for the four boundaries). When the flag is 0, the particle has negative momentum and will be removed from the simulation.
  • origin: the origin MPI rank of the particle. Combined with particle tag_injected and tag_splitted, it can be used to identify the particle for particle tracking.
  • nsteps_tracked: number of steps the particle has been tracked in the MHD data interval. It will be reset to 0 at the start of the MHD data interval.
  • nsteps_pushed: number of steps the particle has been pushed since they are injected. It is useful when tracking particles. It will accummulate to nsteps_interval and then reset to 0 once the tracked particle is recorded.
  • tag_injected: tag of the particle when it is injected. The tag is unique on each MPI rank.
  • tag_splitted: tag of the particle after it is splitted. The tag is unique on each MPI rank.


The tag of a particle only unique on each MPI rank. When combined with the origin MPI rank, the particle can be uniquely identified in the simulation. Since tag_splitted is a integer4, the maximum number of particles that one particle can be splitted into is 2^31. If the number of particles exceeds this limit, it means that we probably need to use a larger split_ratio.

Particle Tracking

As described above, we can track particles using the combination of tag_injected, tag_splitted, and origin. The particle tracking is useful for diagnosing how the particles are accelerated and transported. To get the particle tracking information, we need to runt the simulation twice. The first run is a regular run. We need to run the simulation to a certain time frame and dump the particles (also included in the restart files). Then, we need to use a post-processing tool (e.g., a Python script) to select the particles we want to track and save the particle information to a file. The second run is a tracking run. We need to set track_particle_flag = .true. in the input file and set the particle_tags_file to the file that contains the particle information. The tracking run is similar to the regular run except that we need to load the particle_tags_file and use the information to identify the particles we want to track.

  • When a particle is injected, the particle is assigned with an origin MPI rank and a tag_injected, which starts from 0 and increases by 1 for each particle injected on each MPI rank. When the particle is splitted, the tag_splitted is assigned to the particle. tag_splitted starts from 1. When one particle is splitted into two particles, each particle has a half of the original weight. One of the two particles has the same tag_splitted as the original particle, and the other has the tag_splitted=tag_splitted_original+2**(split_times-1). The split_times is the number of times the particle has been splitted. The tag_splitted is used to identify the particle after it is splitted. The combination of tag_injected, tag_splitted, and origin can be used to uniquely identify the particle in the simulation.
  • The first time we run the simulation, we need to set track_particle_flag = .false. in the input file. The particle information will be saved in the restart files. We can use the restart files to get the particle information. We can use a Python script to select the particles we want to track. For example, we can select the partilces with the highest energies form the particle file using the following script.
tframe = 200
run_name = sde_run_config["run_name"]
fname = "../data/" + run_name + "/restart/particles_" + str(tframe).zfill(4) + ".h5"
with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as fh:
    p = fh["p"][:]
    tag_injected = fh["tag_injected"][:]
    tag_splitted = fh["tag_splitted"][:]
    origin = fh["origin"][:]
    split_times = fh["split_times"][:]
sort_index = np.argsort(p)
psort = p[sort_index]
tag_injected_sort = tag_injected[sort_index]
tag_splitted_sort = tag_splitted[sort_index]
origin_sort = origin[sort_index]
split_times_sort = split_times[sort_index]
nptl_selected = 1000
# select the highest-energy particles
origin_s = origin_sort[-nptl_selected:]
tag_injected_s = tag_injected_sort[-nptl_selected:]
tag_splitted_s = tag_splitted_sort[-nptl_selected:]
split_times_s = split_times_sort[-nptl_selected:]
# trace back to the injected particle
nsplit_max = np.max(split_times_s)
tags_all = np.zeros([nptl_selected, nsplit_max+2], dtype=np.int32)
tags_all[:, 0] = origin_s  # the first col is the origin
tags_all[:, 1] = tag_injected_s  # the second col is tag_injected
for iptl in range(nptl_selected):
    nsplit = split_times_s[iptl]
    if nsplit > 0:
        tags_all[iptl, nsplit+1] = tag_splitted_s[iptl]
        for isplit in range(nsplit, 1, -1):
            if tags_all[iptl, isplit+1] > 2**(isplit-1):
                tags_all[iptl, isplit] = tags_all[iptl, isplit+1] - 2**(isplit-1)
                tags_all[iptl, isplit] = tags_all[iptl, isplit+1]
# sort by the origin, tag_injected, and then all tag_splitted
ind = np.lexsort(tags_all[:, ::-1].T)
tags_all_sorted = tags_all[ind]
# save the selected particles to a file
odir = "../data/" + run_name + "/particle_tracking/"
fname = odir + "tags_selected_01.h5"
with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as fh:
    fh.create_dataset("tags", tags_all_sorted.shape, data=tags_all_sorted)
  • The second time we run the simulation, we need to set track_particle_flag = .true. in the input file. We need to set the particle_tags_file to the file that contains the particle information. The tracking run is similar to the regular run except that we need to load the particle_tags_file and use the information to identify the particles we want to track.
  • The simulation will output tracked particle information every MHD intervel. The files are saved in particle_tracking under the diagnostic directory. We can get all the particle information using a script like the following.
fdir = "../data/" + run_name + "/particle_tracking/"
ts, te = 51, 200
nframes = te - ts + 1
fname = fdir + "particles_tracked_" + str(ts).zfill(4) + ".h5"
with h5py.File(fname, "r") as fh:
    x = fh["x"][:, :]
nptl_tracking, nsteps_tracked = x.shape
t = np.zeros([nptl_tracking, nsteps_tracked*nframes])
x = np.zeros([nptl_tracking, nsteps_tracked*nframes])
y = np.zeros([nptl_tracking, nsteps_tracked*nframes])
p = np.zeros([nptl_tracking, nsteps_tracked*nframes])
tag_splitted = np.zeros([nptl_tracking, nsteps_tracked*nframes])
for tframe in range(ts, te+1):
    fname = fdir + "particles_tracked_" + str(tframe).zfill(4) + ".h5"
    it1 = (tframe - ts) * nsteps_tracked
    it2 = it1 + nsteps_tracked
    with h5py.File(fname, "r") as fh:
        t[:, it1:it2] = fh["t"][:, :]
        x[:, it1:it2] = fh["x"][:, :]
        y[:, it1:it2] = fh["y"][:, :]
        p[:, it1:it2] = fh["p"][:, :]
        tag_splitted[:, it1:it2] = fh["tag_splitted"][:, :]

To plot one particle trajectory, we can use, for example,

iptl = 100
ind = t[iptl, :] > 0
plt.plot(x[iptl, ind], y[iptl, ind])