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File metadata and controls

219 lines (160 loc) · 8.35 KB



最简单的提交样本分析的方式是通过 cuckoo submit 命令, 例如:

$ cuckoo submit --help
Usage: cuckoo submit [OPTIONS] [TARGET]...

  Submit one or more files or URLs to Cuckoo.

  -u, --url           Submitting URLs instead of samples
  -o, --options TEXT  Options for these tasks
  --package TEXT      Analysis package to use
  --custom TEXT       Custom information to pass along this task
  --owner TEXT        Owner of this task
  --timeout INTEGER   Analysis time in seconds
  --priority INTEGER  Priority of this task
  --machine TEXT      Machine to analyze these tasks on
  --platform TEXT     Analysis platform
  --memory            Enable memory dumping
  --enforce-timeout   Don't terminate the analysis early
  --clock TEXT        Set the system clock
  --tags TEXT         Analysis tags
  --baseline          Create baseline task
  --remote TEXT       Submit to a remote Cuckoo instance
  --shuffle           Shuffle the submitted tasks
  --pattern TEXT      Provide a glob-pattern when submitting a
  --max INTEGER       Submit up to X tasks at once
  --unique            Only submit samples that have not been
                      analyzed before
  -d, --debug         Enable verbose logging
  -q, --quiet         Only log warnings and critical messages
  --help              Show this message and exit.

通过 cuckoo submit 可以指定文件或者目录, 如果是目录的话, 会遍历并提交里面的文件。

对于提交为样本类型会在后续的代码中自动分析, 可以参考 :doc:`packages`

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件:

$ cuckoo submit /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个 URL:

$ cuckoo submit --url

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且指定了较高的优先级:

$ cuckoo submit --priority 5 /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且设置最长分析时间是60秒:

$ cuckoo submit --timeout 60 /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且指定文件类型:

$ cuckoo submit --package <name of package> /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且指定网络路由方式是tor:

$ cuckoo submit -o route=tor /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且指定文件类型,以及指定二进制文件运行时携带的参数:

$ cuckoo submit --package exe --options arguments=--dosomething /path/to/binary.exe

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且指定运行的虚拟机是 cuckoo1:

$ cuckoo submit --machine cuckoo1 /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且指定虚拟机平台是windows:

$ cuckoo submit --platform windows /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且要求完整内存dumps:

$ cuckoo submit --memory /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且强制使用最大的单个样本分析时长:

$ cuckoo submit --enforce-timeout /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且指定设置虚拟机的系统日期时间:

$ cuckoo submit --clock "01-24-2001 14:41:20" /path/to/binary

Example: 提交一个本地的二进制文件并且要求内存分析, 且设置内存分析的参数

$ cuckoo submit --memory --options free=yes /path/to/binary


REST API 的使用方法参考 :doc:`api`.

分布式 Cuckoo

分布式的Cuckoo 可以参考 :doc:`dist`.

Python 函数库

为了数据库的兼容性,我们使用了一个流行的Python ORM 库 SQLAlchemy, 可以支持多种数据库类型,包括但不限于 SQLite, MySQL or MariaDB, PostgreSQL 。

Cuckoo 被设计成可以方便集成到大的系统中。 我们推荐使用 REST API 接口, 参考 :doc:`api` 。 如果想实现自己的提交脚本,也可以使用 add_path()add_url() 函数。


.. function:: add_path(file_path[, timeout=0[, package=None[, options=None[, priority=1[, custom=None[, owner=""[, machine=None[, platform=None[, tags=None[, memory=False[, enforce_timeout=False], clock=None[]]]]]]]]]]]]])

    Add a local file to the list of pending analysis tasks. Returns the ID of the newly generated task.

    :param file_path: path to the file to submit
    :type file_path: string
    :param timeout: maximum amount of seconds to run the analysis for
    :type timeout: integer
    :param package: analysis package you want to use for the specified file
    :type package: string or None
    :param options: list of options to be passed to the analysis package (in the format ``key=value,key=value``)
    :type options: string or None
    :param priority: numeric representation of the priority to assign to the specified file (1 being low, 2 medium, 3 high)
    :type priority: integer
    :param custom: custom value to be passed over and possibly reused at processing or reporting
    :type custom: string or None
    :param owner: task owner
    :type owner: string or None
    :param machine: Cuckoo identifier of the virtual machine you want to use, if none is specified one will be selected automatically
    :type machine: string or None
    :param platform: operating system platform you want to run the analysis one (currently only Windows)
    :type platform: string or None
    :param tags: tags for machine selection
    :type tags: string or None
    :param memory: set to ``True`` to generate a full memory dump of the analysis machine
    :type memory: True or False
    :param enforce_timeout: set to ``True`` to force the execution for the full timeout
    :type enforce_timeout: True or False
    :param clock: provide a custom clock time to set in the analysis machine
    :type clock: string or None
    :rtype: integer

    Example usage:

    .. code-block:: python

        >>> from cuckoo.core.database import Database
        >>> db = Database()
        >>> db.add_path("/tmp/malware.exe")

.. function:: add_url(url[, timeout=0[, package=None[, options=None[, priority=1[, custom=None[, owner=""[, machine=None[, platform=None[, tags=None[, memory=False[, enforce_timeout=False], clock=None[]]]]]]]]]]]]])

    Add a local file to the list of pending analysis tasks. Returns the ID of the newly generated task.

    :param url: URL to analyze
    :type url: string
    :param timeout: maximum amount of seconds to run the analysis for
    :type timeout: integer
    :param package: analysis package you want to use for the specified URL
    :type package: string or None
    :param options: list of options to be passed to the analysis package (in the format ``key=value,key=value``)
    :type options: string or None
    :param priority: numeric representation of the priority to assign to the specified URL (1 being low, 2 medium, 3 high)
    :type priority: integer
    :param custom: custom value to be passed over and possibly reused at processing or reporting
    :type custom: string or None
    :param owner: task owner
    :type owner: string or None
    :param machine: Cuckoo identifier of the virtual machine you want to use, if none is specified one will be selected automatically
    :type machine: string or None
    :param platform: operating system platform you want to run the analysis one (currently only Windows)
    :type platform: string or None
    :param tags: tags for machine selection
    :type tags: string or None
    :param memory: set to ``True`` to generate a full memory dump of the analysis machine
    :type memory: True or False
    :param enforce_timeout: set to ``True`` to force the execution for the full timeout
    :type enforce_timeout: True or False
    :param clock: provide a custom clock time to set in the analysis machine
    :type clock: string or None
    :rtype: integer

Example Usage:

>>> from cuckoo.core.database import Database
>>> db = Database()
>>> db.connect()
>>> db.add_url("")