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Overlay Design

An overlay consists of two main parts; the PL design (bitstream) and the project HWH file. Overlay design is a specialized task for hardware engineers. This section assumes the reader has some experience with digital design, building Zynq systems, and with the Vivado design tools.

PL Design

The Xilinx® Vivado software is used to create a Zynq design. A bitstream or binary file (.bit file) will be generated that can be used to program the Zynq PL.

A free Vivado ML Standard Edition is available to build overlays

The hardware designer is encouraged to support programmability in the IP used in a PYNQ overlays. Once the IP has been created, the PL design is carried out in the same way as any other Zynq design. IP in an overlay that can be controlled by PYNQ will be memory mapped, connected to GPIO. IP may also have a master connection to the PL. PYNQ provides Python libraries to interface to the PL design which can be used to create their own drivers. The Python API for an overlay will be covered in the next sections.

Overlay HWH file

The HWH (hardware handoff) file is automatically generated from the Vivado IP Integrator block design and it is used by PYNQ to automatically identify the Zynq system configuration, IP including versions, interrupts, resets, and other control signals. Based on this information, some parts of the system configuration can be automatically modified from PYNQ, drivers can be automatically assigned, features can be enabled or disabled, and signals can be connected to corresponding Python methods.

The HWH file is automatically generated by Vivado when generating the bitstream. The HWH file must be provided with the bitstream file as part of an overlay. The PYNQ PL class will automatically parse the HWH file.

You can find the hwh file in the following directory


The HWH filename should match the .bit filename. For example, my_overlay.bit and my_overlay.hwh.

The HWH is parsed when the overlay is instantiated and downloaded.

from pynq import Overlay
ol = Overlay("base.bit") # hwh is parsed here

An error will be displayed if a HWH is not available when attempting to download an overlay, or if the HWH filename does not match the .bit file name.


An overlay should have post-bitstream programmability to allow customization of the system. A number of reusable PYNQ IP blocks are available to support programmability. For example, a PYNQ MicroBlaze can be used on Pmod, and Arduino interfaces. IP from the various overlays can be reused to provide run-time configurability.

Zynq PS Settings

A Vivado project for a Zynq design consists of two parts; the PL design, and the PS configuration settings.

It is recommended to place the Zynq PS in the top level of your IP Integrator. The Zynq PS is also supported within a hierarchy, but this is discouraged.

The PYNQ image which is used to boot the board configures the Zynq PS at boot time. This will fix most of the PS configuration, including setup of DRAM, and enabling of the Zynq PS peripherals, including SD card, Ethernet, USB and UART which are used by PYNQ.

The PS configuration also includes settings for system clocks, including the clocks used in the PL. The PL clocks can be programmed at runtime to match the requirements of the overlay. This is managed automatically by the PYNQ Overlay class.

During the process of downloading a new overlay, the clock configuration will be parsed from the overlay's HWH file. The new clock settings for the overlay will be applied automatically before the overlay is downloaded.

Existing Overlays

Existing overlays can be used as a starting point to create a new overlay. The base overlay can be found in the boards directory in the PYNQ repository, and includes reference IP for peripherals on the board:

<PYNQ repository>/boards/<board>/base

A makefile exists in each folder that can be used to rebuild the Vivado project and generate the bitstream and HWH for the overlay. (On windows, instead of using make, the Tcl file can be sourced from Vivado.)

The bitstream and HWH for the overlay are available on the board, and also in the GitHub project repository:

<PYNQ repository>/boards/<board>/base