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executable file
375 lines (278 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
375 lines (278 loc) · 12.4 KB




import File from 'funda-ui/File';
Property Type Default Description Required
ref React.ForwardedRef - It is the return element of this component. -
wrapperClassName string mb-3 position-relative The class name of the control wrapper. -
controlClassName string form-control The class name of the control. -
controlExClassName string - The extended class name of controlClassName. -
labelClassName string btn btn-outline-secondary The class name of the label. -
labelHoverClassName string btn btn-primary The class name of the select button on hover. -
submitLabel string | ReactNode - Specifies a label for submit button -
submitClassName string btn btn-primary mt-2 The class name of the submit button. -
inline boolean false If true the group are on the same horizontal row. -
fetchUrl string - If the URL exists, it is passed using the default fetch method (Fetch API). -
fetchMethod string POST The request's method (GET, POST, etc.)
Valid when the fetchUrl attribute is not empty
fetchParams JSON Object - Set of query parameters in the request
Valid when the fetchUrl attribute is not empty
multiple boolean false A file upload field that accepts multiple values -
value string - Set a default value for this control -
label string | ReactNode <svg width="25px" height="25px" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"><path d="M512 256l144.8 144.8-36.2 36.2-83-83v311.6h-51.2V354l-83 83-36.2-36.2L512 256zM307.2 716.8V768h409.6v-51.2H307.2z" fill="#000000" fillRule="evenodd"/></svg> It is used to specify a label for an element of a form. -
name string - Name is not deprecated when used with form fields. -
disabled boolean false Whether it is disabled -
required boolean false When present, it specifies that a field must be filled out before submitting the form. -
You could use key instead of it
any - Incoming data, you can set the third parameter of onComplete.
Changes in the data value will cause the component to re-render. It will be used when the value or content does not change when switching routes and needs to re-render the component or get the request.
fetchFuncAsync Constructor - A method as a string from the constructor. -
fetchFuncMethod string - When the property is true, every time the select changes, a data request will be triggered.
The methord must be a Promise Object.
fetchFuncMethodParams array - The parameter passed by the method, it is an array.
Note: the first element is a query string, the second element is the number of queried data (usually a number), and then you can increase the third, or fourth, and more parameters.
Such as ['',0], ['',99,'string 1','string 2']
There should be at least one parameter which is the query string.
onChange function - Call a function when the value of an HTML element is changed. It returns three callback values.
  1. The first is the file input (HTML Element)
  2. The second parameter is submit button (HTML Element)
  3. The third is current value (An object of FileList)
onProgress function - Call a function when upload is in progress. It returns three callback values.
  1. The first is (An object of FileList)
  2. The second is the file input (HTML Element)
  3. The last parameter is submit button (HTML Element)
onComplete function - Call a function when the modal is submitted. It returns four callback values.
  1. The one is the file input (HTML Element)
  2. The second parameter is submit button (HTML Element)
  3. The third parameter is the callback from backend (JSON Object Literals)
  4. The last is incoming data from attribute data. (Any)

It accepts all props which this control support. Such as style, data-*, tabIndex, id, and so on.


Use the default fetch method

import React from "react";
import File from 'funda-ui/File';

export default () => {

    function handleChange(input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement, value: any) {
        console.log(input, submitEl, value);

    function handleComplete(input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement, value: any) {
       console.log(input, value);

    function handleProgress(files: any[], input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement) {

    return (
                    Authorization: `Bearer xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx`,
                label="Select file" 
                labelClassName="btn btn-outline-secondary"       
                labelHoverClassName="btn btn-primary"
                submitClassName="btn btn-primary mt-2"


No spacing

import React from "react";
import File from 'funda-ui/File';

export default () => {

    return (




Upload controls and buttons are on the same line

Use the inline attribute.

import React from "react";
import File from 'funda-ui/File';

export default () => {
    return (
                    Authorization: `Bearer xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx`,
                label="Select file" 
                labelClassName="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary px-0 border-0 text-primary"
                labelHoverClassName="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary px-0 border-0 text-primary"
                submitClassName="btn btn-sm btn-primary"


Use a custom API interface:

import React from "react";
import File from 'funda-ui/File';

class UploadService {
    // `upto()` must be a Promise Object
    async upto(searchStr = '', limit = 0, otherParam = '') {

        console.log('searchStr: ', searchStr);
        console.log("limit: ", limit);
        console.log("otherParam (file data with stream): ", otherParam);

        // processing stream type via php/java/go/...
        // ...
        return {
            code: 0,
            message: 'OK',
            data: 'upload successfully'


export default () => {

    function handleChange(input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement, value: any) {
        console.log(input, submitEl, value);

    function handleComplete(input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement, value: any) {
       console.log(input, value);

    function handleProgress(files: any[], input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement) {

    return (
                fetchFuncAsync={new UploadService}
                label="Select file" 
                labelClassName="btn btn-outline-secondary"       
                labelHoverClassName="btn btn-primary"
                submitClassName="btn btn-primary mt-2"


Access streams of data with this component

import React, { useState } from "react";
import File from 'funda-ui/File';

export default () => {

    const [filesData, setFilesData] = useState<any[]>([]);

    const getExt = (filename: string) => {
        const ext = /^.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(filename);
        return ext == null ? "" : ext[1];

     * base64 to ArrayBuffer
     * @param {String} data 
     * @returns {ArrayBuffer}


        byteLength: 522240
        detached: false
        maxByteLength: 522240
        resizable: false
        [[Prototype]]: ArrayBuffer
        [[Int8Array]]: Int8Array(522240)
        [[Uint8Array]]: Uint8Array(522240)
        [[Int16Array]]: Int16Array(261120)
        [[Int32Array]]: Int32Array(130560)
        [[ArrayBufferByteLength]]: 522240
        [[ArrayBufferData]]: 673
    function base64ToArrayBuffer(data) {

        let res = data;
        if (data.indexOf('base64,') >= 0) {
            res = data.split('base64,')[1];

        const binaryString = atob(res);
        const bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) {
            bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
        return bytes.buffer;

     * ArrayBuffer to Uint8Array
     * @param {ArrayBuffer} data 
     * @returns {Uint8Array}

    Uint8Array(522240) [208, 207, 17, 224, 161, 177, 26, 225, 0, 0, ......]
    function arrayBufferToUint8Array(data) {
        const bytes = new Uint8Array(data);
        return bytes;

    function handleChange(input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement, value: any) {
        console.log(input, submitEl, value);

    function handleComplete(input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement, value: any) {
       console.log(input, value);

    function handleProgress(files: any[], input: HTMLInputElement, submitEl: HTMLElement) {
        if (files.length === 0) {
            alert('Please select a file')
        } else {

            // setFilesData
            [] any) => {
                const size = file.size;
                const mimeType = file.type;
                const name =;
                const ext = getExt(name);

                // get file content
                const reader = new FileReader();
                reader.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
                    const b64string = (event.currentTarget as any).result;
                    const arrayBufferData = base64ToArrayBuffer(b64string);
                    const uint8ArrayData = arrayBufferToUint8Array(arrayBufferData);


                    // save to database
                    // ...


                setFilesData((prevState: any) => [...prevState, {



    return (
                label="Select file" 
                labelClassName="btn btn-outline-secondary"       
                labelHoverClassName="btn btn-primary"
                submitClassName="btn btn-primary mt-2"
