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File metadata and controls

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This repo is for a bare-bone carousel which can be employed in a variety of contexts by means of a plugin-based feature set. It is written in AMD format, so it can be used as-is with a dependency manager like RequireJS. It has no dependencies on 3rd party frameworks, such as jQuery; however, it does rely on the included x.js script for setup and internal communication.

It is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and down to IE9.

Getting Started

These are the files which make up the carousel demo:

|-- index.html
+-- library
    |-- css
    |   +-- core.css
    +-- js
        |-- carousel.js
        |-- demo.js
        +-- vendor
            |-- require.js
            +-- x.js

index.html carousel markup

core.css basic CSS needed for core carousel functionality

carousel.js core carousel code

demo.js mediator script used to initiate carousel functionality

require.js 3rd party dependency manager

x.js 3rd party script for carousel setup and internal communication


Assuming that carousel.js is injected into your mediator script as carousel, the following code is all that is needed to initialize the most basic carousel:

<!-- Code found in index.html for demo -->
<div id="wrapper">
    <ul class="example-carousel">
      <li><img src="library/images/test-image-1.jpg" alt="" /></li>
      <li><img src="library/images/test-image-2.jpg" alt="" /></li>
      <li><img src="library/images/test-image-3.jpg" alt="" /></li>
      <li><img src="library/images/test-image-4.jpg" alt="" /></li>
      <li><img src="library/images/test-image-5.jpg" alt="" /></li>
// Code found in demo.js for demo
var options = {
        element: document.querySelector( '.example-carousel' )
    , thisCarousel = carousel.create( options )


element Type: HTML Element Required: Yes Default: null DOM element to be converted into carousel (i.e. ul in markup above).

incrementMode Type: String Required: No Default: 'frame' Sets whether carousel advances by tile or frame. 'tile' mode advances the carousel a single tile at a time, while 'frame' mode advances the carousel by the number of visible tiles (i.e. tilesPerFrame). In the case of only one visible tile, these modes would function exactly the same.

nextText Type: String Required: No Default: 'Next' Next button text.

postFrameChange Type: Function Required: No Default: null Callback run after animation.

preFrameChange Type: Function Required: No Default: null Callback run prior to animation.

prevText Type: String Required: No Default: 'Previous' Previous button text.

preventNavDisable Type: Boolean Required: No Default: false Prevents carousel from disabling previous/next controls.

ready Type: Function Required: No Default: null Callback run after init of carousel.

tileClass Type: String Required: No Default: 'carousel-tile' Class name of individual tiles (i.e. li's in markup above).

tilesPerFrame Type: Number Required: No Default: 1 Number of visible tiles in carousel.

wrapperClass Type: String Required: No Default: '' Class name of outer wrapper (i.e. div with id "wrapper" above).

wrapControls Type: Boolean HTML Element Required: No Default: false Flag whether to wrap previous/next controls with separate wrapper element. This option is later re-tasked as the actual controls wrapper element.


In order to be light and flexible, the carousel core only comes with a bare set of features. Any additional functionality is accomplished through plugins.

The naming convention for plugin files is carousel.[pluginname].js. pluginname is the namespace for the plugin and is used as a key in the options object to enable and configure that plugin's functionality.


After including the plugin script as a dependency in your mediator script (see demo.js for example), add that plugin's namespace as a key to the options object used to configure the carousel.

// Example 1
    element: document.querySelector( '.example-carousel' ),
    pluginname: true

// Example 2
    element: document.querySelector( '.example-carousel' ),
    pluginname: {
        property1: 'value',
        property2: [ 1, 2, 3 ]

Internal Communication Methods

The included x.js script facilitates communication between the carousel and its plugins. It also enables internal communication among the plugins themselves.

create( options )

Initializes the carousel.

options Type: Object Configuration object for initialization of carousel (see Options documentation above).

getOption( key )

Returns the requested value from the options object.

key Type: String Corresponds to options object key.

getState( key )

Returns the requested value from the state object.

key Type: String Corresponds to state object key.

publish( channel, data )

Publish event (and data) to subscribers of this channel.

channel Type: String Name of an event channel to publish to. Typical format is namespace/method/event (i.e. carousel/setup/before)

data Type: any Data, if any, to be passed to subscribed listeners.

subscribe( channel, method )

Assign an event listener to named event. Returns token which can be later used with unsubscribe method to remove this subscription.

channel Type: String Name of an event to subscribe to. Typical format is namespace/method/event (i.e. loop/init/after)

method Type: Function Event listener to invoke when subscribed to event is published.

trigger( method )

Provides means to run core carousel methods in the proper context (i.e. this = carousel object).

method Type: Function Core method of carousel to invoke.

unsubscribe( token )

Remove event listener.

token Type: Number Index of method in subscribers array. This token is returned from the subscribe method above.

Simple Plugin Example


    function( carousel ) {

        'use strict';

         * Global Plugin Vars
        var subToken;
        var defaults = {
            option1: 735,
            option2: 'string'
        var pluginNS = 'pluginname'; //plugin namespace
        var pluginOn = false;

         * Constructor
        function Pluginname( api, options ) {

            this.api = api;
            this.options = this.api.extend( {}, defaults, options );


        Pluginname.prototype = {

            // Init plugin (must be named 'setup'!)
            setup: function() {

                var self = this; //alias 'this' for callbacks below

                // Subscribe to carousel events (i.e. init/after)
                    this.api.ns + '/init/after',
                    function() { //anonymous event listener

                        // Determine whether this plugin feature has been turned on
                        var pluginAttr = self.api.getOption( pluginNS );

                        pluginOn = ( typeof pluginAttr === 'boolean' && pluginAttr === true ) ||
                            typeof pluginAttr === 'object' ?
                            true : false;

                        // Plugin is enabled
                        if ( pluginOn ) {

                            // Call internal method (bound call)
                   self );

                // Simple event subscriber (i.e. single named function listener)
                    self.api.ns + '/cache/after',
                    self.pluginMethod2.bind( self ) //bound to this object

            pluginMethod1: function() {

                // Plugin behavior goes here

            pluginMethod2: function( key, value ) {

                // Plugin behavior goes here

        // Create plugin by calling 'plugin' method of x.js
        carousel.plugin( pluginNS, function( options, api ) {

            new Pluginname( options, api );