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The following instructions document how to install Lexical after building from source. Some editors, like Visual Studio Code, have the ability to automatically install the latest version of Lexical for you.


  • Presently, Lexical works on Elixir 1.13 and 1.14 under Erlang 24 and 25. We are actively working on supporting Elixir 1.15, and then erlang 26.

  • While it's within Lexical's capabilities to run your project in a different elixir and erlang version than Lexical is built with, presently, we don't support running your project in a different elixir and or erlang version. We aim to fix this very shortly, as this dramatically limits Lexical's usefulness when working with multiple projects.


The first step in getting Lexical running locally is to clone the git repository. Do this with

git clone

Then change to the lexical directory

cd lexical

...and build the project

NAMESPACE=1 mix release lexical --overwrite

If things complete successfully, you will then have a release in your build/dev/rel/lexical directory. If you see errors, please file a bug.

For the following examples, assume the absolute path to your Lexical source code is /my/home/projects/lexical.

Editor-specific setup

  1. Vanilla Emacs with lsp-mode
  2. Vanilla Emacs with eglot
  3. Visual Studio Code
  4. neovim

Vanilla Emacs with lsp-mode

The emacs instructions assume you're using use-package, which you really should be. In your .emacs.d/init.el (or wherever you put your emacs configuration), insert the following code:

(use-package lsp-mode
  :ensure t
  (setq lsp-modeline-code-actions-segments '(count icon name))


(use-package elixir-mode
  :ensure t
  (lsp-elixir-server-command '("/my/home/projects/_build/dev/rel/lexical/")))

Restart emacs, and Lexical should start when you open a file with a .ex extension.

Vanilla Emacs with eglot

Eglot has a couple of utf8 related bugs that make it fail with Lexical, and is not supported at this time.

Visual Studio Code

Click on the extensions button on the sidebar, then search for lexical, then click install. By default, the extension will automatically download the latest version of Lexical.

To change to a local executable, go to Settings -> Extensions -> Lexical and type /my/home/projects/lexical/_build/dev/rel/lexical into the text box in the Server: Release path override section.


The key is to append the custom LS configuration to lspconfig, so regardless of whether you are using mason or others, you can use this minimal configuration below as a reference:

    local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
    local configs = require("lspconfig.configs")

    local lexical_config = {
      filetypes = { "elixir", "eelixir", },
      cmd = { "/my/home/projects/_build/dev/rel/lexical/" },
      settings = {},

    if not configs.lexical then
      configs.lexical = {
        default_config = {
          filetypes = lexical_config.filetypes,
          cmd = lexical_config.cmd,
          root_dir = function(fname)
            return lspconfig.util.root_pattern("mix.exs", ".git")(fname) or vim.loop.os_homedir()
          -- optional settings
          settings = lexical_config.settings,
