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XPower Token UI

The XPower user interface allows you to mine for random nonces and to then mint for the corresponding amounts. It runs in a modern browser and expects the Metamask extension (or add-on) to be available.


npm install



npm run -- lint [--fix]


npm run build


npm run watch


npm test


Start local server with

npm start

..or with the DEBUG flag set

npm run debug

Then visit http://localhost:3000, connect your Metamask and start mining for tokens. Once a valid nonce is found, you can then mint XPOW tokens for the corresponding amount.

User Interface

Query Parameters

Name Type Default Description
auto-mint number 3000 auto-mint interval in milliseconds
clear boolean false flag to clear current persistence slot (as defined by persist flag)
clear-all boolean false flag to clear all persistence slots
color string white standard colorization
color-alt string magenta alternative colorization
dex string paraswap DEX: paraswap, uniswap or a URL (template: {address})
logger boolean false flag to log nonces to console
min[t]-level number 6 threshold of nonces with lower corresponding amounts to be ignored
max-level number 64 threshold of nonces with higher corresponding amounts to be ignored
min-nft-level number 0 threshold of NFT levels to display from (UNIT)
max-nft-level number 24 threshold of NFT levels to display upto (YOTTA)
persist number 0 flag to persist nonces; each non-zero value is a persistence slot
speed number 50 speed percentage (w.r.t a single browser tab) between 0 and 100


To ignore (frequent & low-value) nonces with an amount less than 7 XPOW tokens and mine with a speed of 100% use:


To persist nonces between reloads at 1st slot use (may impact mining performance):


To clear (i.e. forget) persisted nonces at 1st slot use:


To clear (i.e. forget) all persisted nonces use:


To log nonces to console use (may impact mining performance):


Note: All non-minted nonces are cleared at the start of each interval (i.e. every hour), independent of the flags above! Further, (reloaded) nonces cannot be minted once the interval (i.e. hour) — at which they have been mined — expires.


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